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Everything posted by Zephrion

  1. Off the top of my head... Raven Nightmare Will Hika MaSu Branded Wist The sad thing is a good number of these people will probably try to kill me.
  2. Three construction workers are on the seventy-fifth floor of a non-finished building. The Italian opens his lunch box to find a pizza and says "Man, if I get pizza one more time I am going to jump off this building and fall to my death!" The Chinese opens his lunch box to find rice and says "Man, if I get rice one more time I am going to jump off this building and fall to my death!" The blonde opens his lunch box to find a cheeseburger and says" Man, if I get a cheeseburger one more time I'm going to jump off this building and fall to my death!" So the next day they all got the same thing and they jumped off the building to their death. That weekend at the funeral, the Italian and the Chinese wives are crying and saying "I would have fixed him something else for lunch but he never told me." And as the two wives stare at the blondes wife, they both ask why she isn't sad about her husbands death, the blonde replies "Don't look at me, he packs his own lunch." Oh, and welcome to the forums. :)
  3. I don't know about commercial games, but people like ROMhackers who have to playtest their own games are usually pretty good at them. Pretty much has to do with how much time the developers spend testing themselves, instead of getting other people to do it for them. :P
  4. Not only do they have outdated screenshots, they have outdated screenshots from a cancelled game. Wow.
  5. This topic went to hell fast...so much for fwiends. Also: "From: Why do you want to know? Creepy rapist!!!" Anyone who can spot the irony wins a lifetime supply of cookies!
  6. Zephrion

    Desktop thread

    Just beat Mirror's Edge, so it's a fitting choice for now.
  7. Whatever she's calling herself. I'm not going to get myself swept up in the FE4 Thread shenanigans.
  8. QUIET YOU. Shouldn't you be working for Fia or something?
  9. Okay, so we have Patty's Faction, Fox and Bianchi's forces, (did they agree to the merge?) and now the AEU... ...This is one hell of a confusing minor skirmish war.
  10. LIES. The British always win. D: This was all a huge joke anyway.
  11. [19:19] =-= BRITlSHTRON5000 is now known as Graham_Aker [19:19] =-= SVENKTRON5000 is now known as Florina [19:19] <BRlTISHTRON5000> -____-a [19:19] <BRlTISHTRON5000> We lost another colony it would appear. [19:19] <BRlTISHTRON5000> He was no true Briton. [19:19] <Graham_Aker> I am an Ace Pilot of the Union that you call America! [19:19] <BRITISHTRON5000> We civilized individuals can take America alone. [19:19] <BRlTISHTRON5000> Indeed, this is fact. [19:20] <BRlTISHTRON5000> These gormless country farmers must be defeated at all costs. [19:20] * AMERlCATRON5000 drags on her cigar and throws the end on the ground stomping it with her foot she blows a ring of smoke into the britishes faces... [19:20] <Graham_Aker> We Americans saved your tea-sipping asses durring WWII. [19:20] <BRITISHTRON5000> Our British gigalasers can "persuade" any country to join our superior rule. [19:20] <BRITISHTRON5000> We LET you win the Revolutionary War. [19:20] <BRlTISHTRON5000> We are skilled at conquering noob countries. [19:20] <AMERlCATRON5000> HAHAHA...sex doesn't count [19:20] <BRlTISHTRON5000> America was founded by the people we didn't want in our country. [19:20] <BRITISHTRON5000> We felt sorry for your incompetence. [19:20] <Graham_Aker> Our American Super-Railguns can take out satilites in orbit. [19:21] <BRlTISHTRON5000> We slapped you around a bit then buggered off. [19:21] * AMERlCATRON5000 slaps BRITISHTRON5000 around a bit with a large trout [19:21] * AMERlCATRON5000 slaps BRlTISHTRON5000 around a bit with a large trout [19:21] <BRlTISHTRON5000> :o [19:21] <AMERlCATRON5000> better? [19:21] <BRITISHTRON5000> We can't have you American ninnies in our country. [19:21] <Graham_Aker> Ironically, the people you threw out were the ones who could survive on their own. [19:21] <BRITISHTRON5000> We are a civilized people. [19:21] <BRlTISHTRON5000> We do not rape and pillage native peoples, we exploit them. [19:21] <Graham_Aker> America isn't made up of pampered blueblooded pansies like Britain is. [19:21] <AMERlCATRON5000> YOU SUCK dirtbag [19:21] <BRlTISHTRON5000> This is more civilized and better economically. [19:21] <BRlTISHTRON5000> For us. [19:22] <BRlTISHTRON5000> Pansies you say?! [19:22] <BRITISHTRON5000> Where is your economy now!? [19:22] <AMERlCATRON5000> up your ass!!!!!!! [19:22] <Graham_Aker> And who has the World Economy under their thumb? We go, so does everyone else. [19:22] <BRITISHTRON5000> A shame you're doing such a shoddy job with it. [19:22] <BRlTISHTRON5000> We have our own money. [19:22] =-= AMERlCATRON5000 is now known as Kia`nightnight [19:22] <Graham_Aker> You have the fucking Euro. [19:22] <Kia`nightnight> night all [19:22] <BRlTISHTRON5000> No, we don't. [19:23] <BRlTISHTRON5000> We have the pund. [19:23] <BRlTISHTRON5000> pound* [19:23] <BRITISHTRON5000> We have Pounds. [19:23] <BRITISHTRON5000> POUNDS AND POUNDS