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Everything posted by Zephrion

  1. Heh, you're not too bad yourself, especially with Falco. Sorry about all the Sandbags btw. Item Switch wouldn't let me change it.
  2. Ethan, though I don't think it makes a difference. Man, I hate friend codes. >_<
  3. The usual solution is that both people are on at the same time... And I can't join the game if you're not registered. Am I on your list? Let me try starting a room...
  4. Gimme a moment. It stills says awaiting registration, I'll try reentering your FC.
  5. Well, that's certainly a large time frame... I can be on now, want to to go a few? Personally, I'm interested in seeing the great MR's Toon Link skills in action. :P
  6. I'll likely be online for a while later... If anyone wants to arrange a few rounds, lemme know.
  7. Notable Animes I've watched are... Bleach Naruto (Though I've decided to stop actively watching it until the fillers are done.) Fullmetal Alchemist D-Gray Man .hack//SIGN .hack//Roots Yuyu Hakusho (Haven't watched this since Toonami stopped airing it, but I really want to start watching it again...) Samurai Jack (I consider it an anime, even though it was produced in America. Can't wait until AS starts airing it.) Samurai Champloo These are just off the top of my head... There's probably a bunch more. I don't read much Manga, as I lack the funds to purchase them.
  8. GD - Goldoan Dragons AL - Ancient Language HE - Hector and Eliwood
  9. This topic is too awesome to die. I don't blame you. Valtome is pretty amazing. I call blasphemy! Valtome is obviously the best antagonist evar. Anyone who says otherwise will be subjected to listen to 24 hours of non-stop 'Uwee hee hee!!!'
  10. I can vouch for that...sort of. You kick my ass about 2/3 of the time.
  11. Just like the title says, post any random images you find here, whether they're funny, cool, or whatever. Try to steer clear of NSFW stuff please... I'll start off with a good ol' demotivational.
  12. Zephrion


    Hey welcome to the forest. Roy is awesome. Way better than Marth. >_> <_< My favorite character is blaringly obvious. ^^;
  13. Okay, Brawl has one magic user, but it needs 3 more. :P
  14. Personally, I would have liked to see a couple Magic users, like Soren or Micaiah (Or Ilyana ). Brawl has 50 billion sword users but no magic. What's up with that? They could have at least been Assist Trophies... Ilyana - Rexbolt: Thunder bolts come raining down from the sky, striking random areas on the stage. Each hit does ~20% DMG. (No damage dealt to User.) Micaiah - Rexaura: Micaiah sends out a blinding light, mometarily stunning any enemy who looks in it's direction. Soren: Rexcaliber - Covers the floor in ice, instantly freezing any enemies who are touching it at the time. Freeze does ~25% DMG.
  15. Pretty good. I like the Zero one a lot. Unfortunately, the attachment killed my browser, so I can't view it. :( Heres one of mine. I can do a lot better than this, but animation is TEDIOUS! *Twitch.* My, my this here Eliwood guy...
  16. Well, to put in perspective, she'd probably be a Queen or something. But the point remains the same...
  17. In that case, perhaps you should try to set a goal on limiting Battle Saves, say once or twice a level. You'd still be using the battle save and at the same time, you'd be setting yourself a considerable challenge. (Especially in later levels, when the potential for mistakes is higher.) Just a small suggestion.
  18. Sephiran was the one behind it all, manipulating everything in an attempt to revive Ashera and cleanse the world. In that sense, one could say Ashera was simply just a pawn in Sephiran's plot for revenge, though a powerful one.
  19. In my first Easy Mode playthrough, I only used it once, as a replacement for Suspend. Normal however, proved to be a bit tougher, and I did spam it a bit in certain levels. Sometimes even to the point where I would use it after every move in Boss situations when the chance to hit is rather low. I think it was a pretty good addition; reducing the tedium of restarting the entire level when a unit dies due to a stupid miscalculation. (Something that happens to me quite a lot...) I don't see why people would like future titles to be without it... You're not forced to use it. If you don't want to, don't.
  20. But he's the BEST antagonist! Uwee hee hee!! *Ahem.* I'd have to say Sephiran, because of the conversation he and Ike had. "So, you betrayed your closest friends, your country, even the entire world?" "Yep." You really can't get any better than the bad guy just nonchalantly stating that. :P
  21. Stupid jokes are often the best jokes. :P I'll have to come up with one of these later...
  22. What. The. F--k. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gs6GYBPNrrU...&pid=928518 I can't decide whether to love or hate this video...
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