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Everything posted by Rhythm

  1. Claiming Roxy, Artu and all 4 of the Wizards of the Black Circle from Winx Club. From Zoids, I'm claiming ALL members of the Blitz team including Leon and Steve (Doc). Naomi Flugel, Jack Cisco, Chris Tasker, Kelly Tasker. And the Blitz Team's hover cargo. Vega Obscura, Pierce, Major Polta, Stigma Stoller, Sanders, Altile and Sarah from the backdraft group. Oh, and all regular and dark judges. In terms of the Zoids themselves, I claim the Beserk Fury, Elephander, Raynos, Shadow Fox, Warshark, Sabre Tiger, Shield Liger, Blade Tiger, Lightning Saix, and the three alternate forms of the Liger Zero.
  2. Three~ We're getting exam timetables tomorrow. THREE MORE WEEKS THEN NO MORE MATHS FUCK YEAH
  3. I fully endorse this behaviour. Hi Amelia! What's up? *back to Health assignment* Thanks goodness the dam thing's almost over! 3 more weeks and no more Health.
  4. Maths classes finish on Wednesday~ ^ The most exciting thing going on ^
  5. I'm pretty good at Super Mario Sunshine, Wind Waker and Okami, because I play them a lot. Not too bad at Brawl; I beat all my friends but get my ass kicked at tournaments. Yay. I suck at FPS games though. That involve an analog stick. Yeah.
  6. Well, I haven't finished it yet; but I'm loving it. I'll admit, I've never clocked a Metroid game in my life, so I think Other M will be first. This game has got me motivated to finish Zero Mission and Prime when I've got more time. I love the gameplay and the way it builds on Samus' character, and the swap from third to first person is seamless. ^^ I haven't been this excited about a game in forever. Iced, you don't even own the game.
  7. [spoiler= Heal Proto~, KO Joey]Fireman 14 Narga_Rocks 17 Nightmare 15 Red Fox of Fire 21 Raven 10 Kiryn 6 Bianchi 10 -Cynthia- 10 Phoenix 10 Soul 17 Tyranel M 10 Meteor 10 Mekkah 10 SlayerX 10 Ether 9 Musashi 8 Phoenix Wright 10 Cyber Blue 10 Lightning 10 Rehab 7 TheEnd 10 Princess Kilvas 11 Doom_103 8 JB25 9 Camtech075 10 Dio 12 Furetchen 12 Balcerzak 13 Kiba 10 Integrity 13 Shaquille O'Neal 8 Ike-Mike 10 Chalis 10 Esau of Isaac 10 Proto 10 Joey 0 Luminescent Blade 39 Freohr Datia 13 Generic Officer 11 Cymbeline 10 Wist 15 Dark Legend Vampire 32 Songbird 12 Desdemona 8 whase 8 Ayanami 11 Hero 11 Amelia 8 El Rey Leon 20 I Like My Cake Iced 8 Tangerine 22 DAGRON 11 Lux Aterna 14 Le Communard 8 Popo 23 Piemanmj 10 Pride 10 NTG 8 Pahn 10 SmartRutter7 6 UberLughFTW 8 Marthur 12 Soluna 25 Karina_Martell 19 Masamune_Wielder 8 Rhythm 16 6669 10
  8. Exams in just under 7 weeks. Don't panic if you don't hear from me for a while, I'm NOT dead.

    1. Fayt Zelpher

      Fayt Zelpher

      Well, if/when you need math/science help, do come see me.

  9. Officer Jenny - 95 Nurse Joy - 40 Silver - 119 Erika - 70 Sabrina - 88 Jasmine - 51 Roxanne - 70 Flannery - 75 Winona - 85 Lance - 85 Steven - 80 Cheryl - 90 Gardenia - 80 Candice - 70
  10. 'Cause this isn't totally random. Chocolate 8 Vanilla 6 Heavenly Hash 10 Green Tea 12 Mint Chocolate Chip 16 French Vanilla 11 Cookie Dough 12 Cinnamon 6 Toffee 10 Brownie 11 Blueberry 10 Moon Mist 10 Marshmallow 10 Smarties 10 Coffee 2
  11. Merric 72 Sirius 106 Shanan 10 Raven 26 Seth 92 Joshua 43
  12. *leaves Joshy an ice pack* Night Oujay's~
  13. Speaking of which, I've almost beaten FE6. About to finish chapter 21.
  14. ... Are you talking to me? My net was capped.
  15. Merric 75 Sirius 67 Ellerean 55 Arthur 69 Shanan 50 Raven 63 Seth 76 Joshua 79 Ephraim 11
  16. May - 24 Officer Jenny - 98 Nurse Joy - 44 Silver - 120 Erika - 69 Sabrina - 101 Jasmine - 53 Roxanne - 69 Flannery - 58 Winona - 84 Lance - 85 Steven - 80 Cheryl - 90 Gardenia - 78 Candice - 70
  17. Brock - 50 May - 93 Officer Jenny - 75 Nurse Joy - 44 Silver - 81 Erika - 60 Koga - 21 Sabrina - 97 Jasmine - 97 Roxanne - 39 Flannery - 62 Winona - 79 Lance - 85 Steven - 73 Cheryl - 86 Gardenia - 72 Fantina - 71 Candice - 63
  18. I missed you too. :3 Vacation? Heh, I was mostly with my step-mum. It wasn't too bad though, I got an assignment and some Maths done.
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