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Everything posted by Zephrion

  1. ^ Is laughing their ass off right now. < Is loling right now. v Is rolling on the floor laughing right now.
  2. ^ Will explode while they sleep. < Is going mad. v Will say something not directed at me.
  3. Is spamming the same sentence over and over, and therefore making this topic less lulzy.
  4. You've just dethroned Bianchi as the Creator of the Best Far From the Forest Topic EVAR! For your great deed to the citizens of Serenes Forest, you win this! Now if you'll excuse me, I have more 'Person Above You' spamming to do...
  5. Is not related to me in any way whatsoever.
  6. Thinks this topic is totally awesome, dawg.
  7. Lol ^Has no idea who is above them so is going to write a generic comment and/or a sexual reference.
  8. Princess Kilvas is awesome for making this topic and wins 5 Serenes Points. (Since I know this is gonna be late) Aaaaaanyway. ^Has a soul.
  9. Has driven this topic completely mad. EDIT: Lol, I was right. =D
  10. Cool. I'm pretty sure I'm the only active user who hasn't been warned yet. =P
  11. It will involve lots of explosions.
  12. Is about to be Roundhouse Kick'd in the face.
  13. Fine. Want to help me bomb Introductions?
  14. EDIT: I meant to say 'Spams Aura Sphere.'
  15. Don't you mean GameStop? And you have just made a very fatal error, my queen.
  16. It could be. *Considers bombing Introductions so that it explosively breaks away from the forest and joins FFtF, which I believe is now in the middle of the Indian Ocean*
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