OF MONEY [19:23] <BRlTISHTRON5000> You need to be annexed again to prevent the world from plunging into darkness. [19:23] <Graham_Aker> ...Which is shared by Scotland. [19:23] <BRlTISHTRON5000> WHICH WE OWN [19:23] <BRlTISHTRON5000> AND PWN AT THE SAME TIME [19:23] <BRITISHTRON5000> The Scots were smart enough to join the winning team. [19:23] <Graham_Aker> The US Dollar is the economic standard of the world economy, numbnuts. [19:23] <Kia`nightnight> NAP TIME FOR EVERYONE [19:24] <BRlTISHTRON5000> That's why the world economy is so poor. 8[ [19:24] <BRITISHTRON5000> Yes, we all need something there to make us feel better. [19:24] <BRlTISHTRON5000> This is clearly all your fault. [19:24] <Graham_Aker> Or Teatime for the British pansyasses. [19:24] * Kia`nightnight puts everyone to sleep and crawls away [19:24] =-= MEXATRON5000 is now known as Noremac [19:24] <BRlTISHTRON5000> Oh damn, I must have my tea! [19:24] <BRITISHTRON5000> Is it tea time already? [19:24] <BRITISHTRON5000> *sips cup of tea* o_q [19:24] <BRlTISHTRON5000> The Korean car company cannot put our robots to sleep when it is time for tea! [19:24] <Graham_Aker> Who's the UN pussies? mNot America. [19:25] <Snow_Storm> Wel, I'm back! [19:25] <BRITISHTRON5000> I think we can all agree the UN cunts are the French. [19:25] <Graham_Aker> DOWN WITH THE EUROFAGS! [19:25] <Graham_Aker> ...True. [19:25] <Snow_Storm> The UN sucks. [19:25] <BRlTISHTRON5000> The only people worse than the Americans are the French. [19:26] <BRITISHTRON5000> This we can all agree on. [19:26] <BRlTISHTRON5000> Yes, this is fact. [19:26] <BRlTISHTRON5000> It is broadcast on the tele every afternoon. [19:26] <Snow_Storm> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sk2OIoIa7kc [19:26] <Graham_Aker> Still, Britain will continue to follow all UN resolutions while America will say "Fuck You" and do as it pleases. [19:26] <Noremac> :( well, at least we beat france.... [19:26] <Florina> har! [19:26] <Snow_Storm> United Abominations [19:26] <BRlTISHTRON5000> And ruin itself in the process. [19:26] <Graham_Aker> France fell durring WWII because they surrendered like a buch of cunts. [19:27] <BRlTISHTRON5000> But we did not surrender. [19:27] <Graham_Aker> UN = AEU. *Nod* [19:27] <BRlTISHTRON5000> I don't know why you bothered to come over, we were about to kick ass for we had just completed our first BRITISTRON models. [19:27] <BRITISHTRON5000> We had that war all wrapped up. [19:27] <Graham_Aker> We have the Union Flag. [19:27] <BRITISHTRON5000> Then you Americans came in with your guns blazing. [19:28] <Graham_Aker> We killed the Wistron10000. [19:28] <BRITISHTRON5000> Shooting down whoever got in your way. [19:28] <BRlTISHTRON5000> -____________- [19:28] <BRlTISHTRON5000> Bastard. [19:28] <BRITISHTRON5000> This is an act of war. [19:28] <BRlTISHTRON5000> You cannot be forgiven. [19:28] <Graham_Aker> It was a combat demonstration. Your pilot sucked. [19:28] * Noremac poors what on BRlTISHTRON5000 [19:28] <Noremac> water* [19:28] <BRITISHTRON5000> And your dare to insult our finest pilots! [19:29] <BRlTISHTRON5000> The BRITISHTRONS are all water proof. [19:29] <BRlTISHTRON5000> And bomb proof. [19:29] <Graham_Aker> Plus, we now have the GN-X, the GN-X III, and the Ahead. [19:29] <BRlTISHTRON5000> And Mexican proof. [19:29] <Noremac> what about piss proof? [19:29] <BRlTISHTRON5000> .... [19:29] <BRITISHTRON5000> Especially Mexican Proof. [19:29] <BRlTISHTRON5000> You fight with urine? [19:29] <Noremac> nvm, same as mexico prrof [/joke] [19:29] <BRlTISHTRON5000> What savages! [19:29] <BRITISHTRON5000> Ohohohoho [19:29] <Noremac> proof* [19:30] <Noremac> you give me no choice [19:30] <Graham_Aker> We also bought a Gadessa and a Garazzo unit. [19:30] =-= Noremac is now known as BUSHATRON6000 [19:30] <Snow_Storm> So, how did this happen? [19:30] <BUSHATRON6000> :D [19:30] <BRlTISHTRON5000> Oh no.... [19:30] <BRlTISHTRON5000> What is this? [19:30] <BRlTISHTRON5000> This... [19:31] <BRlTISHTRON5000> This... joke.... [19:31] * BUSHATRON6000 plays with a slinky [19:31] <Snow_Storm> This fighting with each other now over wars. [19:31] <Graham_Aker> Oh, god... [19:31] <BRITISHTRON5000> This is the best you have? [19:31] <BUSHATRON6000> no [19:31] * BRlTISHTRON5000 steps on BUSHATRON6000. [19:31] <BRITISHTRON5000> Cockroaches. [19:31] =-= Graham_Aker is now known as Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom [19:32] * BRlTISHTRON5000 puts BUSHATRON6000 in the bin. [19:32] =-= BUSHATRON6000 is now known as OBAMATRON7000 [19:32] <BRlTISHTRON5000> Oh shit! [19:32] <Snow_Storm> Did Persona 4 had a stripper boss? [19:32] <OBAMATRON7000> MUAHAHAHAHAHA [19:32] <BRlTISHTRON5000> The Americans are evolving. [19:32] <BRITISHTRON5000> Oh bugger. [19:32] * Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom flies in and cleaves off the Britishtron's arms [19:32] <BRlTISHTRON5000> They have... technology! [19:32] <BRITISHTRON5000> It seems they aren't as stupid as we imagined. [19:32] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> And yes, SS, they did. [19:33] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> http://mahq.net/mecha/gundam/00/gnx-704tac.htm [19:33] <BRlTISHTRON5000> Alas, we must stop their importation of goods from Japan. [19:33] |<-- OBAMATRON7000 has left webchat.darkmyst.org (Exit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) [19:33] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> ...Those are our OWN units. [19:33] <BRlTISHTRON5000> This is a bad omen for your country;s future. [19:33] <Sm0kUr> damn dissidia [19:33] <BRITISHTRON5000> Hah, it seems their trash has self-destructed. [19:33] <Sm0kUr> its makin me listen to FF music [19:33] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> Anywho, http://mahq.net/mecha/gundam/00/gnx-704tac.htm <-My custom Ahead. [19:34] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> Now then, who wants to take on the Union's top ace? [19:34] <BRITISHTRON5000> Can't make your own mechs so you turn to foriegn countries? Typical Americans. [19:34] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> ...It's made in America, fool. [19:34] <BRlTISHTRON5000> The Americans still make things?! [19:34] <BRlTISHTRON5000> I am astounded by this revelaton. [19:34] * Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom fires the Vulcans at Britishtron [19:34] <BRITISHTRON5000> News to me. [19:34] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> YES! [19:35] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> Union = America in Gundam 00. [19:35] <BRlTISHTRON5000> Blast, I am actually sustaining individual hit points of damage! [19:35] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> The Union has Me, Graham Aker. You Europeans have... Patrick Colasour. [19:35] <BRITISHTRON5000> Those 1 HP damages could add up! [19:35] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> Vulcans are the weakest weapons on an Ahead, too! [19:36] <BRlTISHTRON5000> Yes, if this continues without intervention for the next seventeen hours! [19:36] <BRITISHTRON5000> We have the BRITISHTRONS, the finest piece of machinery to grace today's society. [19:36] <BRlTISHTRON5000> We might lost a pixel on our health meters! [19:36] <BRITISHTRON5000> We can't have that! [19:37] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> The Britishtrons are NOTHING compared to the marvels of the Ahead, nevermind my customized Ahead. [19:37] * Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom draws the Short Beam Canon and opens fire on the Britishtrons [19:37] <BRlTISHTRON5000> BEAM CANON! THEY HAVE INVENTED NEW PRINTERS! [19:38] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> Oh, and as a bit of a note, that beam can burn through solid armor plating like a hot knift through butter. [19:38] <BRITISHTRON5000> OUR FORCES ARE DOOMED IF WE DON'T STOP THEM [19:38] |<-- Nightmarre has left webchat.darkmyst.org (Exit: ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.5/2008120122]) [19:38] <BRITISHTRON5000> AIM FOR THE TONER! [19:38] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> *Beam as in Superheated gas launched as a projectile* [19:39] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> ...You two are really cocky idiots... [19:39] <BRlTISHTRON5000> Your Beam Canon... Canon is a Japanese company! [19:39] <BRlTISHTRON5000> I knew we should have stopped their imports! [19:39] <BRITISHTRON5000> That's amusing...coming from an American. [19:39] * Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom 's beam shots burn clean through the Britishtron's cockpits [19:39] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> A canon is a type of weapon, idiot. [19:40] <BRlTISHTRON5000> A cannon is a weapon. [19:40] <BRlTISHTRON5000> Canon is a printer manufacturer. [19:40] <BRITISHTRON5000> Using printers as weapons...are theyr eally that desperate!? [19:40] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> ...Typo. [19:40] <BRlTISHTRON5000> Rubbish, you lie! [19:40] <Snow_Storm> Billy Mays breakin' your back! [19:40] <Snow_Storm> [19:40] * Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom steadies the Short Beam Can*n*on and opens fire on the Britishtrons [19:41] <BRITISHTRON5000> Our positron shields will do away with your silly printers. [19:41] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> That's a laser printer, not a beam printer. [19:41] * Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom 's beam shots burn clean through the Britishtron's cockpits [19:41] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> For realz, this time. [19:42] <BRlTISHTRON5000> Fuck, they have replaced their erroneous weaponry. [19:42] <BRITISHTRON5000> ACTUAL beam cannons! Amazing!! [19:42] * Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom unloads the entire beam clip into the Britishtron's cockpit. [19:43] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> DIE, DAMN YOU! [19:43] <BRITISHTRON5000> Haha...that almost tickles. Your weaponry is no match for our superior defenses. [19:43] <BRlTISHTRON5000> Speak for yourself, I have an l in my name. [19:43] <BRlTISHTRON5000> I have sustained a pixel of damage on my HP gauge! [19:44] <BRITISHTRON5000> NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! [19:44] <BRITISHTRON5000> HOLD ON! [19:44] <BRlTISHTRON5000> AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA [19:44] <BRlTISHTRON5000> Vulnerary pl0x. [19:44] <BRITISHTRON5000> DON'T DIE ON ME NOW! [19:44] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> You're overestimating your defenses, Knockoff! [19:44] * BRITISHTRON5000 tosses BRlTISHTRON5000 a robo-vulnerary. [19:44] <BRlTISHTRON5000> 8] [19:44] * Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom points to the cockpit cover, which is starting to melt from the intense heat of the baragge [19:44] * BRlTISHTRON5000 uses the robo-vulnerary. [19:45] <BRITISHTRON5000> Hmm...getting awfully warm in here. [19:45] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> ...There's no such thing as a robo vulnerary... [19:45] <BRITISHTRON5000> Those blasted Americans and their pollutions have gone and accelerated Global Warming! [19:45] <BRlTISHTRON5000> Yes there is, we invented it. [19:45] <BRITISHTRON5000> With our superior technology. [19:45] <BRlTISHTRON5000> And our tea powered brains. [19:45] <BRlTISHTRON5000> We best the Japanese! [19:45] <BRITISHTRON5000> Quite. [19:46] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> No, yout cockpit's just melting. Much longer, and the heat will cause the cockpit itself to combust. [19:46] <BRITISHTRON5000> Is that so... [19:46] <BRlTISHTRON5000> We must get a mirror. [19:46] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> And if British tech is so superior, why don't you have a fighter jet that's better than the American F-22? [19:47] <BRITISHTRON5000> The careful application of SPF 5000 will calm this blaze. [19:47] <BRlTISHTRON5000> We do, it's called the Aston Martin. [19:47] <BRITISHTRON5000> 8] [19:47] * Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom reloads the cannon and begins firing on the knockoff with the "L" hidden in it's name [19:47] <BRlTISHTRON5000> O_O [19:48] <BRITISHTRON5000> Careful! He might take off another pixel! [19:48] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> Sunblock just blocks UV, not actual burns. [19:48] <BRlTISHTRON5000> ACK! [19:48] <BRITISHTRON5000> Our superior British sunblock negates any fire-related problems. [19:48] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> And the Aston Martin is NOT better than the Raptor. That's a crock. [19:48] <BRITISHTRON5000> Including melting cockpits. [19:48] <BRlTISHTRON5000> It also cures AIDS. [19:49] <BRITISHTRON5000> And every kind of Cancer. [19:49] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> The beams are so hot that they typically bypass fire and just vaporize what they hit. [19:50] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> Leaving nice scorched bullethole-like holes in the target [19:50] <BRITISHTRON5000> I can't believe it's not a printer. [19:50] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> Oh boy... [19:51] * Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom watches at the Britishtron's cockpit combusts in a volatile explosion. [19:51] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> Superheated metal isn't flaming, bub. That stuff's so hot that touching it woulda vaporized your hand, anyways. [19:51] * BRlTISHTRON5000 watches as the BRITISHTRON5000's pilot holds up a hand mirror. [19:52] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> ...You've GOT to be kidding me... [19:52] <BRlTISHTRON5000> It is a BRITISH hand mirror. [19:52] <BRlTISHTRON5000> It is far more capable than anything you might have experience with. [19:53] <BRlTISHTRON5000> Our mirrors are a type of transformer. [19:53] * Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom tosses aside the cannon and draws the GN-Katana [19:53] <BRlTISHTRON5000> O_O [19:54] * BRITISHTRON5000 fires the gigablasters. [19:54] <BRITISHTRON5000> Those who follow the way of the sword get shot by those who don't. [19:54] * Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom dodges easily [19:54] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> We're faster than you! [19:54] <Snow_Storm> Oh sword? [19:54] <Snow_Storm> Okay! [19:54] <BRITISHTRON5000> This is but a quarter of our true speed! [19:54] * Snow_Storm pulls out gun and starts firing away! [19:55] <BRITISHTRON5000> You cannot comprehend the full power of the BRITISHTRON [19:55] <BRlTISHTRON5000> We pull energy from ruptures in the space time continuum itself. [19:55] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> By the by, GN Particles are these nice little particles we found that have the power of 1000 nuclear reactors stored in a reactor the size of a small car. [19:55] <BRlTISHTRON5000> And we have mastered control of inertia so we can accelerate at any speed instantly. [19:55] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> They power this here GN Katana. [19:56] <BRITISHTRON5000> The power of your blights of nature pales in comparison to the power of space and time. [19:56] <BRlTISHTRON5000> You realize that whilst we playfully distracted you, the other 4998 BRITISHTRONS have conquered your country already, yes? [19:56] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> Bud, I can beat a Gundam in a Flag. With nothing but a GN sword. I think I can take on your Britishtrons. [19:57] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> Also, don't