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Everything posted by Rhythm

  1. Lol. Fighting a whole bunch of weak characters is just annoying. I prefer one strong one, like the Darknuts in Twilight Princess. That's an interesting concept. I've never heard of that before. Except an Exp. Share That would be pretty awesome. :D
  2. It's not too bad. Usually I just use a special and eliminate half of them, then just take out the rest. Imagine getting a million in Pokemon... my level 100 Suicune had a total of 1,750,000 or something Still a big number. Ah, yeah. In this game, if tells you you get 500, you get 500 each. Although, there are only ever two characters out, so yeah.
  3. I'm fighting 6 vs. 1 battles now. What. That would be a massive amount in this game. Considering at the moment my Spectrobes need about 7,000 EXP to level up.
  4. I found the bosses so much easier though. Probably because there weren't heaps of them swarming me from all sides. Power-levelling takes too long for me. I can't be bothered. Besides, like you said, it takes the fun out of it. Hi BK.
  5. The one in Okami was too easy. In fact, all the bosses were. I had more trouble with regular enemies than with bosses in that game. In this game you only get healing items for the main characters; there are none for the Spectrobes. To heal them, you have to collect blue orbs that enemies drop, or go to a save point. So there's no healing of Spectrobes mid-battle.
  6. Okay, thanks Fayt! Which means the final boss will be a challenge.
  7. Yup~ I couldn't do it. I jump around too much. :P Good Proto~. I hate staying up late... :/ Great to hear! No thanks, I just had some cereal and milk. I'm good for now. *eats cookie* They're not in this one. :/
  8. *takes chocolate one* I lost one of my Spectrobes against a regular enemy. That tells me I need to do some grinding at least. It is. Hi Proto~! When you get it, let us know. Eh, late then. Very late. Pretty good, just on my Wii at the moment. How're you?
  9. Yay! *offers cookies* I should beat Spectrobes today! I need to do some more grinding, but the enemies here are so strong it's going along really really fast.
  10. I'm right-handed so I'm grateful for the shift. I'm pretty sure they'd give the option for the player to pick their left or right hand though, when you start the game. It could also make for an interesting playthrough after you beat it; beating the whole game again on the hand you're not comfortable with, for a challenge.
  11. Love you too Proto~ That game is Damn you were on early. Almost 1:30 your time. Thread is dead.
  12. OMG YES Mine haven't so far. ;) Doesn't happen often, thankfully. Anyway. It is now officially Sunday morning, so I'm going to sleep. Talk to you guys tomorrow later today.
  13. Welcome to the Forest! :D

  14. All you can do really. Yowch. Yeah. I'll beat it tomorrow. Lol, I can imagine the teachers just skimming through the paragraph looking for the relevant info. Yeah, especially for TKD.
  15. You really should. Start with Sacred Stones. That's the easiest.

  16. Yes. I didn't expect another dungeon. Ah well. Sure is! Lol, I do the same thing! It's annoying when the question isn't clear. I hate when it's the back or neck. Hands and feet I can deal with.
  17. I hate that 'cause there's not much you can do about it. @_@ That's good at least. :D
  18. Addicted to Spectrobes. I was hoping to finish it tonight, but I won't. I've switched it off; I've head enough for the day. Anyway, how are ya Fayt? Nope, still here~ Tee hee~ *hug* I have no idea. o.O Lol, I put too much detail in pretty much any question. Hmmm...
  19. I prefer Pit. He's actually on the frontline doing something. Ick. :/ I know. I thought I'd lose marks because I kept thinking I hadn't written enough, even though I'd written more than the room supplied for the question. That's if we do it. Yeah... Hey Fayt. I was about to go to sleep, but I think I'll put if off for a little longer...
  20. Hee hee~ We'll see. I'll probably start it tomorrow. The maps are so big... Lol, I caught myself doing that and had to cut down some of my responses. Tan is okay, but not as fun as sin and cos. ... That doesn't sound fun. Hopefully those two combined is something we DON'T do in Methods, only in Specialist. *is doing Methods* Nah, it'd still work, but it'd get frustrating.
  21. Spectrobes & Spectrobes: Beyond the Portals for DS, Spectrobes: Origins for Wii. And that's their chronological order too.
  22. Yeah. Almost clocked it too. @_@ A good one Action, RPG, Adventure... Like a Pokemon genre
  23. I'll play FE4 first. And I TOTALLY understood what all that meant.
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