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Status Updates posted by Rhythm

  1. Which was your favorite boss? I think mine is Orochi. I just love that you had to get a dragon drunk.

    I didn't even know there WAS an Asian dude checking out my Youtube! :P

  2. The greatest game ever created, in my opinion. And I hope not either. :/

  3. I dunno, I hope it's as epic as the original. If that's possible.

  4. Yeah, I know. Anyone playing Nintendogs would probably get frustrated with the game anyway. xD So, bit of a fail.

    Alright, awesome! :D

  5. Yeah, they should've kept Ammy. I that someone said that they made the new character cute to appeal to Nintendog fans, and I fear that it's true.

    My best friend brought it back from Japan. 8D

    Oh, and when I finish typing up the sayings, do you want me to e-mail it to your yahoo account?

  6. Ditto. I don't think something that cute would be good for a main character in the sequel to Okami. x.x

    You're just an all-round nice person. And you like Raikou. I have a Raikou plush in my room.

  7. Yeah, I finally got 'round to doing it. Have you seen the the little puppy thing they're using for the main character in Okamiden? It's too Nintendog-like for me.

    And thanks. :) You know that you're awesome too, right? I just wanted to be sure we had established the fact.

  8. Awesome win. :D

  9. I know I will. :D

  10. Lol.

    Yeah ... not looking forward to it.

    Jeez BK, god-moding much? o.o

  11. He means that there was just a whole bunch of comments from me on his profile in a row, like a wall. :D

  12. Dude, she is. She's nuts. xD

    Yeah, I have 3 tests next week to study for. Joyful.

  13. They're all so awesome! xD I got that from one of my friends, I think half of my book is filled with stuff from her.

    After my schoolwork. @_@

  14. I'm changing the one in my sig every few days. :)

    I plan to play them in chronological order, which means I'm starting with Zero Mission for GBA!

  15. Nope! And I'm changing it again ~

    Cheers. Metroid is awesome

  16. You've only seen the first 10.

    I've beaten FE8-11, and I'm working on 7. Although, I wanna beat as many Metroid games as I can before Other M comes out.

  17. Haha. xD Wait until you see the lot of them. Some of them are pretty random.

    Hey, how many FE games have you played?

  18. Yeah, except my Philosophy teacher. She banned it from class 'cause it distracts everybody.

    If the people here weren't awesome, I wouldn't be here.

  19. My Chem teacher was reading it today, he thought it was hilarious.

    I shouldn't be here now, but I can't resist. Everyone is just so awesome.

  20. Man, I love it here. xD

    I just throw in anything I like. :D

    Yeah, it sucks when people leave. :/

  21. I was actually thinking that as I wrote it.

    And now I have 903.

    I've seen Hatari a couple of times. Not often though.

  22. What can I say? I hate losing.

    Sharing those sayings is nothing. I like making people laugh. :)

    Wow, the people here know how to make me feel great! Who's the other person, if you don't mind me asking?

  23. Why? What've I done?

    I'm gonna be sending it to all my school friends, I'll just add you to the list.

  24. Yes, many times. :) I'm typing them all up at school, I could e-mail you a copy when I'm done if you like.

  25. Random places. I have a book full of them, I've been collecting for almost a year now. I'm famous for it at school. There's 902 sayings and stuff in there at the moment. :D

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