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Everything posted by Rhythm

  1. ... Why, Iced? Why would you fight Misty BEFORE Bill?
  2. Yeah, pretty much the same. How's the Nuzlocke?
  3. No point in getting a DS now with the 3DS under development.
  4. Legend of Zelda: Toon Link, the Master Sword, Beast Ganon Also Lanky, Funky & Chunky Kong
  5. Oh, okay. Thanks. Nah, I don't think it will either. Hopefully. Yeah, it helped me. XD So did everyone in the class. *showing her step-bro the Zelda and Kid Icarus trailers*
  6. What is this FC? Heh, I wish. I gotta add an intro and all that to it. Will do it soon~ Also, anyone doing Biology should click Hopefully you'll find it as amusing as my Bio class did today.
  7. Oh, awesome ALS! It looks great so far! Proto~! I'm doing pretty well. Just doing some Maths English homework. How are you?
  8. How're you doing the body? I don't think there's be anyone in FE with his kind of suit... His hair'll be pretty cool though. 8D
  9. Win! What happened? Cheers. Sounds about right. Good luck with that. Hey guys!
  10. Not a problem~ The thing with Dew is that he's the only thief you get in FE4. Are there no chests/doors strewn around the maps like in the other games though? If not, then yeah, I'll throw him out. Bingo! Also, you get it from red/orange/yellow coloured fruits and veggies. Yes, carrots DO help with eyesight. 8D Anyway, I'm off. See you all tomorrow~
  11. I think YOU can get above 80%. You're awesome that way. Also, what do you think of this team for FE4: Lex, Sigurd, Dew, Jamka, Levin, Claude, Fin, Alec Too many, too few, need someone else... ...Yeah. What does Vitamin A do again? And where can I get it from?
  12. Will your other marks make up for it? :/
  13. It always is. :) I hope so too~
  14. Rightio then. I still think you'll do well if you study properly. Probably... for like, an hour.
  15. It's... okay. I'm sure you don't fail. You'll be fine if you study. Speaking of which, I have a Maths SAC after school on Thursday, which means I'll be on later. Oh, okay. Awesome. :D
  16. They're guys? Yes. How'd they go? What's it on? Hey Proto~! What's up? Hey JB!
  17. I beat the Prologue! Okay, I'm off. Night guys.
  18. Okay. Awesome. Is it not accurate?
  19. What about Love Growth? I think I will, just because pretty much everyone in Oujay's was apart of it. Hell yeah~ One more week of school until holidays~
  20. Alright, thanks. I'm enjoying this. GOGOGOGO Race ya Hi again Amelia!
  21. Yeah... it's pretty awkward... :)
  22. Yeah, it is! I have no idea how long it'll take, but there you go. And I've gone with FE4. :) Hee hee, thanks Proto~.
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