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Status Updates posted by Zephrion

  1. *hug* I like the snow... But it does get a bit annoying after a while. ._. I'd send you some, but it'd probably melt on the way there. XD

  2. Okay, "Cymby" :O

    Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring, BANANA PHONE.

    Everyone loves Magical Trevor, all the tricks that he does, are ever so clever.

    As you can tell, I'm pressing for them. XD

  3. Nah, you're not asking too much. I'd be more than happy to takes pictures for you. That way I can show you how cool Alaska is! xD

  4. Gah...shouldn't have said anything.

  5. References, you say? Hmm...


    IT'S A TRAP.


  6. I wish it was dark here... It's still sunny out. I love it when it's raining in the dark... I have no idea why... It's just relaxing.

    But yeah, the sun's just setting. There's not even that many clouds out.

  7. Lol, I know...

    inb4: jokes about me being a player. V_v

  8. Hm... Alright. I promise not to lose my apparently funny cheesy humor. I feel as though I should expand beyond that though... :o

  9. Aww, thanks. Though cheesy humor pales in comparison to real humor, which I need a bit more of. XD

  10. Oh good. ^_^ In that case... LET THE COMMENT SPAM BEGIN. Err... CONVERSATION! Not spam. >_> <_<

    Oh, and I forgot I didn't answer your question. D: I'm doing fine as well, thanks. How's the weather? (lolgenericline)

  11. Nah, Kitsune's funny in a random sentence mixture kind of way. You're funny in an actual sort of way, which is loads better. =D Besides, I still love you guys more than her.

  12. Lol. Well I'm sure you'll get plenty if this keeps up... If you don't mind of course that most of them are from me. XD

  13. Hah, alright. I'll be sure to be on the lookout for that phrase in the future.

  14. Ah... Oh well. Don't suffer too much, alright? xD

  15. Of course not! This is way too much fun anyway. You won't abandon me either, will you? :o (lol even though i need you to abandon me to win the war)

  16. It is true that I like Kitsune, since she's so hilarious and everything, but I could never love a robot as much as a real person. That would make me some kind of crazy... >_> <_<

  17. Fear the Pein of Deth... That sounds awfully familiar... :O

    And yes, it's fun. It gives me something to do.

  18. You know, if it gets too bad, set yourself to Busy. That mutes the sound and takes away the orange, IIRC.

  19. Oh yeah... Well just so you know, I'm not giving up either. :o I WILL WIN THIS WAR ONE WAY OR ANOTHER.

    Anyway, how are you this fine evening/night?

  20. I never said that... >_> <_< If spamming someone's comment wall means you love them, then I must love you guys too. xD

  21. Well, other than fighting off the hoards of comments, I'm talking to you guys and playing Uno. xD That's about it really...

    You doing anything extraordinary?

  22. HIP HIP HOORAY FOR SPAMMING FRIEND'S COMMENT WALLS. =D Now if only Kitsune had a comment wall... >_> <_<

  23. Just when I thought I had prevailed too!

    You must come from a long bloodline of Typo Spotters! :O AT least that makes you the perfect Spelling/Grammar Nazi. xD

  24. Hah, that would be nice. xD I'll be sure to respond to every one as well.

  25. Maybe so, but I still enjoy it. xD All these comments make a person feel loved. :O

    And I have no idea how you spot my typos so easily... I have to look around a few seconds to find it! xD

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