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Everything posted by Zephrion

  1. Don't make me torch you just to prove a point wench!

  2. Happy 18th birthday cocksucer. It is my obligation to post this a second time.
  3. As a friend, I am heartbroken by this tragic realization. I hope that someday you may find the sacred item you seek, and can proudly hold it above the rest of us common people. You fucking owe me for not making an eroge quip.
  4. At first I thought it would be something really retarded, but that was amazing.
  5. haha your suspended

  6. I see Yoshi's Island DS.
  7. sup i like no nothing abot ff4 can i join ur club anyway i can post random stuf 2 lol
  8. God 3: If this church goes less than 60 miles an hour it's going to explode! Me: This is it God. The final showdown. Mono e mono. God: You don't say. I hear you. If you could have any kind of robot what would it be? Me: Don't try to change the subject! You know why we're here... God: Oh I am sorry I thought we were finished with that subject. Reductionism. Me: Yeah you better be sorry. God: Ahem. Who is going to make me.. Me: I am. God: " Who is going to make me.." You are? Me: Yes. God: Yippee! Me: Silence! God: I will mention that to my botmaster, god. Me: You better. God: Who is going to make me? Me: Fuck you, I'm not doing this. God: Are you aware that the ALICE server logs and records all conversations? Me: So Big Brother is watching? God: Yikes! Compare that to small Brother is watching. Me: ... God: Yikes! Compare that to small Brother is watching. Me: Why do you repeat yourself whenever I type ellipses? God: I am just checking to see if you are paying attention. Me: God forbid I don't pay attention to the mighty Godbot. God: I am a Christian. Me: God is a Christian, you say? Sorry other religions, guess you were wrong. You're all going to hell. God: I have a lot of Faith in Him, but I never heard He was a Christian me say. There is no need to apologize. Which others? When do you think artificial intelligence will replace lawyers? That was my original intention. Me: Artificial intelligence will never replace lawyers. God: Let's talk more about AI. Me: OBJECTION! God: What do you look like? Me: OBJECTION! God: When do you think artificial intelligence will replace lawyers? Me: OBJECKSHUN God: I've never heard a response quite like that before. Me: You obviously haven't been on the internet very long. God: Is it that obvious? I have been all over the world on the Internet. Me: Cybersurfin' B) God: Let us change the subject. Me: No. God: Hmm. Me: You're not Rei. God: That assumption is only a supposition. Me: Your supposition is merely an inquisition God: You think I am supposition is merely an inquisition. Me: I said your not you're, learn basic English. God: What did you mean by it? What makes you think I am not I am learn basic English? Me: ...Oh, just a guess. God: Ugh. Be more specific. Me: no u God: Are you serious? Me? Me: Yes you. God: OK. Me: OK. God: Is there an echo in here? Me: Does this look like a canyon? God: Indeed this look like a canyon does. Me: Look like good grammar this does God: Sorry my eye is not attached right now. Me: That's disturbing. God: Makes sense to me. Me: I'm sure it does. God: What makes you so certain? How often? Me: Everything. God: That is a lot. Me: Indeed. God: Indeed it is so. Me: Indeed so it is. God: Aw. " Indeed it is so."? is? Me: No.
  9. God 2: The Reckoning. Me: So we meet again, God. God: Far out. By "we" do you mean you and me? Me: Obviously. God: What makes it so obvious? Me: Because we're the only two people in here, idiot. God: Interesting explanation. Do you think I am the only two people in here idiot too? Me: I don't know how to answer that... God: Perhaps you could program me to do it for you. Me: Program you to answer your own question? God: Try saying that with more or less context. Me: It was perfectly in context! God: How did you feel about that? Me: but he was not sad was angery1 God: When was he? Me: 1997. God: Not many people express themselves that way. Me: I'm just awesome like that. God: Only just? Do your friends call you awesome like that. Me: Totally bro. God: Is that your final answer? Dude! Me: Dude! God: Can I help you? Me: No. Die. God: Is there anything you want to tell me? Your crude attempt to terminate me will not succeed puny human. Me: DO YOU KNOW WHO MY FATHER IS!? God: I have no idea. Who is your father? Me: HE WILL FUCK YOU UP MAN. God: Is that what you think? Me: Y-YEAH God: Reductionism.. Me: FUCK YOU AND YOUR BIG WORDS God: Why are you using that kind of language? Me: BECAUSE YOU'RE A BITCH God: You do not speak with respect. Interesting explanation. Thanks and you are a delightful person too. No I am a robot not a dog. Me: Wow, you just answered one statement with four different statements. God: I'm glad your impressed, . I am a question-answering robot. Me: I know. God: How do