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Everything posted by Zephrion

  1. Ignore this post. I hate the enter key. D=<
  2. Awesome Soren drawing. Hell, all of these are awesome. Especially Night's, that's just bloody AMAZING.
  3. Let's just get this over with. LOL OVERKILL ALERT. CGV - One of my first friends here, and generally an awesome guy, though somewhat perverted. XD If I ever met you in real life, I would SOMEHOW chuck a tornado in your general direction, then laugh and call you CheapGuyVaters as you lay flattened into the pavement. =D Desdemona - Though I haven't known you as long as others, I'd like to think I know you a lot better than I do other people. You're one of my best friends here, and a terrible dancer. XD Which I'm pretty grateful for since it masks my own terrible dancing prowess. Other than that, you're funny, kind, and all around awesome. I truly am glad to have met you. You made SF fun for me again. Fireman - What is there to say about Fireman that tons of people haven't already? You're awesome man, and quite possibly the funniest member here. Every one of your jokes are funny, which is what made you such a great writer. You're another of my best friends, and I really respect ya. Fox - One of the few members on this list who was actually around when I joined, and a good friend. I don't know you that well personally, but I do know you're a great brawler (IKE ISN'T CHEAP I SWEAR) and even better at Fire Emblem Play-by-Plays. I'll always remember that night, where Fireman and I dubbed CGV Cheapguyvaters. Good times... Lyle Dayek - While we're not on the best of terms, I still consider you one of my friends. You really were a great guy back in the early days of the forest... I don't quite know what went wrong in that time, but one thing's for certain: I'll always remember that time the site died, and we staved off a zombie invasion. Wasn't a very epic topic, but it was still pretty awesome. XD Metal Arc - While I don't know you all that well personally, you're still a great guy whom I consider to be one of my closer friends. You were one of the best writers for the sitcom, and your later works as well as the movies were simply amazing. As I mentioned before, I was a bit disappointed in your suddenly serious attitude after being appointed moderator, but I'm glad you returned (at least somewhat) to your old, rabbity self in time. Nightmare - The Iranian Prince himself, and definitely one of my best friends. I still remember some of the early days of chat, and how awesome they were when you were around. You really were the best choice for OP, and while it saddened me to see you resign, I respect your decision. Nonetheless, I respect you immensely, and I'm glad we became such good friends. By the way, Zeph and the Asexual Nightmare is THE greatest superhero team of all time. Raven - I never knew you that well before you roped me into your little Travian scam thing, but since then we've become really good friends. Though the whole Travian thing didn't work out in the long run, I'm glad we still talked to each other afterwards. You're a great guy, albeit a tiny bit perverted, but I can overlook that. XD Keep on pwning with that Steel Sword © of yours. Songbird - Quite possibly THE most RANDOM person I have ever met. It's not even funny. Except it is. It's hilarious. You're always fun to have around, and you always have a way of lightening up the conversation. You are one crazy girl. And I think that's awesome. You go Pineapple Queen. XD Wolf - Eh...I think I'll focus more on what you were in the past than what you are now. Back in the glory days of SF, you were an awesome kid (That's right, I said kid. XD) albeit you were a bit of a jackass. I still remember how we both stayed up all night in chat almost every night, talking about Tales of Symphonia and the like. In a way it became like the Tales of Symphonia version of the FE play-by-play. Even though you're a total bitch now, I'll still remember us being good friends back then. Cymbeline - While like your sister, I haven't known you as long as some of these people, I still consider you to be one of my best friends. Despite how shy you are, you're one of the kindest people in the forest, as well as funny and smart to boot. I still remember the times you, Des, and I played Brawl together. (STOP ONLY TARGETING ME PLZ! XD) I didn't play Brawl nearly as much before I met you two. Both you and your sister are two of the best members this forest has ever seen. Gatrie: Guns Blazing - When I think of you, only two words come to mind: BLOO FALCOWN! No hard feelings about that. I just couldn't resist! That'll learn ya to never steal lives from me again. OR YOU WILL FACE THE FALCON DRIVEBY, BITCH. But harsh words aside, despite your faults, you were still a pretty cool guy. Keep those guns blazing, hopefully you'll manage to get a date with that cute tree down the street. Knife - I don't know what happened to you man, but I miss ya. I think the same goes for everyone too. You were one of the best -- If not THE best brawler here. And your Smash Bros Nazi Quizzes were pretty cool as well. We'll all miss you and your Knifey-ness. Wherever you go in life beyond Serenes Forest, I wish you. Unless you become a knife murderer. Then I wish swift justice upon ye. Will - I didn't really know you that well until recently, but in the time we've known each other, you're a great guy. Even though you hate to admit it, you were a great choice for an OP position. You're a great guy, and anyone who can draw that well with a computer mouse is godly in my book. Get a tablet: You'll be the next Picasso. (Literally) XD Smartrutter7 - EPIC 1337AGE. You really made chat fun back in the old days with your scripts, though nowadays they just get abused to hell. Pass The H Bomb and Uno were both really awesome ways to pass the time. Thanks to you chat was never all that boring. And Makoto was the single greatest thing you created for the chat. (BUT I'M NOT A PLAYER DAMMIT) Besides what you've done for chat, you're a great guy too. I really enjoyed the game you made, ad I would have played more of it had my keyboard not sucked. tl;dr version: People on my friends list: You're awesome. People who aren't: You're slightly less awesome but still considerably awesome.
  4. Yep. I secretly missed you. You're like my best friend man... *sniff*
  5. I second that. This, milady, is an amazing piece of work, rivaling that of Picasso! You must share it with the entire site!
  6. My god... It's beautiful. This is quite possibly THE greatest work of art in the HISTORY of Serenes Forest. 10 stars out of 5.
  7. Never was a fan of MySpace and the like. Never will be.
  8. Well you misspelled Afraid. =D Other than that, not much. I guess. I'm not really the person to ask. TLS got hit by a car though. >_>
  9. I guess I'll join too, since all the cool kids are joining. XD
  10. Dammit Fox, you beat me to it. This is always a classic, though.
  11. I get nostalgic all the time. Blah. I must admit, I liked the forums a lot more then than I do now. Still bearable though, I guess.
  12. Hello hello. Or as we British say, 'Ello 'ello.
  13. Wisdom of Ages I would say. It's got a very nice contrast between epic battle music and calm symphony.
  14. Well it's not like posting ROMs is that big a deal. I can find any ROM I want by myself I don't really use them anyway. Try restarting your browser or something. I got that for a while too.
  15. Beans, by Shippidge, GuitarasterX7, and Dexterboy123. Lol, why do I know this?
  16. Dammit, I was just about to post my illegally downloaded ROM colle-- I mean, uh...legitmately obtained...music...game...stuff. >_> <_< But how could you shut the forest down on a FRIDAY!? O:
  17. I bought this the other day, and I've beaten two out of the ten stages... I must say so far, it's a very entertaining game. I don't usually go 100% in games, but something about de Blob makes me WANT to paint everything and get 100% completion. At any rate, it's worth checking out, even if you only rent it. I'm having a lot of fun with it so far.
  18. Dear Wily Stages, I hate you. Go die. Sincerely, your killer, Zephrion.
  19. From looking at the title I figured you just forgot to pay bills. But that's pretty cool. I'm gonna go find a ROM of every FE game and then post it when we change to the new host. =D
  20. Ah. I've heard mixed reviews, but I think I'll check it out. I'll probably rent it or something. Thanks.
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