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Status Updates posted by Zephrion

  1. xD Oh, I see. Stefun, you so craaaazy. o: Even moreso than myself.

  2. xD I can't help but feel you've done the same to mine...

  3. Yeah... *yawn* Not much to talk about. o:

  4. Me neither... o: Boring night, lol...

    Okay, I believe you then. xD But I am a little crazy. xP

  5. Really fast with the comments aren't we? ._.

    Okay, fine... If you're suuuuuuuure. xD

  6. xD And this wall has been claimed ages ago by Zephrion! *evil laugh*

    Lol, are you suuuuure? xD

  7. Wow...that was fast. XD

    And nooooo, not the crazy. O:

  8. Well that's good to know. xD I don't want you catching the crazy or anything.

    Lol, go Cym! xD

  9. I take pride in my insanity. =D Even if it does drive other people crazy. xD

    Okay. But I R still teh bestest conquerer evar lolz.

  10. Lol, maybe that's just me. o: I am crazy, you know.

    Okay, good luck. xD You never know when someone will come to comment. o: Then again, I'm not as popular as you or other people. xD

  11. Sometimes a topic will just come out of nowhere and hit you like a ton of bricks. o: Like an epiphany or something.

    Still serious about conquering my comment wall, btw? xD

  12. Lol...thanks. I'm glad you guys think that. o:

    They don't really have to be even joke topics though. They could be about school starting, etc... lolunoriginal

  13. Hey, I don't really think I'm that funny either. You gots ta hav moar confidence.

    I'm sure you'll get it though. xP Only 4 topics to go~

  14. Of course! o: When you want to be.

  15. Lol...

    It's probably best to get your own idea though. You'll feel better about it that way. xD You can be pretty funny when you want to be. o:

  16. Ah, that too? o: I probably wouldn't take an AP History class anyway though, to be honest.

  17. Lol, funny topics aren't really my bag. Just say whatever comes to mind. o:

  18. Ah, that sucks. Budget cuts suck. ._.

  19. Magic!

    Uh...think of something funny! o:

  20. Yeah. Thugh our school doesn't have Japanese, which I've really wanted to learn. >_>

  21. Aww but I dun hate you lololol.

    Probably, but it's a glitch, like I said. ._. It might not go away until that topic is off your page. o:


  22. Ah. I'm actually taking Latin this year, so I R lrning bout Rome. xD

  23. Ah, you know, it might be. I have a widescreen moniter lololol.

  24. Okay. o: I don't guarentee that it'll work though. ^^;

    And thanks. It's good that you're fine. O:

  25. Yah. o:

    Yours is pretty funny too. xD

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