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Posts posted by Ebony

  1. On 4/27/2017 at 2:28 PM, DodgeDusk said:


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    Regarding Akechi: is it ever said which Persona he got first? Unless I'm missing something, I'd like to think he obtained Loki first, then awakened to Robin Hood once he started bonding with the protagonist. I imagine that's probably his first "link" with somebody.

    It's never said which Persona he got first. There are points kinda leaning to Loki being either. It fits the "mythological trickster" of the Ultimate Personas, though it could be his Initial Persona since that's how he got the power to make people go berserk.

    I'll offer an alt look at it - Robin Hood was his Initial Persona, and Loki is actually the Ultimate Persona he reached upon finalizing his goal. It's not a very... healthy one, and the amount of corruption could fuel into his powers. Alternatively it's symbolic of his "link" with Shido.

  2. 4 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

    I'm stuck on what to have Sumia give Cynthia.  I think I'll have Henry pass down despoil (because gold is needed more than anything else a present).

    Are you fine with grinding? Cause I usually passed down either Luna, Renewal, or Tomefaire. It depends on her ending class.

  3. On 4/21/2017 at 7:03 PM, Radiant head said:

    oh whoops, yeah it was only 3 in this game, was thinking of p4. 

    man i wanted to avoid strength because it would be a huge drain on compendium cash, but looks like i have no choice. 

    honestly i think strength is worth it just because the last skill is really, really good

  4. eh might as well

    1.     What is your name? (Just put your SF username here.)


    2.     What's in your pockets right now?

    3.     What's your favorite meal?
    Likely something involving steak or otherwise meat to be honest.

    4.     How do you define what is good or morally desirable?
    This is a tough question. I guess mostly by how it effects others.

    5.     Coffee or tea?

    6.     Do you like to eat pumpkin?

    7.     What are your views on marriage?
    Something I'd like to do, but not something I think is necessary.

    8.     What do you think about telepaths?
    No real opinion.

    9.     If you had to choose between a family member doing a great evil or a foe doing a great good, who would you side with?
    Foe doing a great good.

    10.  Is the glass half empty or half full?
    Half empty.

    11.  When a tree falls in the forest, and no one’s there to hear it, does it make a sound?

    12.  What is the sound of one hand clapping?

    13.  What do you see when you look up at the sky?
    The ceiling, but if I were to stand outside I'd likely see the stars. No light pollution where I live.

    14.  What is your favorite past time?
    Video games

    15.  What is the most mundane, simple thing you like to do?
    Sleeping, otherwise just kinda... staring out the window.

    16.  What do you think about “morals”? Do they exist, or do they not?
    They exist, but differ depending on the person.

    17.  Which country do you want to visit most?
    Unsure, somewhere in Europe?

    18.  Would you call yourself happy with your current life and situation?
    I don't know.

    19.  Are there any foods you just cannot abide?

    20.  It is 5 minutes to 8 and dinner is not ready. At 8, your guests are arriving. What do you do?
    Have a pizza show up, likely?

    21.  Favorite flowers?
    Camellias, irises

    22.  Are you a day or night kind of person?

    23.  Have you ever hurt someone intentionally? Why?
    Yes. Because they were hurting me first.

    24.  What's the biggest (or best) lie you ever told?
    I told some freshmen the false ending to a book. They believed me. I didn't have it in me to not tell them the truth though...

    25.  What color is the sky?

    26.  What is your greatest regret? Would you go back to change things if you could?
    Hurt a friend's heart. I do wish I could change it though, I feel like I caused him issues down the road.

    27.  If you do celebrate birthdays, how do you celebrate? If not, why don't you?
    No. I am afraid of mortality, so I don't celebrate it.

    28.  What's in your bathroom medicine cabinet right now?
    My medication.

    29.  Do you consider yourself normal?
    That's objective.

    30.  A little girl is crying because her cat is stuck in a tree. How do you respond?
    "Don't worry, it'll get out soon."

    31.  Name one thing about yourself that you wish you could change.
    Too many things... maybe my sex?

    32.  What is your biggest pet peeve?
    Your and you're

    33.  Do you talk out loud to yourself when no one can hear you?

    34.  What would be your first, second and third thoughts if your consciousness was suddenly transported into another the body of someone of the opposite gender?
    "What?" "How?" "I hope my boyfriend still likes me."

