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Everything posted by Zephrion

  1. 1. You mean what causes a stat to gain 1 point on a level up? That would be Growth Rates. Take for instance, Ike in Path of Radiance. His Growth Rates consist of the following: HP: 75, STR: 50, MAG: 20, SKL: 50, SPD: 55, LUCK: 35, DEF: 40, RES: 40 This mean, upon level up, HP has a 75% of gaining a point, whereas STR has 50%, MAG has 20%, and so on... Now I'm not too familiar with fixed rates, however, and they're quite complicated to explain. So, instead I'll be lazy and refer you to this article. http://serenesforest.net/fe9/fixed.htm That should explain everything you need to know about fixed rate level ups. 2. I can't really explain this, as it's never happened to me before... However, I do have a theory, if the phenomena you describe happened in Fixed Mode that is. According to the article, Fixed level ups are dependent on a "points" system. It also mentions that the max amount of points you can have is 255, and 100 points constitute a +1. Going by this, one can assume that if you had 200 points upon levelup, you would gain a +2. This is really only a theory of mine though... Hope this helped you in some way. I think I may have left a few gaps though, so if someone could check me here, I'd appreciate it...
  2. To be completely honest, I really don't see how having Ike talk to Micaiah would affect the epilogue conversation... Unless we're thinking of different conversations. Either of you mind providing a link to where you saw that Ike needed to talk to her? Anyway, as for the topic at hand... Perhaps strategic use of Reyson would help. Give a Provoke to your flyer and a Shade to Reyson, and that may conceal him from attack. Just an idea...
  3. Well, the robes aren't pure black, but slighly different shades of black, if that makes a difference. ^_- Still, perhaps some diversity in the colors wouldn't hurt. Thanks for the sort-of-constructive criticism.
  4. Wow, those are pretty cool. I would love to play those in the next FE game.
  5. Heh, the update is very disturbing. And hilarious. VERY hilarious.
  6. (I apologize in advance for the large spoiler tags. ^^; )
  7. Well... She doesen't ever step into battle, so she can't have stats or a class. Furthermore, she lost her Laguz powers, and doesen't seem to excel in any sort of weaponry, making her pretty much useless on the battlefield. She probably just has a portrait because she's important to the plot, like and such.
  8. Yeah, but for some reason, Radiant Dawn's Ike sounds better. Perhaps Adkins's voice just suits older Ike better...
  9. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion I suppose, I just thought Radiant Dawn's VA was better. Still, Pit's VA pales in comparison to someone like, say... Shinon, IMO.
  10. Radiant Dawn Ike > Brawl/Path of Radiance Ike.
  11. Wow, Meta Knight's VA sounds like...demonic. The rest were okay, though Pit's voice sounded kind of strange. Lol @ "LAAANDMASTER!"
  12. Fire Emblem seems to have a knack for over-complicating otherwise simple procedures... Slight edit in the post though, RN's should be between 0-99, instead of 1-100. Otherwise, in the highly unlikely event that the RN's chosen are 100 and 100, an attack with 100% chance to hit would miss. o_o;
  13. I got a couple, not so epic ones. All Radiant Dawn. Edward missing four times in a row with a 59% chance. (He had activated Adept twice.) A General attacked Reyson with a Killing Edge, 75% Hit, 25 DMG, 7 Crit. To my great relief, Reyson managed to dodge the first attack, essentially putting him in the clear. Then the General pulls off a Critical. Reyson = Dead. Me = WTF. Yeah, fun times all around.
  14. 1 Random Number - This is the most basic system, used by FE 1-5. Battle outcomes are decided by one number between 0-99. Say that a character has an 80% chance of hitting. If the Random Number decided is LESS than 80, than the attack will hit, whereas, if the attack is greater than 80, it will miss. 2 Random Numbers - This system is a bit more complex, and is used by games 6-10. Outcomes are decided by 2 numbers. The two numbers chosen are then averaged to create the final number. (IE: The RN's chosen are 60 and 80. This means the final number is 70, so if the attack had an 80% chance to hit, it would hit.) This can cause the game to mislead you when hit percentages are calculated, as shown here: "The mathematics can get horrendous, so I'll take the extreme case of a Hit value of 1. To miss, the averaged value of the 2 RNs must be lower than 1. In other words, the total value of the 2 RNs must be lower than 1 + 1 = 2. There are only three case where that occurs, and that is when the RNs are 00 00, 00 01 and 01 00. Any other combination results in a total value that is higher than 2. There are 100 RNs, so the total possible number of combinations is 100 x 100 = 10,000. Thus, the case of hitting is 3 out of a possible 10,000 cases, with the other 9,997 cases resulting in a miss. This means the probability of hitting is 3 / 10,000 (%) = 0.03%. So, while the Hit value displayed in the game is 1. The actual chance to hit is 0.03%." 3 Random Numbers - I assume this is the same thing as 2 RN's, just with 3 numbers being averaged, instead of 2. If you still want more info, check this page out. True Hit Article I'm sure that'll do a way better job of explaining it.
  15. Hmm, it wouldn't happen to say SmartRutter, would it? :P
  16. It can be from any game, as well as a conversation. Post away! One of my personal favorites... "You there, in the bushes. You have until the count of five to show yourself before I start throwing sharp objects. One... two... four..." -Volke
  17. That's pretty cool. It's a shame you can't Copy & Paste the message though.
  18. I'd have to say Dark Magic. The animations are easily the coolest, (Especially in RD) and it was my FE7 Tactitian Affinity.
  19. Hey, if they were so worried about dying, they wouldn't have faced off against Ike's Merry Band of Mercenaries. Anything to make Hard Mode even harder. Plus the look on people's faces would be priceless.
  20. Hey, always nice to have new members. Welcome to the forest!
  21. Soilent Dragon Stew... Has a nice ring to it. At least it would if I wasn't being burned alive right now. <_
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