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Everything posted by Zephrion

  1. Joshua is way cooler than Neku. Also why am I not on your friend's list? WHY DO YOU HATE ME!? T_T

  2. I'm fairly sure you won't make many friends by going around saying "I'm popular, you're not."
  3. Such is life. Most of the friends I hang out with are Seniors so they're graduating this year. Really going to miss them.
  4. Dammit, Gatrie beat me to it. Happy birthday dude.

  5. Jesus, I actually understood that... ._. 1. No flaming towards or offending others. Try to be respectful of all members. FUCKING USELESS ASS HIKARUSA 2. The internet is not serious business. Take it as such. Don't be ridiculously silly, but don't take offensive to everything. Far from the Forest allows sillyness. WHO SAID THAT!? I'LL TEAR HIS FACE OFF WITH MY BARE HANDS! 3. No spamming or short meaningless messages such as "lol" or "haha" or "i agree". lol, haha i agree 4. Please type properly so others can understand you, so don't type in text speak. w8 wutz dis rool abut i has no ideeuh 5. No inappropriate content such as images of naked things or pornography, try to be PG-13. 6. No offensive or discriminative content such as racism or sexism. Those fucking French 7. No requesting, sharing of or linking to illegal wares (such as ROMs, or certain mp3s). If you are unsure of whether it is illegal or not, PM an administrator or moderator. Hey guys can you link me to a ROM of FE12, I've been dying to play it. 8. Behave appropriately and possibly friendly. I DON'T fight for my friends. I eat their children. 9. If you spot something inappropriate, report the post or topic. Well fuck, I'm not going to report myself now am I? 10. Try to mark spoilers by warning or using spoiler tags (this applies to all games/series/things). LEVAIL IS THE BLACK KNIGHT
  6. These are all very good questions and theories, but I believe you have overlooked something. In order to destroy the curse on the family, Link has to kill Gold Skulltulas and collect Golden Medallions as a sign of defeating them. Being made of, well, gold, these medallions obviously carry a hefty amount of value. Once the father of this twisted family has been cured, the medallions naturally hold no significance to Link anymore, him being part-Indian and unable to understand the monetary significance of something other than "Rupees." The father, however, knows full well how valuable gold is in Hyrule, and with a quick trip to the First National Bank of Hyrule, converts the gold medallions into millions upon billions of Rupees. However, I cannot aptly explain why the family simply doesn't buy Hyrule. Perhaps the thought was just alien to them, them being a simple backwater family obsessed with incest and bondage.
  7. A very good point you make. However, instead of your suggestion that Wind Waker had a completely different development team, I must disagree. Due to the seizure inducing madness the team suffered while working on Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask (the latter game being much darker than the former--undoubtedly due to the paranoia and hysteria the developers were going through at this point) they were all committed to a mental asylum. Once released, the development team was so docile, they resorted to making Wind Waker into a happy, cel-shaded game where Link and a peppy band of pirates sail the seas in search of treasure and adventure. Tingle, again, plays the role of Miyamoto, a vicious slave driver who pushes his similarly clad friends to the breaking point and beyond to power his fairy dictator tower, proving that at his point the team began to have a budding resentment for Miyamoto and his workplace "mannerisms." They even went so far as to have him stuck in jail under the charges of child molestation. Indeed, the old man does bear a striking resemblance to the members of the Skulltula family. Perhaps his hideous visage is due to a somewhat dulled down version of the same curse that was placed on his family members. However, why he was spared the life of an actual Skulltula whilst the others were not, I do not know. This is true...why on earth would mere children have such large wallets (while our hero was constantly mocked by his male peers for having such a small wallet in comparison.) The answer, no doubt, is that the children may have sold their "services" to others (most notably our homosexual carpenter) for money, and needed larger wallets to hold the excess. This too says something about how shitty a parent the father must have been, to allow his sons to participate in such acts for money.
  8. I disagree. Such eccentric characters had to come from somewhere. Either the development team was smoking something huge while designing the characters, or they based them upon themselves (or each other, what better way to get revenge on that guy who keeps stealing your lunch from the company fridge than making them a homosexual pedophilic carpenter?) As for Mr. Miyamoto, I agree that there is no way he can be a homosexual. However, I do believe that the eccentric character Tingle was based upon him. Tingle's tendency in Majora's Mask to fly to various spectacular locales on a simple balloon is a manifestation of Miyamoto's love for traveling and carnivals. Not only that, but once shot down, Tingle offers to sell our young hero a map of the location, giving life to the concept of Miyamoto as our guide of sorts through the wonderful (and climatically confused) Termina. It is not known whether or not the witch didn't take part in the "gatherings." In fact, her reasoning for warping the forms of her family members could be that they left her out of their family activities because she often ruined them by coming to the gatherings donning a robe and wizard hat.
  9. Who is the Great Deku Tree to keep the children separate from their parents or loved ones? And the forest is in plain sight, how can they not find it? If there was some sort of barrier, how could Adult Link get in? He's not a Kokiri.
  10. Then why are they all the same age if they never grow old? I highly doubt every child to enter the forest was the same age. And what about their real parents? Wouldn't they come looking for their children? Why aren't they staying with their children in the forest if that's the case?
  11. Zephrion

    Hey guys

    Sayonara, Shadow the Hedgehog... Err...I mean, hello.
  12. Your cryptic messages both confuse and infuriate me!

  13. Robotnik, I'm curious as to whether or not his new pingas is as large as they say.
  14. I was going to say "USE THE BOOST TO GET THROUGH" but it seems you already did...
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