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Posts posted by Ebony

  1. I think I forgot to say my favorites.

    I have to say Goro is probably my favorite by a longshot, followed by Yusuke. Actually yeah, Goro is definitely my favorite by a longshot.

    I believe he deserved better then how the plot treated him.

    Futaba is my new daughter.

  2. Right now my Persona team is pazuzu/daisoujou/anubis/barong/bugs/isis/parvati/yurlungur/mothman/melchizedek/baphomet/pale rider. Working well atm.

    I'm gonna try and go up against the reaper.

    Endgame... feels so long...

  3. 3 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    On a related note, Nero was the original neckbeard troll.  For whatever reason, his statues depict him with a neckbeard, and his behavior wouldn't be out of place in many internet forums or youtube comment sections.

    false, nero is in fact a blonde anime girl


  4. I found her Co-Op fine. I don't mind naive characters like that, but not taken to as extremes as Mitsuru.
    I'm going to give her bonus points to the fact it's the first Priestess social link i care about.

  5. I'm... okay I'm near endgame.

    I have to say, this is bar none my favorite Persona game. It's just way too fun.

    I'll be doing another run since I wasn't able to 100% get all links. That being said, I made Makoto my gf. Smart choice, she's adorable.

  6. 1 hour ago, AzureSen said:

    I have to amend my above post because I just finished Palace #4, but Futaba has quickly grown on me since joining. It probably helps that there's a long string of pretty funny events after she joins, that she's got a cute design, and that her Persona is everyone's favorite eldritch tome as a UFO. I also have to say, I'm amazed at how good the Sun Co-Op is turning out to be. Toranosuke has turned out to be surprisingly complex and sympathetic, and he's probably in the running for my favorite non-plot important Co-Op.

    If we're going non plot important social links, I think so far my favorite might actually be Temperance. It's also insanely useful so far.

  7. Don't know, but the public, especially his fans are shocked. He just came out with his bad rumor which is spread massively. This time is not about his music career, but his bad rumor. The rumor is out of standardize of hoax, according the last reported this singer revealed himself as homosexual. Do you still believe or not, this rumor is really much talked by people even in a person of his fans. I still do not believe, but possibility is not out of possibility. 

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