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Posts posted by CocoaGalaxy

  1. Hai everyone.

    So basically I was going to replay Radiant Dawn (again) and it just occurred to me, so I thought I might as well ask you guys.

    As you guys know you "have" to split the "party" up in Part 4, so how do you folks normally split up the units?

    For me, for most of my runs it would be something like this


    Silver Army: Fliers (Tanith, Marcia, Haar, Jill, maybe Janaff and Ulki depending on my mood. Out of these, usually only Haar and the hawks would be trained, although recently I have been putting effort into training Jill as well. Silver Army maps basically turn into Sanaki/Naesala/Skrimir/Haar stomping over the maps)

    Greil Army: Pretty much the main army goes here, though a bit overkill (Edward, Mia, Nephenee, Shinon I think. I also use Mist and I think Soren sometimes. Might try using the Paladins but it really depends.)

    Hawk Army: "The leftovers" so to speak, not that there's much to say. (Nolan, plus Boyd and/or Aran if I'm using them, really just for the crossbows really. Most of the work gets done by Tibarn because I'm too lazy to play properly so to speak)

    Bolded units are brought to endgame usually.

    That being said my memory isn't too clear, I could have sworn I used Gatrie once but I forgot what happened.

    So I would be interested to see how you guys divide your units (also which ones that you do actually bring to endgame after that as well, but who knows)

  2. Balancing the tome powers itself is a thing, but IMO that's the easy part.

    The more "difficult" option is the class accessibility to the tomes.

    That aside, my own opinion is "Tellius" (Light, Wind/Fire/Thunder, Dark)

    Splitting the sages into their own (Wind/Fire/Thunder) classes is arguably a bad idea, so they can just remain as "Sage".

    Dark can be it's own, though using FE11-FE14 style Tome(Anima) + Dark is okay, since you can just balance it off by normal Sages having Staves, and Dark "Sages" having Dark. Alternatively, just give them Dark + Staff, which would make them more unique ala Druids from the GBA series.

    The reason why I want to have Light Magic (aside from the fact that I did like it) is so that we can actually differentiate between "Sage" and "Bishop"

    Though the issue might be that since Sages get access to all three of the anima triangle, Bishops would need some sort of "incentive" since Sages can use Staves too.
    The other way around, giving Bishops Anima, would kind of render Sages pointless, so it might be a little difficult to balance Sages and Bishops. Maybe by limiting Sages Staff Rank (e.g. Lower cap, can't use higher rank staves), but that would depend on staff availability and balance then.

  3. My opinion

    TL;DR if it's done well, it's fine. The trouble is that not everyone has the same opinion of well.

    First factor is the "freedom" and/or option of choice, more so transparency. FE6 Chapter 10/11 is entirely determined by the village you do/don't visit, and it's not telegraphed. FE6 Ilia/Sacae, FE7 Four Fanged Offense, Pale Flower of Darkness afaik don't tell the player anything at all, so the option of choice is entirely up to reading a guide and playstyle.

    Second factor is the exact nature of the split. FE6 Chap 10/11 is just two maps, but the drastic difference between the maps is quite large. Additionally the recruitable characters change as well. FE6 Ilia/Sacae split is even more drastic and longer too. FE7 on the other hand, is just one map each time, which I personally felt more okay with.

    SOV also had one choice between Deen/Sonya, which I guess is less drastic.

    FE7 Eliwood vs Hector, the maps are mostly the same, but hector gets some changes, so it feels just like they are reusing content while inserting a few changes. Besides it's a totally different "story" and "choice", which is quite different.

    FE8 Eirika/Ephraim is quite drastic, to the point the game kind of diverges. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but at the same time since they join back my own opinion is kind of mixed. The split itself is good, but because they join back together, the lategame chapters are basically the same on both routes, but the story is slightly changed.

    My overall opinion is that it's probably easier if the splits were one chapter, not huge swathes. Additionally actually having player choice would have been nice, rather than being hidden behind conditions. The longer the split, the more resources required and the more "content" there is, so it becomes more difficult to "balance".