underestimate the Union. [19:57] <BRITISHTRON5000> If this mech is the greatest you have, I'd like to see how all the others ones held up against our onslaught. [19:57] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> Oh, dear no! I've got a new unit waiting for me already. This one's outdated now. [19:58] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> Everyone back home has the upgraded units, and there's A LOT more of them. [19:58] -->| Kirei (chatzilla@dm-6954.washdc.fios.verizon.net) has joined #Serenes_Forest [19:59] <BRITISHTRON5000> Ah, perhaps they will put up a tiny speck of a challenge then. [19:59] <BRlTISHTRON5000> We might even lose a couple of HP. [19:59] * Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom slashes at the Britishtron, aiming to cut it from shoulder to hip [19:59] * Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom starts cutting through the shoulder... [19:59] * BRlTISHTRON5000 laughs. [19:59] * Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom continues cutting through the upper torso... [20:00] * Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom contines on through the lower torso... [20:00] * Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom ends the slash out the Britishtron's hip! [20:00] <BRITISHTRON5000> Your feeble weapons cannot hope to pierce our solid diamond armor. [20:00] * BRlTISHTRON5000 kicks the offender in the testicles. [20:00] <Florina> ok kiddies. good nart [20:00] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> ...This is a MOBILE SUIT. they don't have testicles. [20:00] <--| Florina has left #Serenes_Forest [20:01] <BRlTISHTRON5000> Yours do, silly Americans. [20:01] <BRlTISHTRON5000> Unless those are batteries. [20:01] <BRITISHTRON5000> THey're awfully small for batteries. [20:01] <Snow_Storm> Goodnight Florina. [20:01] <BRITISHTRON5000> Ohohohoho [20:01] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> As for your armor, news flash- Not even Diamonds can withstand a consentrated force equivalent to 1000 Nuclear explosions. [20:02] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> http://mahq.net/mecha/gundam/00/gnx-704tac.jpg Nope, no testicles. [20:02] <BRITISHTRON5000> You forget that these diamonds are enhanced by the power of space and time itself. [20:03] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> Yeah, and the Ahead can Quantumize and allow the pilot to 1) leave behind afterimages with mass, 2) sense EVERYTHING going on arougnd him, and 3) break ANY defensive measure. [20:04] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> Don't underestimate the Union! [20:04] <Kirei> do you watch gundam 00 by any chance [20:04] <Kirei> lol [20:04] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> Duh. [20:04] <BRlTISHTRON5000> Do not speak with this savage fool! [20:04] <Kirei> ok [20:04] * Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom watches as Britishtron explodes because the pilot underestimated the Union [20:05] <BRITISHTRON5000> You have obviously not anticipated the BRITISHTRON [20:05] <Kirei> to busy re watching the series anyways [20:05] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> Ignore him, he's just pissy that he got owned. [20:05] <BRITISHTRON5000> Still here, Yankee boy. [20:05] <BRlTISHTRON5000> You jest! [20:06] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> I have more honor than you British posers ever seen in your lives! [20:06] <Kirei> I ignore both [20:06] <BRlTISHTRON5000> Haha, ahahahahahaha. [20:06] <BRITISHTRON5000> You know not the meaning of honor! [20:06] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> You two are a disgrace. [20:07] <BRlTISHTRON5000> This American dares attempt to insult us in our own language?! [20:07] <BRITISHTRON5000> You are a disgrace to the already disgraceful American forces. [20:07] <BRITISHTRON5000> You're lucky you've lived this long. [20:07] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> Oh, and for the record, while we were battling here, the Union was busy conquering Britain, France, Spain, Germany, Portugal, Austria, and Mexico Simultaneously. [20:07] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> Britain's the only one left standing now, and barely. [20:08] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> The occupation forces from France, Spain, Gremany, Portugal, Aurtia, Canada and Mexico are on their way to finish off Britain once and for all. [20:09] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> Plus, You've effectively already lost one of your units, since practically it's entire lower half plus an arm is gone... [20:10] <BRITISHTRON5000> Tis but a flesh wound. [20:10] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> It's a miracle it hasn't blown yet... [20:10] <BRlTISHTRON5000> British technology does not blow up. [20:10] <Sevensins> GIGA [20:10] <Sevensins> DURILLU [20:10] <Sevensins> BUREAAAKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH [20:11] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> Take out the one with the L in it's name! [20:11] <BRITISHTRON5000> You wouldn't dare follow the lead of the