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Everything posted by Rhythm

  1. You stole my line. My friends and I are hanging out for a Dragon one. Or a Fighting type. My step-bro and I came up with a name and a cry for Fighting. But so far, I love Jolteon. My favourite electric-type after Raikou.
  2. I was going to ask what you thought of the day's events. Guess I don't need to. Who is that and where are they from? Okay. Yay! LISTEN TO THIS By the way, it's going on my profile. Start a conversation. Doooooo eeeeeeeet Anyway. I had my Maths SAC today, and Mum forgot she was supposed to pick me up. By the time I got home, I only had half an hour before I had to go to TKD, and I decided it wouldn't be worth it. I don't normally come on after TKD, but I wanted to come on tonight, yeah.
  3. Yeah, anyway, I'm gonna sleep and leave you with this: Night Oujay's!
  4. "As Long As You're Mine" "No Good Deed" "For Good" "Defying Gravity" ^^ All songs from Wicked: The Musical
  5. I just need to learn what happens in each phase and I'm set. Ecosystems are my speciality; I'm looking forward to this semester. I know. Don't visit the north-east village.
  6. Exams are over? School holidays started early? You figured out what Vitamin A does?
  7. That's awesome! Oh, okay. I'm pretty sure we do that next year. We're doing ecosystems at the moment. Or rather, we will be when we finish mitosis and meiosis. Chapter 7 was stupid. I finished it this morning. It took me a few tries though. And I finished chapter 8 at school. And yes, I plan on getting all the sidequests. And getting Echidna too.
  8. His hair shouldn't be that flat and neat. His facial features just don't sit right with me either. He looks like a she.
  9. I thought the clothing was the best part. It looks like the Rallen from the games. The hair and face look weird though... I've been playing the Wii version too long... Anyway, hi! And hi JB!
  10. Really? That sound like Psychology. Yeah, I don't plan to use the others either. Up to chapter 9 at the moment. I still carry them around with me, but I have Iron weapons too as a back-up. And I do end up using them.
  11. Rhythm

    Welcome to the forest!

  12. On what? Too late. I won't use him much now that I know he can't go up a class, but he's still pretty handy. What's wrong with Steel weapons?
  13. Yeah, I know. We've been there before. That's good, so you'll do well on the exam then? Chad is a pretty good thief. If he could class-up, he'd be
  14. Pizza Hut. What do you mean "cover up"? Damn, that's what I thought...
  15. Pretty good, Proto~! Just studying for my SAC. What about you? On another note, is there a way to promote thieves in FE6? I looked through all the items it's possible to get, and I couldn't see anything to do with promoting thieves...
  16. But Sigurd is already promoted. How is that fair? Commander Grant, and when you get Origins, Kamtoga. It should look better if you make his hair all messy... Yay! He looks like a chick Go ALS! :3
  17. It's not that bad. I'd feel like playing, but it's late, and besides, I lent it to a friend. Where're you stuck? Anyway, I'm gonna go to sleep. Night Oujay's.
  18. I'd believe that. Oh yeah. I rarely use TMs, so there you go. I knew it learned a fire attack! Eruption is awesome. Plus Earthquake is totally awesome. A nice variety, and they all work too. Yes, it is. I love that site. Oh, wow, 30 Mt! I can see why Sigurd is tank then. Imagine Ike in Brawl, but fast.
  19. Lol, it helps me destroy my step-bro. Unfortunately, I didn't level my Groudon enough to learn Solarbeam by the time I beat the Elite Four. Also, I like Groudon's variety; I think it can learn a fire attack as well? Without TM? CPUs are so stupid. A human player would never do that. Kinda reminds me of this though: Sigurd is better than Ike? Wow, I'll have to try him out properly! From my experience: Ike > Ephraim > Roy
  20. Groudon is awesome. It's ability + Solarbeam = win. Lol, I know. I always used Pidgey/Vulpix/Growlithe for 4th gym though. That's because Ike is just WTF with speed, strength and defence. The guy's a freak.
  21. Lol, I found R/S/E really boring, and I always had to do a lot of grinding. Didn't enjoy it much. I started with Red and was never a big fan of Oddish. I did start with Bulbasaur though, so it was okay. Yes. Besides, I like Roy.
  22. What's new with you? *starts up FE6*
  23. That's what I've always done. I completely clear every area possible before fighting the Gym Leader. It's good training. Lol, Misty fails against Grass types. He got lucky, I always had trouble finding Oddish. Also, Dugtrio = awesome. Hi Amelia!
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