    There has been a little tradition of locking characters behind the splits, but my own opinion is mixed. FE7 Pale Flower of Darkness has a map split, but you *can* still *choose* to recruit Karel or Harken, which I feel is done better. Whereas FE6 and FE7 Four Fanged Offense had fixed characters depending on the map(s) taken.

  4. My own two cents (I don't know their application in FE4/FE5 so this is all regarding FE10), is that, it's similar to biorhythm (though it's "less/no" rng I guess), in that it's an "interesting idea" in theory, but the implementation is kind of flawed.

    For my part, at least my experience in FE10, authority stars is unavoidable for starters. While I'm not sure, I think if you completely removed all authority stars from the game, most of the game would be the same (Micaiah's army would probably do a bit better in certain chapters, Ike and the rest a bit less, but I don't think it would be all that earth shattering)

    It kind of falls into the same/similar issue, if it's too strong, it's game balance breaking, if it's too weak, it doesn't really matter.

    From extrapolation, if they had a short range authority bonus it would kind of just be like a skill that buffs nearby allies anyway, and we kind of already have those.


  5. On 3/29/2018 at 4:42 AM, Jotari said:

    I don't see why anybody would bring a heron aside from Reyson unless it's based on character bias. He's just objectively the best. Of the three, he's the best at taking hits (he'll still go down easily if your stupid, but unlike the other two he can conceivably tank a hit). Unlike Reyson, he can fly, and unlike Leanne, he can refresh four units. One might think Reyson has an edge as he can refresh four units at once without transforming, but that's a non issue thanks to the Laguz Gems which transfrom them for the entire map. Unless you have some seriously well prepared turn 1 shenanigans, then it doesn't matter. He even has more move than the other two with a full 8 when transformed. There's seriously no category that's important in which he doesn't outshine the other two in end game.

    You should bring an archer. Double Bow is fun to use, it's the best weapon in the game.

    I do bring Shinon for Double Bow. I did wrap up my recent run not too long ago, and right now I'm trying to think of who to bring for my next run since I have a free slot.

    I'm already bringing three laguz royals (Giffca counts, even though he doesn't have formshift). I'm not too hot about bringing Nailah nor Naesala because I really don't need more, but I have my own issues with other units (plus all the SS rank weapons are already taken. I could bring Elincia but I'm not really that hot about bringing Fliers and 2 staff users is plenty)

    For Heron wise, I do like Reyson the most, though IMO I value canto massively over Rafiel (giving him the boots and Celerity helps too, but that's possible bias, but really, canto is so good I'd daresay it's broken in POR/RD)

    The main issue with bringing Reyson is only evident in speedruns (which all use Rafiel), since you spend the first turn using the Laguz Gem/Stone to shift, and the Endgame goes by so quickly it's rather noticeable when you lose one turn of chanting, even for the less speedy runs. I'm not sure how fast you can clear or easily clear 4E1, but 4E2-4E5 can easily be beaten in a small handful of turns without too much issue I think. Like I myself find it hard to drag my feet even if I wanted to, 4E4, I think usually by turn 3 I've slaughtered all the spirits and only Sephiran is left, same for the auras in 4E5

    (I'm not even a speedrunner, like, I just spent 30 turns on 1-2 because I took my goddamn sweet time to walk across the map)


  6. So after quite some time I've finally reached the endgame again. I've actually had a slot left over (it's 10 plus reyson), and I'm not actually sure who I want to bring.

    My vote would probably go for like Boyd or so, but honestly I dunno. Currently I'm bringing Nailah, but in my next playthrough I'm actually thinking of trying to use Fiona. (It's not impossible at least.....just really difficult apparently)

    I'm not really interested in Jill/Seraph Knights (incl Elincia), Leonardo/Rolf/Astrid are kind of hard to justify, and I already have two Trueblades. The rest of the characters don't hit the 34 speed requirement or are laguz, which are kind of a drag.

  7. From my own experience, while it's an interesting idea in theory i guess, in practice. In POR, I never really felt Biorhythm was a thing.

