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Posts posted by FoliFF

  1. I just want to say that I received my Fates cover plates and that I would recommend them, they're gorgeous. I just have to wait till I get my new 3ds X'D

    Everybody good luck! I hope you all will get your SE pre-order soon

    sigh if only 3DS XL variants could change the faceplates. Regular 3DS size is just to small for me... Especially the screen and the fittness to the the hand <.<

  2. Just got my Special Edition pre-ordered! Hype is nuts!! Check your gamestop's people, Sweden's gamestops just recieved word that only 1 Special edition PER STORE will be available, don't know if it's the same in other countries but if Sweden has recieved word then maybe the others have as well!

    Only one copy per store? I find that hard to believe....

  3. The 3DS doesn't seem to be is such low supply, nedgame still has it.

    Probably because many already owns a 3DS and doesn't feel like to upgrading. There is also the fact that it doesn't come with any games on it which devalues its appeal. I got my 3DS XL limited edition with Awakening for this very reason that it came with the game. Also the fact since I already own a 3DS I have no reason to upgrade to N3DS. While I really like the colour scheme and theme of it but I'm not throwing 200 euros for a machine while I still have one working perfectly fine.

  4. I might brought some good news for you that have yet to snatch a SE. I found out that this online store cdon.com is offering Fates SE. This is a Nordic shop so they probably only ship within the Nordic countries (Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Iceland). Also take note that pre-oders are not up. However, you can monitor the product and when they open the pre-orders they'll send a email to you. Link for the swedish website. Fear not however I did find a EU version so the option of international shipping of SE should be possible. However, the catch here while you can see the product in the search box you can't neither pre-order or monitor SE. Same story applies for regular Conquest and Birthright for some strange reason. Link to the EU ver of the site.

    edit: I read somewhere that even the Swedish website should allow shipping to some EU countries outside of the Nordic countries but don't take my word on this since I have yet to confirm it for myself.

    edit 2: Outside of the Nordic countries cdon.eu ships to following countries: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and United Kingdom: www.cdon.eu, however you have to be the citizen to one of these countries or they will not accept your order.

  5. It could retail stores that have more experience with Nintendo and limited edition in general probably know they usually only get 100 copies period and they bet they will only get that number of copies so the throw out the pre-orders before the 100% clearance. At least that what's seem to me from those that threw out pre-orders ahead of time from the likes of amazon and similar. And I think the stores themselves thought Nintendo will restock since it's such a high demand on it. But alas that seems not being the case for FE: Fates

  6. -snip-

    <- lots of valid points

    It's the AAA games in both West and East that is suffering for the most part. I would argue gaming in large have reached it's peak, with that I completely agree with you that the gaming have been on decline. However, people are starting to mastering the medium instead. We are far from mastering the Video Game medium as I previously mentioned the gaming medium is very different from the traditional medium. There is a lot of untapped potential both on the innovation front, which many people are hung up on, and mastering it.

    Remember folks Tropes Are Tools.

  7. A few months or so ago my local Media Markt partnered up with FAME or something and their whole entertainment section has been revamped. It's much nicer than it used to be (there's actually a proper Amiibo section now!), but gaming selection still feels pretty low, especially for Nintendo stuff. :\

    Whenever I visit a store that sells video games if it's isn't pokemon, mario or zelda no other title in sight. However, if I go to a gaming store depending how big the store is I usually see about 3-4 bookshelves at most for nintendo stuff. 1 for 3DS 2 for Wii U while the 4th is left over space. While the rest of the store has PC, Xbox and PS stuff. Kinda sad really... I guess the biggest factor that NoE relies more on gaming websites and word of mouth rather than advertise the hell out of their products...

  8. Face reality, the gaming economy is falling behind to other mediums.

    I'm curious in terms of what? I find that hard to believe when they say video games are making more money than films or literature. Also the fact video games as a whole is very different medium being an interactive mediums and a young one at that.

