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Everything posted by Zephrion

  1. Prepare yourselves... For GREAT...AETHEEEEER!!! *Pwnzor'd* These Introduction topics sure get off track really fast, hm?
  2. I thought this was Mortal Kombat Wii for a second there... o_o; I'll probably use one of my Mii's, though in Double Dash I was great with Baby Mario...
  3. Her >B can be spammed very easily, and it keeps her in the air almost constantly, making it somewhat easier to dodge attacks. For above ground bosses like the Ridley and Hand twins, her UAir can also be spammed due to her floating ability. It's very cheap, I know. But it works. I've never been much of a Marth person either though...
  4. Saw Poultrygeist (No, that's not a typo). It was so very wrong in many more ways than you can count, but it was also the funniest thing I've seen in a long time.
  5. Maybe the rest of the Development Team thought Sakurai was giving too much attention to the Kirby Series' influence. In trophy news, I played a round of Coin Launcher, and got not one, but TWO Black Knight trophies, as well as an Elincia trophy. It made me very happy. ^_^ Also, Peach is a Boss SLAYER. With a little more practice, I may be able to beat Intense with her.
  6. There's definitely going to be another E3... Though personally I think it was a bad move to cut out the fans. We all know how awful E For All was... Personally though, I'm really hoping something Golden Sun is annouced. That would make my YEAR. Anyway, back to the subject... I've never really been a fan of Castlevania, so I'm probably not the best judge... But they seem pretty legit to me. (Though to be honest, it wouldn't really surprise me if they ending up being Shopped...)
  7. Pirate grammar is the best kind.
  9. Seriously. Not only would those scenes have been potentially awesome, but they're also quite important to the plot and explain a lot... They could've at least added it as a bonus scene or something, upon beating SSE.
  10. Small edit to mine. I added in what weapons I have, as well as a redone picture. And thank you Kiryn. I'll be sure to make you the next person I kill. >_> <_<
  11. For those wo don't know already, Sakurai posted a sort of background story to the SSE on the Dojo. It actually explains quite a bit, particularly about the Halberd and King Dedede. http://www.smashbros.com/en_us/gamemode/modea/modea17.html
  12. Coin Launcher is a lot of fun actually... I could see myself playing it for two hours, if I had the coins.
  13. Not to mention that Ike saw both of these things happen. Good thing Sephiran was there, or Ike would be pretty screwed up. I still gotta go with Marcia though.
  14. Phail/10. The game is noticeably more difficult than PoR, but it's not that bad... I bet this guy played Part 1 only and thought the rest of the game is as hard as that. >_>
  15. Probably, but you gotta admit it is a bit funny. I can't imagine why they'd leave out such good art though...
  16. I find a bunch of Sothe trophies... BUT WHERE'S THE BLACK KNIGHT!? :(
  17. Name: Zephrion Class: Wind Sage > Archsage Background Info: A Wind Sage living in Serenes Forest. He has a knack for accidentally killing his all his teammates... Starting Level: 20/05/-- Base Stats HP: 29 STR: 8 MAG: 26 SKL: 21 SPD: 20 LCK: 14 DEF: 10 RES: 22 CON: 6 WT: 7 MOV: 6 Weapon Levels: Wind (S), Thunder (B), Fire (B) Weapons: Tornado, Elwind, Elfire. Skills: Shove (Locked), Vantage, Adept. Picture: (I hope sprites are okay.)
  18. I saw Sweeny Todd the other night. I must say, this had got to be one of the best musical's ever. You gotta love all the dark humor as well.
  19. Pretty much every FE family is dysfunctional to some extent. o_o; I'll have to go with Marcia's though, because of all teh funneh words.
  20. She went so far from the forest that she made it back into the forest. Plus we needed a Chosen One anyway.
  21. You can't have a Nolan topic without mentioning Chuck Norris. It's just not done. I voted for Boyd, because apparently green hair is the new black.
  22. I gots mah Ashnard Trophy today. Why didn't anyone tell me that all you had to do was Beat TT Lvl 3 with 10 characters?
  23. Quite ironic, considering he's standing 3 feet away from the Black Knight.
  24. An off-topic discussion and I'm not around to start/contribute to it!? This is madness! Anyway, Welcome to the Forest. We've gone two days without a forest fire, are you willing to break that chain? *Hands box of matches.*
  25. If I recall, you didn't ask for a Good Ending... Just a different ending. :P At least you didn't die.
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