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Posts posted by Ebony

  1. 15 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Except Smash is non-canon and not even made by IS. Those decisions were Sakurai's not IS's. Also, you're not even correct, because both genders of both characters are playable in Smash.

    Unfortunately in games with m/f options, the male option is the canon one just about 100% of the time. The only exception I can think of is in Fate/Extra where they both exist, but then the female dies anyway.

  2. On 4/30/2017 at 11:49 PM, Radiant head said:

    who did you guys use for endgame?

    i used futsunishi and yoshitsune to death in p4 and kinda want to do something else, and a certain persona isn't available in the first playthrough :/

    uhhh, christ that was a while ago

    i am pretty sure i brought satan with me to endgame

  3. On 4/27/2017 at 6:20 AM, ManaketeofYlisse said:

    I love to ship people, be it real life, 

    That's actually creepy dude.


    Avatar x Cherche is my OTP. Forever. Girl avatar or male avatar she's who I marry. I do like Lon'qu x Avatar too, just not as much.
    Sumia x Henry
    Chrom x Olivia
    Maribelle x Lon'qu
    Nah x MMorgan
    Cordelia x Virion
    Panne x Virion or Stahl

  4. 2 hours ago, Water Mage said:


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    Speaking of Yaldabaoth, I wonder for how long he has taken the Velvet Room. I believe it was for at least the two years Akechi had his powers, considering that Igor and the others would have tried to guide Akechi towards the right way, like they did with Sho in Ultimax. Yaldabaoth probably took over the Velvet Room in other to prevent that. Now that I think about it, Yaldabaoth probably set things up so Akechi would become a murderer or at least take the "wrong" path in life. Yaldabaoth was rigging things from the start after all.


    I genuinely think that Yaldabaoth didn't corrupt Goro. I believe he basically just gave him the power. Goro could have been steered in a way that was healthy in life, but it was too late. He likely did, however, give him the power knowing the path done life he was going through. I think he was already heading down a dark path and Yaldabaoth didn't do anything to actually influence it. 


    I do want to say as much as I love Goro, and I plan on writing a small paper of Goro thinking, I don't think he did nothing wrong. I do believe there's something actually wrong with him besides just being a villain, but I think he deserves punishment. I just don't think him being killed and then conveniently forgotten about is fair to him when he was such an important character.

  5. 15 minutes ago, Water Mage said:
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    Shido might have something to do with that and his multiple Personas. I just remember that Shadow Shido saying that it was only after meeting Shido that Akechi started using his powers properly. Considering Shido knew about Wakaba's Cognitive Psicience research, I don't think he was lying. In fact, it was probably only after meeting Shido that Akechi started killing people in the Metaverse.

    Well the multiple Persona thing and the Wild Card is due to Yaldabaoth. He gave both the MC and Goro the power of the Wild Card to see what humanity wanted - basically to be ruled over by him or be left alone. He ignored that. Still, Yaldabaoth is the one who gave him the power of the Wild Card. He just couldn't develop it properly, and then Shido happened.

  6. On 4/27/2017 at 5:17 AM, TheSilentChloey said:

    I'm trying not to grind too much (Sumia is a knight atm and I haven't got her to cleric like I normally do.  Likely Cynthia will be a tomefaire df though if that helps).

    I sitll recommend one of the ones. I think I usually put her through Cleric and did Rescue grinds to get the skills I wanted.

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