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Everything posted by Rhythm

  1. I found one in Crystal. I was on my way to Olivine to go to Kanto when I found one in the grass. Master Ball. Yeah, it is. Apparently last year on the final day they just did one massive tournament. Heats are fights. Good point that. But it's an idea. It probably should be a 4-player thing, but one-on-one just seems so much more epic. She went back to her chair. XD
  2. My favourite Pokemon at that time was Entei. But I loved all the dogs. I've always been a fan of the lightning bolts on Raikou's side. Half-way gone, I know. :/ 3 days left. Something special is happening on Friday; no idea what. [spoiler=Brawl Organisation]- We have sign-up sheets going in the morning and during lunchtime, or maybe even the day before - Sheets get taken down to the Rotunda where they create heats. - Heat order is put up in front of the Brawl rooms; not in them. The area out front. People are assigned to one of the two rooms, with one room designated for finals - The winners of the heats can move on to the next round, then the winner of the next round moves on again, etc. - Losers can choose to either watch the finals, or go to the other room to play amongst themselves Alternatively: - Sign-ups and preparation is the same - Players battle it out in their heats, one in either room - Each room produces one/two winners, and depending on the number of winners, the final is either a one-on-one Brawl or a regular 4-player one Yes, hence the "XD"
  3. YES! Thank you. :) I love them. It wasn't the overall tournament; it was a couple of random matches. I don't know WHAT happened with the tournament. The organisers were idiots. I'm putting up a suggestion on Facebook now. Heh heh~ Pretty good, as always. I want to get feedback for my Brawl tournament idea. Yourself? There's a doggy under the table licking my foot.
  4. Yeah. I'm not a big fan of the three birds to be honest. But if was my three dogs... Oooh, he would've been dead. I could've done so much better today... :faceplam: 3rd, then 2nd, and the guys organising it sucked. Me too. Address is on my Profile. I had to go eat just after I logged on. :| Anyway, I'm caught up, so HI EVERYBODY
  5. Only. 8D I hardly ever see him. >.> And knowing him, his friends or whatever have them by now. We'll see. Most of these guys aren't fantastic, but there are a couple that'll be fun to fight. Oh, Proto~ He will. I'm gonna put it on my profile. XD This is so true. My grandparents used to make their own pasta when I was little... it always tasted WAY better than any other pasta I've ever had. Anyway, I'm off, night Oujay's!
  6. This is so true. It would be. I think my cousin might have. He's dodgy like that. It felt so great. Here's a quote from Facebook: IKE FOR THE WIN! I was the first person to use Ike, and when I picked him everyone started up a "WE LIKE IKE" chant. They were fun. Everyone was so awesome and friendly. I have it already. That's fine, you have a life. I would've gone too. I was going to leave half an hour ago, I'm glad I decided to stick around a little. WIN Nope, it's the godmoding this time. :/ How was the lunch? :D
  7. This is the only playlog to really capture my attention. Chapter 3 is the best so far.
  8. Actually, I don't participate because of all the god-moding. Lol, I just remembered, they were playing "Hawks" on the big screen today. I swear, if I got a dollar every time someone said "Do a barrel roll!"
  9. Can we share Australia? Also, Vivian, Koops, Ms. Mowz and the Shadow Queen from Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door.
  10. Pretty good. Beat up some people in Brawl today. Yourself?
  11. Are you going to harm/kill him in a different way every time he shows up? Anyway, hi Crash.
  12. Iced. Coffee. Rocks. Awesome.
  13. Hey Amelia! Heya Fur! What's up guys? Red hair, blue eyes, maybe around 168 cm and a bottle of beer in one hand
  14. He advertises ShamWOWs. A ShamWOW is like a towel but way more awesome. You can find the ad on Youtube. I assume Just keep archers and wind mages away from him. Yes... My 3 birds have gone missing though. No idea where they are. But I showed off the rest of them today, it was great. OH MY GOD I only fought two matches but I won them both. It was fantastic; there was a good number of people and the atmosphere was great! No-one was taking themselves too seriously and everyone had fun. In my first match, people were going "Who's Ike? He's really good." XD And when I went up for my second match, as I picked up the controller someone went "Oh shit, not you!!" Felt awesome. The real tournament starts tomorrow. The guy running it didn't have enough time to pack up his own Wii and bring it over, so we were playing on a Wii that had nothing unlocked. Which didn't matter for me since you start with Ike, but other people were pissed. Tomorrow we'll have all levels and all people. So, yeah. It's gonna be good. ... Looool Thanks for the heads-up. *hugs* Anyway, hi guys!
  15. It is. Seriously. I know. Charizard, Venusaur, Blastoise, Entei, Suicune, Raikou, Zapdos, Articuno, Moltres, Groudon, Kyogre & Rayquaza. Good times. Heh, I'll keep that in mind. Thanks. I'm not either. Not a fan of CoD. Pay that! *saves* I should post that on the picture thread Okay, now I'm REALLY off to sleep. See you guys tomorrow!
  16. Not a problem. *thumbs-up* Psh. Oh my gosh, There is, but not with Laguz Royalty. I have... 12... level 100s... All of which I trained 5 years ago. I hope so. I have no idea what'll happen; I tend to choke when I'm surrounded by people watching me play. Not cool. I think someone said CoD... Okay. 8D Anyway, I'm tired and I need to sleep. Night Oujay's and Proto~
  17. I know it will. Heh, good luck Fayt. What? What was wrong with my idea? And my face? *shoots*
  18. One of my friends works for him. But this friend of mine has the same attitude, so I'm sure they get along. That's the way! Yes. He's the King. Which means he stays transformed indefinitely. I loved that. I think I have a level 100 Groudon, Kyogre & Rayquaza sitting in Pokemon Diamond Unless my cousin stole them [spoiler=Emerald]They were thinking that they wanted to make it ridiculously easy. Yeah, I'd be way better if I at least knew the control scheme properly. XD One of the things that makes the Brawl tomorrow so exciting. I actually KNOW what I'm doing. I dunno what the other games are though... I totally will. Both. Forward to the times specified. What was so funny about my face? And I was saying that if you DID go on a road trip, that thing would be very handy. No need for a TV! I feel like the ShamWOW guy
  19. Well. Still loving the Boot Camp. One of the guys running it is an ass hole though. He's up himself, and doesn't listen to what other say. Took me a whole weekend to do. But I enjoyed it. I'm sure you'll get it.
  20. Yeah... That's good. I'm not good at drawing, but I did do a pretty good dragon a couple of years ago.
  21. I'll be going at 10:30 my time, so just over an hour, I think Proto lost power... :/ So, apart from tired, how're you feeling?
  22. *hugs Fayt* At least you weren't too late for me! I just checked the program details for tomorrow, they're having someone in to talk about eSports!
  23. XD *hugs* "Selling" implies that $$$ is involved in the process. You can get it if you're the highest bidder. It's pink. 8D
  24. Thanks man. Afterwards, someone came up to me and told me he liked my speech on the Wii. Was wicked! I'm selling it.
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