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Everything posted by Daypigeon

  1. actually, if it's ok to bug you again - do you have to win? and are you using an older 3ds or the new xl?
  2. maybe it's just that calling cards can only be picked up from the castle owner when visiting someone, and don't get actually left by visitors? like it's possible i'm just totally misunderstanding how that works. It's really irritating that they didn't fix this for the western release, though.
  3. This mostly seems to work! I'm still not seeing any new Calling Cards or changes to the bulletin board (times met seems to be universally stuck at zero, and there are no visitor records there), though, which I suppose probably means Bond Units aren't possible? You said you'd had to do this even in the Japanese game - does that mean you've had the same problem with both types of the cart and both 3dses? Because if so that kind of sounds like it might be an internet issue instead of something with the game or hardware like nocturnal was thinking.
  4. yeah, I've tried updating a few times, no luck and these are people who I know have updated at least a few times, too. I don't really know what to do at this point!
  5. So, I've been having some weird issues with the castle mode. I can visit other peoples' castles, and they can visit mine, but nothing is logged or recorded except for the number of battles and visits. This means no calling cards can be left (I can grab them when I visit someone else), no feedback, gifts, visitor records, and presumably bond units or whatever - but I can get Battle and Visit Bonuses, for some stupid reason. I don't really "see" visitors to my (my) castle, and if I visit someone else I don't show up there, though I can get items from them. It might also be worth noting that when I do register someone's card, they show up universally as 0 battles, 0 visits. I've tried both wiping just the Extra Data and wiping everything, neither helped. Any thoughts on what might cause this? Or have any of you had similar issues? Any help would be really appreciated.
  6. If you build a character statue in My Castle, what does it look like from the ground-level view? I realized I haven't seen any pictures from the not birds'-eye view, and I'd really like to.
  7. that's the actual name of a weapon! I was thinking about naming it (and some of the similar ones) something different if I wasn't using the character, honestly. Thanks again!
  8. oh yeah, I've got another one are the (non-legendary, since I assume they're locked) weapons still renamable? Like, could I rename "Arthur's Manly-Axe" or whatever?
  9. I remember early on people were speculating the character at the bottom of the support list was probably Anna - I know we don't have any idea how to unlock her, but I was wondering if that silhouette turned out to actually be a different character, or if that is still presumably her?
  10. what's actually on the cart outside of ballastician/witch? i'm assuming that lodestar/great lord had to be on the cart because amiibos can't hold much
  11. This is really cool of you! I'd like to throw my metaphorical hat in the ring, definitely.
  12. there's apparently no castle or paralogue recruitment dialogue for her, so spotpass or dlc is the likely option iirc her voice actress is hosting the anniversary concert, so I'd guess it drops around then?
  13. well, Lucina doesn't get the veteran pegasus knight killed through time-travel bullshit this time (I assume), so is there a triangle attack in this one?
  14. I don't think it's even actually marriage there, but a legal equivalent The Japanese constitution defined marriage waaaaay back in the day and they haven't amended it much. Kind of an uphill battle, unfortunately
  15. whether or not the statistics match real life doesn't really matter, these games focus on a (relatively) small group of people and take place in a pretty fantastical setting. More same-sex romances would be a good thing, and they'd hardly destroy the credibility of the setting where you are, y'know, also a dragon I'd support any kind of letter or petition for that. I also agree with the op, I think those skinship lines are...probably going to be removed without us doing anything, if not more of that feature. They were pretty cagey about showing the treehouse on, uh, the treehouse stream.
  16. Draj looks pretty great We don't know much about her but that character design is pretty endearing imo
  17. That makes a lot of sense! I'm also expecting some of these unknown characters to be like the spotpass characters from last game, or potentially involved in the third route dlc, personally.
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