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Status Updates posted by Rhythm

  1. I got it. It's wonderful. It must've taken you ages.


    This is why I love you. I've saved it. :D

  2. Counting my chickens before they hatch, apparently. My bad. I have 2; Bio tomorrow and Philosophy Monday. ^^;

  3. One more exam!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Rhythm


      They all went well. Philosophy and Bio were the best. 8D

      We have our mid-year break in a fortnight.

    3. Junkhead


      I got banned. 8[

    4. Rhythm


      Dude. Seriously. I shit myself when I saw that. >.>



  5. has 4 more exams

  6. xD

    I can't believe what they did! How can that thing replace Ammy!? :sob:

  7. And it's the best thing that happened to me too! :3 You guys are all so awesome. Especially you.

  8. Haha, thanks. I love everyone at Oujay's! 8D

  9. Haha, thanks Amelia!

  10. 'K. Let me know how you did!

  11. Sweet! How well did you do?

  12. Good luck on your speech~

  13. Wow, I only have 5 total... For all my subjects except Maths.

  14. How many exams have you got left?

  15. Haha, thanks. They start next week though. When do yours start?

  16. Only stating the truth. :)

  17. Happy Birthday!

    I like Ike too.

  18. Cheers, one of my friends found it. The last one is the best.

  19. Did you steal it from a Hammer Bro? :D

  20. So good for killing time too...

  21. Yeah, and it's more portable. Plus I can take it to school and play it on the bus.

    Lol, sounds about right.

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