    35.  What would be your first course of action if you realized you were in a time loop (ie. no consequences)?
    I actually am unsure. Test out to see if it works?

    36.  If you were not doing what you're doing, what would you be doing instead?

    37.  What would you do if you came up to a locked briefcase that was beeping faster and faster and faster and faster …
    Honestly? Run

    38.  Favorite color?
    Black, red, purple, green

    39.  When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
    A dinosaur

    40.  How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa Claus?
    Like, 6

    41.  If you could go anywhere in your world, where would it be, and why?

    42.  What advice would you give to someone going on a long and possibly dangerous journey?
    "It's okay to give up sometimes."

    43.  If you could push a button and vaporize all evil people in the world, would you do it?
    No, simply because I don't know who is the one that defines who is evil and who is not.

    44.  Milk or water?

    45.  In a huge crowd, would you blend in or stick out?
    Blend in

    46.  Again, in a huge crowd have you ever felt alone?

    47.  Do you have a food that you cannot live without?
    Pizza maybe?

    48.  Describe yourself in one word.

    49.  If someone is in a position of authority, does that automatically make them a responsible person?

    50.  You come home one night to find your worst enemy waiting for you at your door. What do you do?

    51.  What's your favorite pizza topping?

    52.  Have you ever watched the sunrise? If so, when?
    Yes, a while ago on the bus...

    53.  All right, so your mother just tells you you’re adopted. What's your reaction?
    Upset they didn't tell me sooner, likely.

    54.  We've heard all about lies... what's the hardest truth you've ever had to tell?
    "I'm not really into you."

    55.  How would you feel and what would you do if a friend you weren't that close to suddenly started telling you about their tragic past? 
    I'd listen.

    56.  What's your favorite kind of music?
    I don't really have one. I guess symphonic metal?

    57.  Do you like socks?
    I go barefoot but socks are great.

    58.  Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or fly?
    Breathe underwater

    59.  What makes you laugh?
    A lot of things.

    60.  What are you thinking about right now?
    Persona 5

    61.  What are you most afraid of and why?
    Death, because I'm afraid of what comes after.

    62.  Do you have any dietary restrictions? If so, what are they and why?
    Nothing fried. I got my gallbladder removed. I also can't eat Chinese.

    63.  What is your drink of choice?
    Powerade and water

    64.  What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
    Turn off the tv.

    65.  What is the last thing you do before you go to sleep?
    Turn on the tv for white noise.

    66.  What do you do to keep yourself occupied when you're in an annoying situation?
    Listen to music.

    67.  It's 3 in the morning and you're awake. What are you doing?
    Trying to sleep.

    68.  Do you believe in the power of love to change the world?
    I believe it can. I just don't believe people will let it do so.

    69.  What kind of person or character trait annoys you the most?
    Stubbornness, that is a lack to move forward or change your ideals or think about changing them.

    70.  Would it bother you if someone hated you for no reason?

    71. There are three doors in a room (not including the exit), they're unmarked. One leads to death, one to riches, and one to home, but you don't know which leads where. What do you do?
    Get ready for the worst.

    72. Would you like to rule the world?

    73. If you did want to take over the world, how long do you think it would take you?
    Too long

    74. If you could own anything in your world, what would it be?

    75. Is there a song that drives you nuts?
    Anything by Iggy Azaelia

    76. You've found some treasure guarded by a dragon. The dragon may be a bit too tough for you to fight. Do you go after the treasure anyway?
    Yes, through underhanded tactics.

    77. If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?
    A weathered, tired tree that still can provide shade and a home to others.

    78. If you encountered the mirror of Erised from the Harry Potter series what would you see?
    A world where I didn't hate myself.

    79. Confronted by a hungry, annoyed dragon, what would you do?
    Offer to hunt down whatever it wants in return for my life.

    80. What would you do if someone tried to blast you into the ionosphere?
    Fight back with my enemy Stand. Realistically, wonder how they did that.

  5. 3 hours ago, Radiant head said:

    which is covered by group guillotine i assume?


    Also if anyones curious, my favorite 3 non party links are Hanged Man, Temperance, and Star.

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