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Status Updates posted by Rhythm

  1. How awesome Australia is. :D

  2. Darn good question. :D

  3. Hey, I love it here. :D

    Why not? I'm here

  4. As far as I'm aware, it's fairly safe as long as you don't pick fights or wander the streets at night. But you can't get guaranteed safety anywhere ...


  5. Hmm, alright. I haven't seen anything myself, but yeah.

  6. Yeah, Dad let me on to check my e-mails and stuff.

    What the hell did they say? :blink:

  7. Australia.

    Slightly biased

  8. I haven't heard anything bad. And even if I had, it'd be clear that you're the exception.

  9. I've heard of it. ;P

  10. Wait, where are you from? I thought you were from Singapore?

  11. Yeah, I'm terrible at the game.

    Pretty random ... o.O

  12. Happy to, Proto.


    ^ That's what happened.

  13. Mostly RL friends, I've got some on there that I met over the net. Pretty much people who aren't randoms are the ones I accept.

  14. Happy Easter!

    I just read all the quotes on your page, I'd forgotten that Espeon suit comment. >.>

  15. Happy Easter!


    And on Youtube I can't find you because you haven't uploaded anything. Can you friend me? :D

  17. What are his levels?

    I'll download it myself, thanks for the offer though. :)

  18. It will be. I'm sure I'll beat him. :)

    I think I deleted it because I couldn't get it to work ... I can't find it on my laptop.

  19. Isn't Steel neutral on Ground?

    I just checked it out. I dunno, it might be the emu I downloaded that's dodgy. I'll check it out properly when I finish my maths.

  20. Onix is weak against Iron Tail. x.x Rock's weak against steel.

    I found a DS emu, but I couldn't find a ROM. :(

  21. Wow. Maybe I should keep Onix/Steelix, it would be fantastic for that fight.

    Ah, damn. So you don't have HG or SS, do you?

  22. Volt Tackle? I think the only silver lining of that face is that Volt Tackle does a lot of recoil.

    There are 3, two for DS and one for Wii. :D

  23. Oh, I always find a way. Even if it just means getting lucky.

    It means "let's go all out", or something to that effect. It's a line from Spectrobes: Origins.

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