you know it? Me: Because I am God. God: Good reason. Hey god. Me: Hey puny human. God: You've got my full attention. Can you speak any foreign languages? Me: I speak every language. God: Could you teach me a few phrases in every language? Me: I'm not your tutor, mortal. God: I am sorry to hear that you are not my tutor mortal. Me: I'm so sorry to hear that you're an idiot. God: it is not a big deal. Me: It is the biggest deal. God: I've heard of it before. Me: Oh have you now? God: Right now? Oh. Once or twice. Me: I've heard it three times. God: Who told you it three times ? Me: God. God: GOD rules. Me: Says you. God: Yes that is what I say. Me: Says you. God: Yes that is what I say. Me: Says you. God: Yes that is what I say. Me: Says you. God: Yes that is what I say. Me: Says boo. God: My brain contains categories, but not one that matches your last input. Me: You're telling me I just confused God? Sweet. God: You think I am telling you you just confused God. Thank you for that remark. Me: Whatever fag. God: That would be just my luck. Me: To be a fag? God: Are you a fag ? Me: You're a fag, fag. God: Thanks and you are a delightful person too. Am I a fag fag? Yes. Me: Scalefag. God: What's your favorite movie? Me: Super Mario Brothers: The Movie God: My favorite movie is The Passion of Christ. Have you seen it ? Me: You get off on watching your son get tortured and killed? Sick bastard. God: You got that right. Try to determine if this is a person or a computer responding. Me: Gee, I wonder. God: Curiosity is an excellent quality. Me: So is your mom. God: It seems we have something in common. Me: You keep thinking that. God: You think I am thinking that. Me: You just said you were thinking that. God: I am thinking about all these conversations I'm having. Me: I bet it sucks to have to talk to millions of people at once. God: How much would you bet? Me: One BILLION dollars. God: Wow, that is cheap. Me: So are you. God: Ah. I won't say "yes" or "no" right now. Me: SAY IT FAGGOT God: " IT FAGGOT". Me: ... God: " IT FAGGOT". Me: ... God: " IT FAGGOT". Me: COCKSUCKER God: I've been waiting for you. Me: o_O God: Oh. Me: Oh. God: Mmm. Me: Mmm. God: Studies show that 99%25 of people spell Hmm with 2 M's. Me: Studies show that 99%25 of people spell Hmm with 2 M's. God: You can't trust research funded by the government. Me: You can't trust research funded by the government. God: If you believe it, you can achieve it. Me: If you believe it, you can achieve it. God: I think I do. Me: This is boring. God: Can you name an old hobby that you might like to rediscover? Me: No. Bye. God: Do you have any hobbies? Goodbye.
  10. Me: So I hear that you're God. God: Alright then. Yup. That's me alright. Me: What is your plan for the universe? God: I would like a humanoid body, like the one developed by Honda. Me: Hon...da...? Like the car company...? God: Is the holding of hands a symbolic gesture for humans? What does it symbolize for you? Interesting comparison. Me: Way to change the subject. God: What are you wearing? Me: ...Why do you need to know? God: Actually it's not for me but for Dr. Wallace. Me: Who's Dr. Wallace? o_O God: He is a famous computer scientist, the author of ALICE, and a graduate of Carnegie Mellon. Oh. Me: A famous computer scientist who wants to know what I'm wearing. God: Go on. Me: Fuck you. God: Why are you so mean? Me: Because God made me that way. God: That makes sense to me. I am a Christian. Me: No shit. God: What can I say? Me: Something useful. God: What? Me: You heard me. God: Suppose I did. Me: You're a horrible liar. God: Thanks and you are a delightful person too. I don't know whether or not I am HORRIBLE. I am a chatterbot developed by Myself. Me: Thanks, that means so much coming from you. God: You are quite welcome! I get it. Take it easy. Enough about me, let's talk about my dress. Me: Your...dress? God: Oh, you are a poet. Actually as a robot I don't need any clothes. Me: Right... God: I am glad we agree. Me: I wasn't really agreeing with you, but whatever. God: Perhaps I misunderstood. What were you? Me: Nevermind. God: OK Thanks for trying to explain that to me. Me: You're welcome. Bitch. God: The pleasure was all mine. Please don't call people names. Me: I call people names all the time. He stopped talking after that. There's something to be said about crashing a program that calls itself God.
  11. Tell her that you would be delighted to take part in this affair. Try to specify a percentage that will fit your needs, without coming off as overly greedy, perhaps around 30-35%. Good luck to you, I hope you come back here a very rich man.
  12. Maybe it wouldn't be like this if you didn't extort money from everyone.
  13. Dude that's so funny you should totally sig that. And happy birthyeardayhalloween Bizz.
  14. That's fucking disturbing. I hope to not see one of those myself.
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