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Everything posted by Rhythm

  1. Oh yeah, looking forward to some Brawls tomorrow~ I met some totally awesome guys and we were talking for half an hour before I left today. One of them in particular I'm looking forward to beating up fighting in Brawl tomorrow. Awww, see ya Soluna! On another note, in this video I win an iPod Nano. I actually receive it 7 minutes in. Somewhere in this one I give a short spiel about the Wii. 24 minutes in, I FOUND ME ICED.
  2. I know. :/ *hugs Soluna anyway* What's up? Hey Iced!
  3. He's an absolute tank. One of my favourites. Yeah, it's not all "we want every Pokemon in the world so we can conquer it and be bad-ass". I really liked the two-team thing. They should bring it back. GALAXY VS. ROCKET GOGOGOGO [spoiler=Emerald]One of my favourite things about it. Plus a level 70 BEFORE the Elite Four, wtf I lol'd. XD Oh, okay, thanks. Yeah, and it was fun! Would've been better, if I'd more time to get used to the controls, but it'll be there all week, so... XD Yes, there was. They started a Halo tournament today; they said today that there'll be 7 tournaments for 7 different games up and running tomorrow including Brawl. There's a guy I was chatting to today that I really wanna fight. It'll be good. By the way, I went to eat. :P
  4. Hey JB! What's up? I spy a Crash. :)
  5. Tibarn looks like a pirate and he has a great character. So up-front and honest. Yeah, the plot was enjoyable. One of the things I really liked was how, depending on the version, you fought either Team Aqua or Magma. [spoiler=Emerald]Emerald was even better 'cause you take out both of them. This is true. I do say so. :D Phew! Good to hear. *gives milk* I hope so too. These are amazing! What do they mean? I played Soulcaliber 1 on a Dreamcast today!
  6. Why not? Hell yes I know, it drove me insane. There weren't enough trainers either. Or they were too weak. <_< Gen 3 was not that good. I didn't even think of that! ... Nah. You gave me a heart attack! Silly kitty I'm tired. I'll be on again tomorrow after Boot Camp, night Oujay's.
  7. Damn. Cameras tend to do that to artwork. :/ Fair enough. If they make a hawk and it looks epic, I'm calling it Tibarn. It just got too boring. Plus all the surfing gave me the shits. If you couldn't afford repels... :/ I know. XD Of course you do!
  8. So do I usually, but I don't mind this one. :D I know. Erg. :/ That would be so cool! Maybe a revisit to Hoenn? That game was done pretty badly. Of course not. I was just kidding. You should be over nine thou- *shot* You deserve to be as high as you are. Yes, I remember. Speaking of which... HI AMELIA I'm keeping that quote.
  9. It was... interesting. All the female characters have really big breasts <_< Tee hee~ Yeah. It's this that makes me look forward to Black & White. And hope that the Pokemon they come out with next look better Yeah, good point that. :/ Will have to be careful. 75/80, I think. I love when he says that.
  10. Hey Crash! What's up? Haven't heard from you in ages!
  11. Yeah, that's what they did today. I might have another crack at Dead Or Alive 4; it was my first shot at a DOA game today and I owned. Well, yeah, a bit. Like, the Team Rocket stuff in HG/SS? Also, I already know the layout of the land and stuff. Of course. *evil grin* Yeah, I know, he said a while back that was the reason Iced got a 0. That's what I was thinking. :)
  12. I'll camp dammit. Anyway, I think they're going to have a rotation thing tomorrow since we'll actually be competing in teams and it contributes to scores. <3 my Proto~ Also homework. And since I already know the storyline, it's not as exciting for me as the other games I'm in the middle of. B) Wasn't is at 0 already? Sounds about right. :D I aim to please.
  13. That's exactly what I was going to say.
  14. This is what Grammarnazis are for
  15. I'm good like that. But but but... I don't want to hate people. :/
  16. Is loving Boot Camp

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Fayt Zelpher

      Fayt Zelpher

      How long do you think that will take?

      Oh, and I have a new picture up as well.

    3. Rhythm


      I have no idea. I've asked when they think we'll get our shirts...

    4. Fayt Zelpher

      Fayt Zelpher

      Oh, okay, Well, hope to see you soon. Literally, this time.

  17. I shall get higher. ... That was so random I pissed myself laughing. Yes.
  18. Well, that's too bad. I like you.
  19. Fixed. I believe this constitutes "exciting". I'll get back to it when I beat Kanto. But I'll have to beat Johto first Tae-kwon-kick their asses out of the way 8D Bye Soluna!
  20. I'm glad to see you too~ I can't wait to start Brawling people tomorrow! Good Proto.
  21. I haven't checked that out properly yet. I tried it a little and failed miserably! I love it. It's a great multiplayer game. It got me into FE, and by extension, here. They should. Meanies. Pretty good. Shoulder's a little sore and I'm tired, but other than that, fine. 8D Yourself?
  22. PROTO~! He got it a while ago. They get stuff donated. Apparently last year they went through 17 Ataris.
  23. What Pokemon stuff? Heh, yeah, they're bringing in Brawl tomorrow. I didn't get to play it today, there were always people on it. Hey Fur!
  24. Heck yeah. They have people from the industry come in and talk, we can ask them questions and stuff... This is gonna be a great week. There are competitions where we can win games, consoles and other stuff. One of the speakers today was from Singapore and when they said that it made me think of you. XD
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