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Everything posted by Ebony

  1. I would say if you could get it onto him, I think Odin could be a decent one.
  2. Wyvern Lord yes. It fits her growths more then Revenant Knight and fixes her terrible outfit imo. Hinoka I believe does better for either, but I'd turn her into a Lance Fighter to at least get some skills.
  3. Well I mean the unit optimization thread was more for PvP or My Castle and this was more for Lunatic iirc..
  4. As far as things go, I think Camilla usually has first dibs on the Parallel Seal you get.
  5. While on the topic of Ryouma, I like to imagine he kind of has a thing for Wyvern Riders. (My two favorite pairs for Ryouma are Crimson WHICH ISn"T BLOODY POSSIBLE and Camilla. Both ride Wyverns.)
  6. y e s I don't imagine it'd be locked tight. Not too long did Ryouma stop being called anything but "Lobster dad."
  7. The last one though. Honestly I imagine Camilla is motherly to just about anyone when she isn't hitting on boys. When people slip and call her "mom" on accident she no longer minds. Mommamilla? Camommy? Momilla...
  8. Is there anything Lazward, Nishiki, and Takumi would particularly like...?
  9. Funny, I'm the opposite. As a whole I prefer Hoshido over Nohr, and I guess I have a few double standards if I think about it. Namely I find Camilla to be a bit overbearing when it comes to her sisterly love, but I adore Hinoka. When trailers first came out, I hated Elise and adored Sakura. I like both, but Elise's voice still kinda bugs me. Not related too much but... I would romance Elfie in a heartbeat and i don't think she's that much older then Elise?
  10. Then yeah, I'd go for Grandmaster. I like having two of those at the least.
  11. You have anyone else as GM? I had Owain as one and Morgan as a Valkyrie.
  12. Hmm? Well then, I'd suggest something like... Tharja x Vaike Maribelle x Virion Panne x Stahl Miriel x Gregor Nowi x Henry ... Though that's just me. I think you can also do Tharja x Frederick and Nowi x Vaike and be fine all things considered.
  13. I can see Ophelia with Defensive Formation not caring and using this.
  14. As much I don't care for Kamui I tend to have at least one Avatar who I name after myself. I like my own name, okay? ;w; Name: Charlotte Gender: Female Birthday: March 14th (White Day in Japan) Birthright/Conquest/Revelation: Birthright, though I admit I'll play through each game with her at least once. But I associate her mostly with Birthright. Asset: Speed Flaw: Defense, as she has a weaker constitution, leading to the scar on her face. Main Class: Nohr Princess - > White Blood (In Revelations and Birthright) Second Class: Mercenary (Revelations and Birthright), Lance Fighter (Conquest) DLC Class: Dread Fighter (also ending class in Conquest) S-Support: Nishiki/Lazward/Takumi Anything else?: Fuck preset personalities I'm rewriting my own. As a whole, Charlotte is paranoid almost constantly at the idea of failure. She assumes that Garon took pity on her and let her live if she prove her worth. She tries to prove it threefold by being perfect - nothing less, nothing more. This puts her at odds with Leo, and eventually it helps cause a schism with her own adopted Nohr family. Though she ends up joining Hoshido, thinking that her own Nohrian family wouldn't care terrible for the loss of her, she does miss them and regrets ever having to go up against them. Name: Y'golonac (oh god i doomed us all), the Defiler Gender: Yes Birthday: The beginning of time, November 12th Birthright/Conquest/Revelation: Nobody wants him... (Conquest) Asset: Defense Flaw: Speed Main Class: Nohr Prince - > Dark Blood Second Class: Oni Savage DLC Class: None S-Support: Azura (the only one who can go near him) Anything else?: If you're read anything about Y'golonac its already too late. Name: Vicar Amelia Gender: Female Birthday: December 25th Birthright/Conquest/Revelation: Revelation Asset: Speed Flaw: Luck Main Class: Nohr Princess - > Dark Blood Second Class: Ninja DLC Class: Witch S-Support: Jacob Anything else?: As the time goes by, so does her eyesight. She's not entirely blind, but in general has to rely on touching to get around. She tries to cure this any way she can... namely, she tries delving into some dark arts (Witch) to cure this problem. It doesn't work, but oh well, at least now she can use Dark Tomes in any class that also uses Tomes. Right?
  15. I wish I could Spotpass/Streetpass my Avatar to you. I think he'd help a lot. lmao
  16. Yes. Translation: I believe she can serve well as either one depending on what you want her to do.
  17. For Severa, the only options I can see her wanting are either Stahl or Virion. I highly recommend Stahl though. Like, it makes Severa insane.
  18. You had me at Dread Fighter. My favorite class. If it makes Owain to be a good one then it'll be entirely worth it.
  19. Does anyone have the artbook, err, artwork for the female Mercenary and/or Hero? I have one saved of the female Outlaw and Adventurer.
  20. If I'm to have Stahl!Owain, what class would he be best to end up in? Still trying to figure out ways to get Henry!Owain but that means I'd have to bench Nah probably with Stahl!Nah since i doubt it's good....
  21. Gosh I just wish is hair wasn't so gross looking. Otherwise I'd do that pairing over Frederick x Olivia. Because I don't think Stahl!Nah is worth it otherwise I'd stick Henry to Lissa so fast
  22. Before I press on and finalize, how is Stahl as a dad to Inigo?
  23. Chrom x Sumia Olivia x Frederick Lissa x Stahl/Henry Sully x Gaius Cordelia x Lon'qu Maribelle x Libra Miriel x Gregor Panne x Virion Nowi x Henry/Donnel Tharja x Vaike What's Henry do that's good for Nah though, if I may ask?
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