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Everything posted by Zephrion

  1. Bah, this is why I prefer to work alone on projects. In Applied Tech class, I would always be paired up with someone I loathed... Anyway, that really sucks. I'm sure tomorrow will be better.
  2. I give you my word that I will never change from the way I am now. So I act a little immature or stupid. I do it because it's fun. I mean this in the nicest way possible, but not everyone can be as boring and uptight as you. For some of us, maybe this is the only place we can act like this. So we act immature. And anyone who does likely isn't going to "simmer down" any. Why stop something that's enjoyable? Maybe it isn't for you, but it is for them. If that bothers you so much, by all means, leave. Nothing's stopping you...
  3. Has links to an epic song and a plush picture site.
  4. Regal: YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!

  5. YES! First poster! Take that, people who sleep! *ahem* Welcome to the forest. Nice sig. Ike is awesome. He fights for his friends and doesn't afraid of anything.
  6. Likes to sit in chairs drinking blood wine.
  7. You mean Movie Gear Solid 4? I would. If I had a PS3. Or had played any other MG game besides those card game spin offs. Stupid Sony for not porting what will probably be their best game to the 360. I hear it pwns hard drives though.
  8. OH EM GEE, how did I miss this? Oh yeah. I wasn't here. Damn. Can we make a rule that all new members have to alert me 30 minutes in advance before making an Intro Topic, so everyone doesn't post before me? D: Anyway, welcome to the forest, blah blah blah. Have a nice stay, yadda yadda yadda. Don't pretend to be god, etc etc etc.
  9. I would post here, but I like my rating. Oh well. The Wii is gimmicky and is full of kiddy games.
  10. Articuno Suicune Milotic. ...Wait a sec...
  11. 3rd poster in an Intro Topic? My luck has started to turn... Anyway, welcome to the forest. Try to burn it down. (Wow, I haven't said that in a loooooong time...)
  12. You scare me sometimes, you know that.

  13. Hello. I'm Zephrion. Number One Headcase. Well...maybe not number one. But I'm definitely up there in the Top 10 or something. Also Roy. I apologize if this comes off harsh, but please don't be a hypocrite.

  15. Fireman is Guilty of being a total jackass. Case Closed.
  16. At 3 in the morning? I do like my sleep you know. =P

  17. http://www.serenesforest.net/chat.html
  18. He'll just make it worse with his MOD ABOOSE.
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