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Everything posted by Zephrion

  1. Lyle was 'introducing' us to the new him. =D And besides, it's not like we get postcounts there anyway. [/Anarchist Thoughts] w00t. All hail Lyle Damon.
  2. Because Fourth Fox isn't fun anymore. *hides* Anyway, I like the new you. You're not senselessly bound to anyone, and I respect that.
  3. Exactly. I'm sure Roy feels very welcome after hearing our tales of Bikes and Deaths and Socks.
  4. My God, Lyle's pulled a Hanz.
  5. Intro Topics ALWAYS go off track. That's the reason why we don't get postcounts here anymore. =P Take a look at every intro topic made in the past month and you'll see...
  7. Oh yeah, and the music was awesome too. Sakuraba rocks.
  8. Thank you, we try our best.
  9. Oooooh, that clarifies things... ...Wait, WHAT!?
  10. I guess that makes sense. ...Wait, WHAT!?
  11. We already have 3 Word Story, so it should be fine. It's FFtF anyway. Pretty much anything can go there.
  12. It's hilarious when you put it in context. XD Of course what would you care. You're not Bianchi. OR ARE YOU!? *dun dun dunnnnnnnnnn*
  13. HIKARI LIES. But Bianchi still lies. I bought one of those, and it broke after about a day.
  14. Perhaps, but it was still assault. I'm sueing for damages! Fireman, you be my lawyer!
  15. Wut? Some guy said it on the comments section of the M3 Translation. I thought it was funny, so I quoted it. :P
  16. And I'm the sage! Probably not. I'm sure I'm the least sage-like person you've ever met. ...I blame Fireman.

    You know, since the cool kids are doing it and everything.

  18. I want more of the same thing. At least that's what we're gonna be getting.
  19. Verbal evidence of me being right! I can die happy now. Anywho, welcome to the forest and all that. Now much I can say that hasn't already been stated by everyone else... Usually because by some time paradox I'm ALWAYS late to these topics. I blame Fireman and/or Hikarusa for lack of better martyrs.
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