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Everything posted by Ebony

  1. nothing i just wanted to see who i still liked and how my tastes changed
  2. Saber: Bedivere, Richard, Mordred, Artoria, Nero Archer: Gilgamesh, Arjuna, Ishtar, EMIYA, Tesla Lancer: Enkidu, Karna, Cu, Artoria, Vlad (like Apocrypha Vlad) Rider: Ozymandias, Iskandar, Perseus, Medb, Medusa Caster: Gilgamesh, Andersen, Merlin, Hohenheim, Nitocris Assassin: Kiritsugu, Shiki, King Hassan, Sasaki, Jack (please give this child some pants tho she is probably cold :c) Berserker: Nightingale, Cu Alter, Lancelot, Kintoki, Asterios Other: Jeanne, Mashu, Angra, Dantes, Amakusa/Jalter Favorites overall: Gilgamesh, Enkidu, Kiritsugu, Jeanne, Ozymandias gave though so here are my current faves
  3. i missed ignis birthday and i wanted to bump a thread
  4. someone tell me to go back to sleep
  5. I don't expect to see ways to add orbs unless it's events or something like apologies for maintenance. Orbs are how they get their revenue so I wouldn't expect them to really just freely hand them out except on special occasions.
  6. yain't is just y'all ain't its so southern and i am not use to it i jsduagndfh i hate my accent but i guess in general i just REALLY dont like my voice its like high pitched + southern accent it makes me feel like an idiot
  7. every time i feel my accent slip through or i use words like "yall" or "yaint" i want to die
  8. honestly i don't need apologies, it isn't like okay the ones irl are unstable i guess in a way that isn't like... dependency however, one of them has some issues
  9. tbh i know that feeling about weird people i attracted a lot of people a lot of... uhm... unstable people the nintendo world account or w/e, it'll ask if you link up the account at the start that keeps your progress saved
  10. . fate grand order more like exploiting and attacking me? sounds like a c word i wouldnt talk to her
  11. do you have a nintendo account to link up? if so, yeah, you'll keep everything if not, i recommend getting one anyway tbh
  12. yeah i did honestly it takes less then a minute to do and usually works for a few hours before having to do it again, and like i said less then a minute so if you still wanna play i recommend trying it at least once
  13. actually if you have nox you can prevent it
  14. why is mrobin so cute like his mellow personality and niceness makes him adorable IM NOT USE TO LIKING NOT CRAZY PEOPLE
  15. Just curious, but if I were to try and narrow down searches to M!Robin, is there a specific tag or just go through Reflet/Robin tags?
  16. i wish i had mika kobayashi's vocal capacity
  18. Alright so I'm thinking that soon I'm gonna do another Awakening run. Is this good? Spd/-Def M!Robin x Cherche Chrom x Sumia Lissa x Henry Maribelle x Lon'qu Cordelia x Virion Gaius x Tharja Donnel x Sully Nowi x Vaike Miriel x Gregor Olivia x Libra Panne x Stahl Comments on these pairings and ideas for end classes? I'm thinking the Cherche!Morgan ends up a Wyvern Lord?
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