    In RD? Holy crap. If I have my math right, biorhythm is the difference between you having 90 hit rate to enemy 50 hit rate, and the reverse.

    Which is just ridiculous. Either the fluctations have to be decreased, or just removed entirely.

    Bliss in RD is generally a waste of time since Herons have better things to do (usually Vigor).

    The other issue is that the game, while it shows you the waveform, it doesn't exactly tell you what the next step is, and so it fluctuates wildly.

    I think it's mainly only an issue when your units have trouble hitting/dodging in the first place, but in this case it's just exacerbating the inconsistency of the DB units and a few others.

  8. Hmm, I'm a little confused about the actual implementation of this, since availability is a thing (and well, forced units and actually completing the game), as in, are you still going to be using the other characters? To be honest Endgame isn't(?) that bad possibly, but I was thinking about the impact on certain chapters, mostly Part 2 and the DB chapters in Part 3 or so.

    While it's only slightly related, another might be how you split up the characters in Part 4.


  9. I happen to be replaying the game again right now, but this is from memory from my previous runs I think, 10 slots if I recall correctly.


    Edward + Mia (Vague Katti + Alondite) [High availability, high speed and my bias for swordmasters. My Edward tends to be better than Zihark usually and I lowman this game so hard it's not even funny. Mia struggles with her low base strength, but transfer bonuses help)

    Nephenee (Wishblade) (I tend to feed her a lot of exp in part 2, so she spends most of part 3 as the strongest character ish. Turns into a god with transfer bonuses)

    Shinon (Double Bow) [Self explanatory, though until he gets the Silencer he's pretty over-reliant on the killer bow and crits to 1RKO, but he's so ludicrously good, and that's before the Double Bow.]

    Nolan (Urvan) [To be honest, the Urvan is a little underwhelming since it lacks 1-2 range. Innate Nihil and Tarvos helps. To be quite honest, I'm training Boyd in my current playthrough, and Boyd's not bad himself. Still, I prefer low manning and Boyd's bases are a little underwhelming, even with transfer bonuses)

    Mist (Staffbot 2) [Bias intensifies. Self explanatory. At least she has good availability? Canto helps, but she only gets that when she promotes though.]

    Caineghis + Giffca + Tibarn [The result of low manning is that you end up with a few open slots. I like the royals anyway, totally not biased at all.]

    Reyson [High move + Canto. Usually I just spend the first turn on a Laguz Gem and then roll the entire chapter, although I have noticed I don't need a Laguz Gem sometimes because I wrap up the chapter so fast. I also give him the boots and celerity to boot]

    I think I might be missing a character or two but uh....yeah, I'll have to see again when I get to endgame again. Right now I'm on 4-2 so maybe I'll hit Endgame tomorrow.

  10. Depending on what actually happens by "Lunatic+".

    Birthright and Revelations L+ (not necessarily a walk in the park, but still doable, similar to FE13 L) seem to be ok, but it'd be fairly easy to make unwinnable situations I'd think, so they would need more specialized changes rather than blanket changes. The stat line should probably be the same, but even weapon changes (unlikely perhaps? Forged weapons are debatable) could prove to be too unstable. If they were to simply slap Vantage+/Luna+/Hawkeye, it'd start to get ridiculous quite quickly, moreso with Counter and the changes to ranged weapons, even without counterbombs. A more varied approach would be better I'd think...though it might not really fit the definition of "Lunatic+"

    For Conquest, the main thing I find is that making it even more difficult on top of the existing difficulty would be rather crazy.

    By themselves, Vantage+/Luna+/Hawkeye seem ok, but when you add it to the already existing skillset/enemy positioning/weapons, it's very easy to create huge difficulty and what not.

    It's not impossible, but even with the changes, it feels like it'd be quite difficult. On the other hand, if the changes are too minimal (simply slapping Vantage+ plus Hawkeye, etc,) then it'd be quite boring, even if it's challenging...though it's hard to tell right now.

    The thing is, recklessly handing out staves, the new enemy only skills, etc, would probably make the early and even lategame too difficult.

