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Status Updates posted by Rhythm

  1. Haha, thanks Proto~

    I'm sure I'll be able to kick all their asses in a few months time when I get more practice in.

  2. So I went to a Brawl tourney yesterday. Failed so bad.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Iced


      Speaking of that, we still need to have a match RhyRhy

    3. Rhythm


      Damn straight Iced.

    4. Jaybee


      You can play against me and feel much better =D

  3. Pretty good. :3 Do you read Deltora Quest?

  4. Sure, of course I'll share Lief! 8D

  5. Yeah, it's pretty cool. I didn't find that on my own though, one of my friends linked me. Thought you'd appreciate the Manectric. :3

  6. Yes, we can share Waka. 8D

  7. Is loving Boot Camp

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Fayt Zelpher

      Fayt Zelpher

      How long do you think that will take?

      Oh, and I have a new picture up as well.

    3. Rhythm


      I have no idea. I've asked when they think we'll get our shirts...

    4. Fayt Zelpher

      Fayt Zelpher

      Oh, okay, Well, hope to see you soon. Literally, this time.

  8. Rhythm

    Welcome to the forest!

  9. Officially finished it. The credits are rolling as I type this.

  10. Welcome to the Forest! :D

  11. You really should. Start with Sacred Stones. That's the easiest.

  12. Hey, it's you. Take a look around man, I think you'll like it here. 8D

  13. Excellent. Let me know when you finish it. xD

  14. ... Fuck yeah.

  15. Excellent. Then we can discuss it. :D We should make a Spectrobes thread to drum up interest

    He's gone? Dammit. :(

  16. Which one? :P Origins is mad. Have you got it yet!? I saw 2 copies of it at JB Hi-Fi this morning and thought of you. xD

  17. You were right. Skillet are epic. I only have 3 of their songs atm (Monster, Hero & Comatose) but I plan to get more when I have time.


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Rhythm


      School starts again Monday week. That's the... 11th? Give or take a day, whichever is the Monday.

    3. Fayt Zelpher

      Fayt Zelpher

      That's the 12th. Of course, that'll be the 11th where I live. :(

      When do you get out again?

    4. Rhythm


      Uhh... around 10 weeks after that, give or take. I haven't checked.


    And my friends are calling ME old.

  20. Thanks for the birthday wishes guys! 8D

  21. Happy birthday! Ours is on the same day. :3

  22. ... You're amazing and a blessing.

  23. Two months!? How is that not ages?

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