American scum! [20:12] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> Oh, but they already have. You may not know this, but we've had Asia under our control for years! [20:16] <BRITISHTRON5000> So even Japan would follow the blasted Americans.. [20:16] |<-- Shinji has left webchat.darkmyst.org (Exit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) [20:16] <BRITISHTRON5000> No matter, the power of the BRITISHTRONS are unmatched. We will destroy every last one of you! [20:17] <BRlTISHTRON5000> We could do so with our eyes closed. [20:18] <BRlTISHTRON5000> Whilst eating bananas with our feet. [20:18] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> Yeah... Remember the other 4998 of you that you sent to America? We wiped them out with one shot. [20:18] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> Orbital Bombardment Cannon "Memento Mori". [20:19] <BRlTISHTRON5000> You presume too much, we destroyed that with our mastery of space time manipulation. All Britons are born with this ability. [20:19] <Kirei> hahaha [20:19] <Kirei> memento mori [20:19] <Kirei> what a joke [20:19] <BRITISHTRON5000> Yes, look again. Our forces are still strong. [20:19] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> ...No, you have DELUSIONS of having this ability. [20:20] <BRITISHTRON5000> Your delusions of victory cloud your mind! [20:20] <BRITISHTRON5000> The BRITISHTRONS will crush your pitiful machinery! [20:20] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> Look. There's visual confirmation right here. There's even the wreckage of many of the units. [20:21] <BRlTISHTRON5000> You mistake those destroyed units as being British. [20:21] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> The Memento Mori can wipe out COUNTIES in a single shot. your BRITISHTRONS are gone. [20:21] <BRITISHTRON5000> Look again, you'll see the destroyed armies are not of Britain, but of America! [20:21] <BRlTISHTRON5000> The Memento Mori no longer exists in this realm. [20:21] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> Stop fooling yourselves. You're the last. [20:21] * Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom looks again [20:22] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> ...Nope, none of that's American. No GN reactors. [20:22] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> Plus, the British Flag's on it. [20:22] <BRlTISHTRON5000> Your artists' rendition of victory is not representative of the truth. [20:22] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> The Memento Mori is still circling the Earth as it has been. [20:22] <BRITISHTRON5000> Our weapons have completely obliterated your precious GN reactors from existence. [20:23] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> Oh, and your flag magically appeared on our units. [20:23] <BRITISHTRON5000> You are blind to the truth. The BRITISHTRONS have triumphed over your pathetic armies. [20:23] <BRlTISHTRON5000> We claim the wreckage as our own. [20:23] <BRITISHTRON5000> Planted as a sign of our victory. [20:23] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> Stop fooling yourselves. The BRITISHTRONS were wiped out. [20:23] <BRlTISHTRON5000> So that we might salvage it to make bottles in which to store tea. [20:23] <BRITISHTRON5000> That's all your mechs are worth. [20:24] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> ...And as further proof that the wreckage is of your BRITISHTRONS, I just recieved confirmation that Britain has fallen to the Union. [20:24] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> You have lost. [20:25] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> But hey, at least the Prime Minister went down with his ship. [20:25] <BRITISHTRON5000> A ploy to fool you into believing our troops have been destroyed [20:26] <BRITISHTRON5000> When in fact, they still ravage your country. [20:26] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> Oh, and I have visual confirmation that both the Memento Mori is intact and that the Union's defense force is unharmed. [20:26] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> Visual confirmation that the Union is BRITISHTRON-free... [20:27] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> ...And Visual Confirmation of the Prime Minister's corpse. [20:27] <BRlTISHTRON5000> These relics which have been banished from existence can still be seen even though they cannot otherwise interact with this realm. [20:27] <BRlTISHTRON5000> The rest of these images you speak of have been doctored. [20:27] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> Yeah, right. If you had such power, I'd be gone by now, anyways. [20:27] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> This is an outdated unit, after all. [20:28] <BRlTISHTRON5000> We did nothing, your forces doctored the photos so that you would continue to fight. [20:28] <BRlTISHTRON5000> They lie scattered and ruined with little hope remaining. [20:28] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> And you're full of crap on the others, since it's real-time video footage. [20:28] <BRlTISHTRON5000> This is clearly the only possibility. [20:28] <BRITISHTRON5000> You