  11. Generic version of mine. The trigger condition might be a bit tough though.

    Lightning Assault

    If User's Attack Speed is greater than enemy's Attack Speed by 10 Speed or more, all attacks are delivered consecutively.


    The other ones, eh....


    Halves damage inflicted and taken.

    Light of Denial

    Avoid +50, Critical + 50%, Damage dealt +10, Damage taken +40

    Victory Impulse

    Hit + 100, Avoid + 100, Damage +10, Critical +50% when attacking, but when attacked, Damage taken +20

    Verity Sphere

    Physical Damage taken is doubled, but any magic damage taken is reflected (completely useless in this mostly physical game anyway)

    Lightning Vantage

    User always strikes first. Damage taken +5

    Harmony Sphere

    Healing staves have infinite use and infinite range. Healing Potency is tripled, Damage Dealt -100, Damage taken +100

  12. What is the formula for gaining EXP when using Azura's dance, and how is the best way to grind it?

    Also, is soft resetting a skirmish map the best way to get "extra" weapons? What would be the best "extra" weapon for early game Revelations Lunatic?

    AFAIK the exp gain basically says

    1: Sing to a higher leveled unit

    2: Don't sing to a healer/associated classes (because they give less exp)

  13. Lots of the tracks are good.

    For End of All (I don't particularly remember the english names, just shows how much I really paid attention to), I find it better than (Insert FE13 Endgame track), because, while it might not be as "epic", for one, it has clear lyrics ("almost" perfectly clear anyway), and I also find it to be more, delicate, so to speak.

    One other factor I find is that, being "epic" can be a negative trait sometimes as it means it's unsuitable for other occasions, so to speak. (It's subjective though)

    A matter of versatility, kind of...kind of. But you never know.

    Comparatively speaking, I think

    Awakening Map Theme < Awakening Map Theme Ablaze, but

    Fates Map Theme > Fates Map Theme Ablaze.

    The boss battles themes are quite good, specific mention to [Hoshidan Siblings theme], Though it's debatable....

    The map preparations music, it's kind of better I guess?

  14. Can Permanent stat-boosters (seraphs robe) etc, be farmed?

    If so, Is there a max limit on how many I can give to a single unit?

    Afaik, they can, but only on birthright and revelations. Skirmishes sometimes have them, I believe it's tied to the boss.

    Except the boots.

    The boots also has a limit of 2 per character.

    IIRC you can sort of farm stat boosters in Battle Royal or what the DLC is called and each royal gives a certain stat booster.

    The stat boosters are only given on the first clear if I remember correctly, the class change items are infinite

  15. Level 2 Dusk Armoury (Beat Chapter 13) (Tome) (1 at Level 2, 1 more at Level 3)

    Level 3 Dusk Armoury (Beat Chapter 20) (Sword/Lance/Axe/Bow/Dagger) (1 Only)

    Level 3 Dawn Armoury (Beat Chapter 20) (Scroll) (1 Only)

    As mentioned, Museum Melee

    In Revelations, there is 1 Sword/Lance/Axe/Bow in the chests in Chap 26

  16. What skill do you think is better? Can you list me the pros and cons of each one please?? Specifically, i want to know your opinions on Rend Heaven, Dragon Fang, and Ignis. Thanks in advance!

    These are just my rough opinions

    Rend Heaven

    Pros: Higher activation rate

    Cons: Damage boost is lower, so sometimes it won't matter. Is largely useless on magic units since not many enemies have magic to begin with. Physical units also don't get a boost against pure magic units, for that. It also doesn't help much against Dragonskin enemies

    Dragon Fang

    Pros: High damage added. It depends on the units themselves but it's capable of turning a 2hko into a 1hko. You get it at Level 10/0

    Con: Lower proc rate. Low availability.


    Pros: Adds more damage than Luna/Rend Heaven if you have better stats. (Which is to say, not really that much)

    Cons: DLC skill, so it cannot be bought or inherited. Most characters do not have any magic stat, and the magic users don't have "a lot" of strength either, so the pro is unlikely to happen. Also has the same con of not being very useful against Dragonskin enemies.

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