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Status Updates posted by Zephrion

  1. I dunno. They were there like magic when we moved in. :O

    We've been in this house for 3 or 4 years, so I imagine they were recent when we came.

  2. OH NO.

    That means I'll have even less time this year!?

    Oh cruel fate... ._.

  3. An essay on every book we read. And she gave us about 45 minutes to write them. V_v I can't express my creative talent in 45 minutes! XD

  4. Yeah... Perhaps I should watch it SOMETIME. ._.

  5. Blegh... Essays, no matter where they are, are the worst. That's why I hated my 10th Grade English teacher. xD

  6. I've only seen a little bit, from watching it with my sister...

  7. Ugh... I loathe essays on tests... I always do them last. >___<

  8. I think so... Gah... This year isn't gonna be fun.

  9. I've never actually seen Lion King 2. Not the whole thing anyway. ._.

  10. Yeah... At least it's your final year. ._. Not counting College or anything like that.

  11. Yeah from the second movie. I haven't really watched much LK. >_<

  12. Nah, it's not horrible. I kind of like it... lol

    And the characters are Simba... Nani (or whatever her name is) and... uh... the brown one. Scar's son I think? I haven't watched the movie in a long time. =\

  13. Hah, same. Unfortunately, the time to go back it coming closer and closer... D:

    The only reason I want to go back is to see some friends again... That's about it. =\

  14. Yep. The sun will start setting when I leave school... It's kind of cool actually.

    And yep... You just have plain curtains, right? xD Wanna trade?

  15. Hmm... What's a good conversation starter...?

    Looking forward to school starting?


  16. Yeah, spamming is fun if it's an actual back and forth conversation, and not just "SPAM SPAM SPAM" *coughangelcough*

  17. Gah... Song already said that. ._.

    And I never asked you to... You guys offered to Comment Spam me. xD So... I'm not a player, just incredibly likeable? =P

  18. Wow, 8? That's early... Of course, in the dead of winter, the sun will start setting around 3. .___.

    And yes...I remember... ._.

  19. Sort of. A while after the sun sets, it's still considerably bright out. It only gets DARK DARK at around 1 or 2 AM.

    I assume California is the exact opposite, huh? xD

  20. Indeed... Even though we're talking through chat right now. xD

  21. Aww...thanks. I'm glad you think I'm nice. xD

    And as of now, this comment wall has been claimed by ZEPHRION. *evil laugh*

  22. Of course. I would never be a jerk to you on purpose... If it seems like I'm being a jerk, it's only a joke...

    Unless of course, someone makes me mad, such as MaSu, etc.

  23. Like I said, it's no problem. ^_^

    And this comment marks your entire comment wall with comments by me. xD How's that for Comment Spam?

  24. It's a very catchy song. xD A friend of mine hates it so I always link him to it to mess with him. =D

  25. GASP. You've never heard Magical Trevor? :O

    I wonder if YT links work in comments... Only one way to find out!



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