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Posts posted by FoliFF

  1. Problem is with cosmic horror stories these tries to emulate such as the cthulhu mythos are in fact most of the times they simply turn into some generic evil overlord. You never feel threatened by them and you can perfectly understand them and their flawed logic. Originally these stories had only "tragic" endings and these "Gods" always won in the end, like the old Greek mythos. Extra Credits explains it well.

  2. I have always had the view if it's in the game then it's fair game. I simply see the mechanics the game has as tools to enchant my experience of the gameplay. In the end it depends on my mood if I want to break the game with the tools the game offers me or challenge myself, or both. That's what I like about Fates giving me options that you won't feel restricted and you can also live without them.

    And no one can judge you how you play your game to have fun.

  3. I see word depth gets thrown around a lot between complex vs simple/classic story telling. One have to remind oneself that complexity in stories can have zero depth and in turn you can make a very simple stories that has a lot of depth. The same can be said in reverse too. The thing is as NekoKnight said it depends on the writer and how he/she can play around with the tropes that will make the story have depth or not. All I can say I gotta give props to IS for at least experimenting with their stories. There is a lot of potential here. Also to have the same standard set up in every games and also have the same result in the end will get boring and forgettable in the long run.

    Now for more on topic though. What kind of protagonist and antagonist I want to see in Fire Emblem is where I can see both characters grow as characters as the story progress. That is I want the antagonist be much closer or personal and acts as a foil to the protagonist. With that the antagonist doesn't necessary play the evil nor the big bad role of the story. The player character will act as a deuteragonist and another foil to both the protagonist and antagonist. I want character dynamics!

    I just rather not see another rehash of evil overlords, conquerors or imperialists just for the evulz.They have been played to the death. However, if I want another Hero vs Villain, like the hero meets the demon lord a the top of the castle type of story then I want to see those tropes being subverted or deconstructed to the living hell. Done right of course.

  4. In awakening the most popular OTP was ChromxF!Robin and M!RobinxLucina was very popular too. To be fair M!Robin was more of a launcher of a thousand ship really.

    In Fates it's seem M!CorrinxAzura is being shipped hard (I'm one of them even though I don't have the game yet). Ironically it seems that F!Corrin is the launcher of a thousand ship this time around, more so than M!Corrin.

    In Japan at least the OT3 is Leo, Takumi and F!Corrin

  5. snip

    Please Soleil was never been intended being a LGBT person in the first place. None of her support was intended to offend anybody either and yet people got offended for some misinformation and different culture values. Japanese people have a thing about "Cute girls" and the entire ordeal doesn't make make the character lesbian nor bisexual.

    So please: sJe1VSz.png

    And peace I'm out.1129e21a34830b63a0f62ef97e31667d.gif

  6. Something I said in fates thread might as well post it here as well:

    Slightly off-topic, if the child mechanic return most of us agree some sort of time-skip is probably the best to do it but how would you guys feel if they did similar thing in awakening? However, this time around the 1st Gen travels into the future for like 20 or so year and meet up with gen 2 characters. Or more to meet their grand grand etc. children. One plot reason is that big bad Kefka won and destroyed the world or something. So with help of Naga they travel into the future for another plot reason so they can save their present.

    I mean hey better use the outrealms/dragons gate/spotpass to its fullest extant since time travel tropes is no stranger to FE anymore. Gotta make the timeline even more convoluted eh?

  7. No worries mate. I'm a price hunter you see and I'll hunt for the cheapest yet most convenient option to me. So I'm well versed when it comes to pricing in games xD

    Also to be honest I'm pissed and calling BS that pricing of games $ vs €. Like you said in EU €80=$90 or in general that $60 game cost €60 which is BULL FUCKING SHIT. Major rason why I never will set a foot in gamestop or other murica inspired retail stores. Fates SE should cost €70-75 tops, but nope it has to cost more... But alas when it comes to LE/CE/SE you'll sadly have to deal with it. Which is why I normally buy standard variants since if you are lucky you can find games cost down to £30 of a newly released game.

  8. That's not really accurate a lot of the time, to be honest.

    80 USD is £56 and I'd be very surprised if our SE is that cheap, since Awakening on its own was £40 retail, Fates' individual games seem to be selling for £35 though at the moment.

    Our SE will likely be £70-80, which is $100-115

    Well I threw that out in as a general guideline. Doesn't limited/collector edition of games for the 3DS cost around £65-70? (Looks at Bravely Second Collectors Edition). Since Bravely Second CE costed more than Fates SE in my country I think it's pretty safe to assume for UK it won't cost more than £70.

    As for the rest of EU that has euro I have seen it being in the €80 range.

  9. Slightly off-topic, if the child mechanic return most of us agree some sort of time-skip is probably the best to do it but how would you guys feel if they did similar thing in awakening? However, this time around the 1st Gen travels into the future for like 20 or so year and meet up with gen 2 characters. Or more to meet their grand grand etc. children. One plot reason is that big bad Kefka won and destroyed the world or something. So with help of Naga they travel into the future for another plot reason so they can save their present.

    I mean hey better use the outrealms/dragons gate/spotpass to its fullest extant since time travel tropes is no stranger to FE anymore. Gotta make the timeline even more convoluted eh?

  10. Anyone have any idea why this is so poorly managed? Other collectors editions (Bravely Second, Hyrule Legends) appear to be pretty easy to obtain. Does Nintendo of Europe hate Fire Emblem or something?

    Looking at how it was for NA and AUS the main reason I think is just very limited supply of SE in general. It's even worse that they don't restock it to meet the demand. Another thing to consider is that AUS is one country (two with New Zeeland) same deal with NA so it's far easier to handle the communication between the retailers and Nintendo. Same thing can not be said for EU where NoE have to appeal 5 different languages all in one continent. There is also the fact every country has their own chain of retailers where NA and AUS does not have the same problem.

    TL;DR Most likely EU have struck with the all mighty poor communication kills very hard.

  11. Well you seems to have reached little over the half way mark of the story. If you feel hesitant to restart from scratch at least at least finish the main story and then do another run albeit this time around more of a "perfect run". That would I have done if I come to realization that I missed several potential characters. My first run three of my guys died since I didn't know soft reset was a thing. However, if you want a "perfect run" from start to finish then I suggest make a new save file and start over.

  12. too small? I think the XL is too large XD

    It's mainly the screen size that matters for me since I don't have to glare as much to see what happens on the screen. Another factor that since the regular size is still to large or clunky for my pockets I'll just have it in my backpack so the if I'm going anywhere so the bigger size just wins out in the end xD

  13. Don't have the game so I can't speak how much I like them in terms of personality or the gameplay mechanics other than this time around I find the justification being dumb as hell and poorly implementation since they have no relevance to the overall plot. I do like the child mechanic in general and I would love to see more in future games though with better justification to implement them. At least having plot relevance to the overarching story arcs.

    I see three possiblilites that I find at least better plot justification to implement the children in future games. First two would be how they handle it both in genealogy of the holy war and in awakening. As for the third is another time travel shenanigans however this time 1st gen travels into the future one shape or form cuz plot reason, instead of 2nd gen children tavel back.

    Still I probably will like to another style of genealogy of the holy war or at least how agarest generations of war handle the child mechanic, well the MC at least.

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