  9. I did watch GameXplain play the game (Japanese version) for 2 hours(2 streams), so I'll watch this one too since I still need to save up for a Wii U(...after I save up for a New 3DS XL to replace my older and somewhat broken, yet still fully functional, 3DS XL......and money for Momocon...*sigh*...darn you 12'th grade...make me work weekends...),

    Wouldn't it be wiser to at least wait till E3 and see what the NX is and what it has to offer before buying a Wii U? Rumour has it will come for winter holiday release.

    Here's hoping it will have backwards compatibility.

  10. Considering that EU 9/10 gets the short end of the stick with the likes of many of Nintendo games are releases several months after NA or only getting eshop titles I even wonder if anyone would even bother with us. Still if you only play offline with a hacked/home brew machine I guess there is some appeal to it.

  11. Don't forget that there have also been multiple people from the US looking for the European SE. So probably not everyone buying it is European >_>

    Why though? Unless resell like BruceLee said what other option is there? Failed to grab one back when NA announced their SE? Or is it about the rumour that EU version will be less censored than NA?

  12. how many non-dutch people will order from a website that's in dutch?

    but that's what I mean, if Nintendo products are so much more popular in the Netherlands then in Sweden then Nintendo shouldn't (if they are smart) have given a Scandinavian-only webshop so many copies. its simply not smart from a business point of view and its not fair either ;P

    Which is funny that only Webhallen have given out the SE. There haven't been any signs of it elsewhere. I know of two retail stores that that possible offers SE and that's Gamestop and Mediamarkt respectively. Then there are couple of gaming online stores that sell games.

    Heck I have yet to see the New3DS of Fates on any store/online shop.

  13. yeah, I don't know how nintendo distributes their pre-order.

    webahallen seemed to have a supply that lasted the whole weekend and in the netherlands everything was sold out in hours ><

    I can think of three main reason why it lasted the entire weekend. #1 They don't ship outside Scandinavia which in turn will stops most of the hungry wolfs that is the rest of EU getting their hands on it. Since it's a Swedish site it means it was mostly only Swedish people getting it. #2 The Nintendo fanbase here is small compared the likes of NL, GER, FR, ITA and UK. Still it sold out in a weekend which is a new record I think for a nintendo prodruct. When NoE releases some kind of SE usually last weeks if not months and sometimes they never even sold out. #3 In general we are hardcore PC fanboys were M$ and Sony shares the second place.

  14. I wonder how it is for those countries that gets SE but the stores doesn't ship them outside their home country. For my go to retail store had them in stock entire weekend. I also know my that the store usually have a couple of SE of any kind for sale after release. It's mainly because some people cancel their orders on the last minute or for other reasons. I can update if there will be any for sale after release. However, thinking of how rare Fates SE is it probably will get sold out pretty fast.

    I know I have bought a couple of Limited/Special Edition in the past, this being my second after Bravely Second for 3DS but none of them have been this limited.

    edit: It also makes one feel a little bit special since you know you were one of the few that got a limited copy. Can't wait getting my hands on my SE.

  15. So does anyone actually know the reason behind the much later release date for us European/Australian's? This has probably already been brought up earlier in the topic but I'm curious to hear opinions. Do you think we will receive less censorship at all?

    I heard rumours that we will get the full skinship like the JP since apperantly there are voices for every instance like the JP ver. Still it's just a baseless rumour since I haven't seen any source to this claim. Normally EU is just getting NA copy with just minimal alternations. However, who knows we might at least getting the swimsuits?

  16. Pretty sure the ST is a better deck than you'd get with a ton of boxes, for two reasons:

    Main characters require 4 usually high rarity cards (Everything else you can just scrape together)

    The best Main Characters are ST-exclusive

    In my case do you mean main characters are M!Corrin and F!Corrin, Azura and the royals?

    Well I have followed TheVinceKnight suggestion and ordered both ST and one booster box on amiami. I'll just have to wait for amiami to restock their supply since it's on back-order now. Wonder how long it usually takes to restock. They mention back-orders can take weeks. Well in any case I can wait. Crosses fingers to get good cards

    Thanks for the help guys.

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