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Posts posted by Ebony

  1. 202,919,556

    1 hour ago, Rapier said:

    That picture is the sole reason why I am doubting if I am going to pick EMIYA or not when that magical event that allows me to pick a 4* happens.

    I'm still on the part where Lima IV Mage!Cu assists the main party, so I guess I still have plenty of ground to cover. I swear I am a Cu Chulainn magnet, for better or worse.

    My power level User ID is 420,218,475, by the way.

    Also, some questions: My character levels up, but the Servants don't. Am I doing something wrong or do they only level up through items? How exactly do units on the support side help? Is Mash worth leveling up at all?


    Servants level up. They have/get "embers."  Go to menu, enhance, and then servant. Choose a servant, then pump in the blowing star/gem looking things and they level up. Units on the support side help because they can typically be stronger and things you don't use. Mash is complicated. She is good wtih buffs but falls off the wagon due to the fact she ascends as you press through the story.

  2. This is actually a really hard question because for me it essentially boils down to "what Bloodborne track do you like?" Because truth be told no real boss theme can be really good compared to some of the ones in that game anymore. It's ruined boss themes for me by being too good. It's a mix of the composition, which has been good since Dark Souls, but it does way better then Souls by pumping in choir to it. Which fits the theme of the game. 

    It was a tossup between Laurence or the second leg of Ludwig's theme.

    I choose you, Berserk horse.

  3. 19 minutes ago, Thor Odinson said:

    The design overall feels very top-heavy and lacks balance, and would've been better if there were some armor or frills at the waist/hip area to balance it out.

    That is the perfect way to put it - top heavy. I noticed something... odd with like, Beruka and Velouria switching them to Fighter.

    I actually have a somewhat of a guilty pleasure (???) in that I really like the Berserker outfit. It's mostly from the hips down, it looks so... soft and stylish.

  4. 56 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Whisper in Lucina's ear that Camilla wants to kill Chrom because she thinks Chrom hurt Corrin in "Before Awakening" and then whisper in Camilla's ear that Lucina wants to kill Corrin for hurting Chrom in the same scenario. Then watch the two kill each other. Also throw some actual clothes at Camilla's corpse as a statement to how ridiculously stupid she looks.


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