have only lived as long as we have allowed you to. [20:29] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> Yeah, right. [20:29] <BRITISHTRON5000> We have the power to destroy you at any moment. [20:29] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> You don't have that kind of power and you never did. You're just a couple of insane, delusional mech pilots. [20:30] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> Now then... [20:30] * Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom stabs at the damaged BRITISHTRON's cockpit [20:30] * Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom punctures the cokpit cover [20:31] =-= Kirei is now known as Exios [20:31] <BRITISHTRON5000> Impressive...had you actually hit my unit. You're assaulting a mere afterimage. Consider that a taste of our unparalleled speed. [20:32] * Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom stabs through the cockpit and kills the pilot [20:32] * Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom kicks the dead BRITISHTRON off the GN Katana and heads after the second one [20:32] -->| Colette (darkmyst@ has joined #Serenes_Forest [20:32] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> Hmm, I guess I didn't kill you... But the scans definitely show that you're critically injured in there. [20:32] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> Now stop being delusional, bleed out , and die. [20:32] -->| Shinji (chatzilla@dm-20723.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com) has joined #Serenes_Forest [20:32] <Colette> somebody help me [20:33] <Shinji> uwhat [20:33] <BRITISHTRON5000> Foolish pilot...you cannot hope to destroy us. [20:33] <Colette> shinji help me [20:33] <Colette> http://www.onemanga.com/Saikano/21/02/ [20:33] * Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom stabs at the remaining BRITISHTRON's cockpit [20:33] * Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom punctures the cokpit cover [20:33] * Exios comes in and slashes britishtron arm off [20:33] * Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom stabs through the cockpit [20:33] <Shinji> what [20:33] <Colette> the line "could be our number's up, boy", What is it mean? [20:33] * Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom kicks the last BRITISHTRON off the GN Katana and sheaths it. [20:34] <Shinji> it's the same meaning as "our time's up" basically meaning he's thinking that they could be dead soon [20:34] <Snow_Storm> PENIS!!! [20:34] <BRITISHTRON5000> Haha...you cannot destroy us... [20:34] <Colette> thanks [20:34] <Colette> this man destroy you [20:34] <Colette> http://i244.photobucket.com/albums/gg1/sol...ttroBajeena.jpg [20:35] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> ...Char? Sorry, I'm cooler than him. [20:35] <Exios> lol [20:35] <Snow_Storm> I thought that guy look like Master Miller for a second. [20:35] <Exios> nah [20:35] <BRlTISHTRON5000> I'm back from sipping me tea, I see that I am unhar [20:35] <Exios> lol [20:35] <BRlTISHTRON5000> med.* [20:35] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> I took down twice the gundams in half the time. [20:35] <Shinji> we;; O [20:35] <Shinji> well [20:35] <Shinji> I'm off the bed [20:35] <Shinji> night [20:35] <Snow_Storm> Night! [20:35] |<-- Shinji has left webchat.darkmyst.org (Exit: ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.5/2008120122]) [20:36] <BRITISHTRON5000> It seems he's deluded himself into thinking he's destroyed us. [20:36] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> You idiots... One of you had their leds cut off, the other has enough shrapnel in them to make a small bust out of. [20:36] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> Even if you arn't dead now, you'll bleed to death soon enough. [20:37] <BRlTISHTRON5000> Even if we were injured, Britons cannot bleed to death. [20:37] <BRITISHTRON5000> We are blessed by the gods themselves. Destined to destroy all opposition. [20:37] <BRITISHTRON5000> Our superior technology is a testament to this! [20:38] <BRlTISHTRON5000> This is because we ARE gods. [20:38] <BRITISHTRON5000> We cannot be killed! [20:38] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> America is blessed by THE God. The One and Only. [20:38] <BRlTISHTRON5000> Yet your money which conveys this message fares so poorly. [20:38] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> You're not gods, you silly disillusioned twits. You're both dying. [20:39] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> Bureocracy fucks up everything. Even countries blessed by God. [20:39] <BRITISHTRON5000> The disillusioned one here is you. [20:39] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> I mea, look at Israel. [20:39] <Exios> ppl who call themselves gods just end up dieing [20:40] <Exios> quit being a fool [20:40] <BRITISHTRON5000> You are the fools, thinking you could challenge our superior might! [20:40] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> Oh? You think you're gods and that you can remove things from this reality. [20:40] <Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom> You're the insane ones. [20:40] =-= Ahead_Mr_Bushido_Custom is now known as Graham_Aker [20:41] <Exios> hahaha graham was the first person I defeated [20:41] <Snow_Storm> Oh wow, a religious debate! [20:41] <Graham_Aker> This battle is over. Bleed out if you want, you're not gonna live more than a fem minutes. [20:41] <Snow_Storm> I love religious debates! http://assets.sbnation.com/assets/5608/bea...