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Posts posted by Ebony

  1. 13 hours ago, Water Mage said:

    Also, is anyone else findind the comments on the loading screen to be...disturbingly realistic?

    It's honestly really, really funny.

    I'm on the fourth leg of the story, beat the third dungeon. This game is an utter blast. I'm probably having more fun with this game then I did P4 and P3. I'm enjoying the cast more so far too. There's nobody I actually flat out dislike or find myself annoyed by.

    I cried tears of hilarity. There's basically a group that is Anonymous later on. It's actually hilarious.

  2. Liking Jupiter is GOOD TASTE.

    1) Hullo, how are you today?

    2) How far in Jojo are you?

    3) I see you like Jotaro. Personally my favorite Jotaro is part 4. Your's?

    4) Favorite Jojo villain?

    5) Favorite Stand?

    6) If you had a Stand and it had bunny  ears would you be happy?

  3. Honestly even if this game is edgy, I think I'll be fine with it. I guess that could be its saving grace for me, I'm just really use to over the top edge and, in general, over the topness in both my own writing and games I think I'd be fine with it.

  4. Thats fair. I don't know, I have decent hopes I'll at least be fine with the narrative. That being said this is from someone who didn't really care for most of P4's narrative and got most of my enjoyment from gameplay and Social Links.

  5. 1 hour ago, Thane said:

    I adore Persona 4, and I really hope Persona 5 blows it out of the water. However, I must say I'm not a fan of the art style or what seems to be driving the plot. "Reforming corrupt adults" and "breaking free from society" sounds ridiculous and like even more teenage pandering, which is the last thing the series needs.

    Hoping for the best, expecting to run my hand through my hair in frustration multiple times.

    To be fair, in Japan it's a really big deal to have a game that gives you a message that authority isn't absolute to listen to. Cultural differences and all.

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