-dead-horse.gif [20:42] <Snow_Storm> http://www.bittermancircle.com/my%20images/BeatDeadHorse.gif [20:42] <Graham_Aker> ...Uh, Exios, what are you even talking about, You beat Me?" [20:42] <BRlTISHTRON5000> The difference here is that we are telling the truth because we are British. [20:42] |<-- Snow_Storm has left webchat.darkmyst.org (Exit: ) [20:42] <Graham_Aker> ...That's it. Go bleed to death. You deserve it. [20:42] <Exios> actually I have no idea what is going on I am too busy watching 2 series at the same time [20:43] <BRITISHTRON5000> We are perfection! You are swine! [20:43] <Graham_Aker> You are idiots. I'm the one who's gonna live. [20:44] <Graham_Aker> Now go bleed out in a corner somewhere and leave the rest of us healthy sane people alone. [20:44] * Exios shoots britishtron's head off [20:45] <BRITISHTRON5000> I-impossible! We cannot...die... [20:46] =-= Kia`nightnight is now known as Kia`grrrr [20:46] * BRITISHTRON5000 collapses. [20:46] * Graham_Aker watches as the BRITISHTRON pilots die in their cockpits [20:46] <BRlTISHTRON5000> Grrr... was a Canadian StarCraft player. [20:46] <Graham_Aker> Idiots... [20:46] <Kia`grrrr> morons... [20:47] <Kia`grrrr> blumbering fools... [20:47] =-= Exios is now known as Kirei [20:47] <Kia`grrrr> what are we talking about? [20:47] <BRlTISHTRON5000> America is sour because we pwned it. [20:47] <BRlTISHTRON5000> We're humouring the Americans. [20:47] <BRlTISHTRON5000> By pretending we lost. [20:47] <Graham_Aker> Ha. America Conquered the world, and these idiots are too stupid to realize they got owned. [20:48] <BRITISHTRON5000> Yes...we are immortal. We simply feign defeat... [20:48] <Graham_Aker> EVen after they got themselves epically mangled by a lone Ahead. [20:48] <BRITISHTRON5000> To fool you Americans into a false sense of security. [20:48] <Graham_Aker> Oh, shut up, you insane wacko. [20:48] <BRlTISHTRON5000> It is ironic that you call us that. [20:48] <Graham_Aker> Go die in a corner. Or a hole. Whatever, [20:49] <BRlTISHTRON5000> If only you could comprehend the truth. [20:49] <Graham_Aker> It's ironic that you say that. [20:49] <BRlTISHTRON5000> No it isn't. [20:49] <Graham_Aker> Considering it was Brittain that got slaughtered. [20:49] <BRlTISHTRON5000> I see through your thinly veiled lies. [20:50] <Graham_Aker> ...Aright, I'm ignoring the bumbling psychos. [20:50] <Graham_Aker> Ignore'd. [20:50] <BRlTISHTRON5000> You choose the path of ignorance, I pity you. [20:50] <BRITISHTRON5000> YOU CANNOT IGNORE PERFECTION [20:51] =-= Kirei is now known as Exios [20:51] <BRITISHTRON5000> You know you've been beat...so you simply ignore the truth! [20:51] <BRITISHTRON5000> What fools! [20:51] <Exios> I will show your idiotness [20:51] <BRlTISHTRON5000> We laugh at your haughtiness. [20:51] <Exios> I don't care if your immortal [20:51] <Exios> I'll just fight until the ends of time [20:52] * Kia`grrrr kills exios [20:52] <BRITISHTRON5000> I'd like to see you try! [20:52] <Exios> hahaha [20:52] <Graham_Aker> Though they;re definitely NOT immortal, considering the rate their vitals are dropping. [20:52] <BRlTISHTRON5000> Owned. [20:52] <BRITISHTRON5000> That was quick. [20:52] <Exios> were fighting still [20:53] * Exios that little shrimp is too slow for this battle [20:53] <BRITISHTRON5000> Yes, you are. [20:54] * Exios yawns [20:54] <BRlTISHTRON5000> I think today went well. [20:54] <BRITISHTRON5000> Indeed. [20:54] <Exios> too tired of this [20:54] =-= Exios is now known as Kirei [20:54] <BRITISHTRON5000> Those pitiful Americans didn't know what hit them! [20:54] <BRlTISHTRON5000> Indeed. [20:54] <Kirei> lmfao [20:54] <BRITISHTRON5000> We can only wait for their next act of foolishness. [20:54] <Kirei> I ain't american idiot [20:55] |<-- ur_fais has left webchat.darkmyst.org (Exit: ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.5/2008120122]) [20:55] <BRlTISHTRON5000> You were not here for our battle foolish non-Briton. [20:55] <BRITISHTRON5000> Indeed. [20:56] <BRITISHTRON5000> I must recharge my mech...but for now... [20:56] =-= YOU are now known as ihatezeph [20:56] <ihatezeph> 8] [20:56] <BRlTISHTRON5000> 8[ [20:56] =-= BRlTISHTRON5000 is now known as ilovewist [20:56] -->| Snow_Storm (snowstorm@dm-26314.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net) has joined #Serenes_Forest [20:56] <ihatezeph> Narcissist. [20:56] <ilovewist> -___-
  12. You're on our side? I...I don't think I can live with that. D:
  13. There always has to be a winner. It seems like Patty has retreated anyway, so we are the victors.
  14. Minor skirmish, then. Fox and Bianchi, obviously. :o
  15. Unless it's one of them ninja babies. Those things can mess you up.
  16. My loyalty is with Fox then. With safety I can live and then go home and eat cookies!
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