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Everything posted by Ebony

  1. Welp I've settled with these MaMu x Lissa Chrom x Sumia Gregor x Miriel Henry x Cherche Gaius x Sully Donnel/Vaike x Nowi Lon'qu x Cordelia Virion x Maribelle Stahl x Panne Frederick x Olivia Ricken/Vaike x Tharja Alright last time, hopefully... (thank you for the help so far...)
  2. Most likely Nah. I love Nah, she's one of my favorites... but...ehh...
  3. As far as dudes go? Virion Frederick Stahl Kellam Vaike Ricken Libra I was thinking possibly swapping Lon'qu for Tharja and Virion for Cordelia... but I really, really prefer Lon'qu!Severa.
  4. Alright so one final decision before I plunge in, I do need some help still. These are the pairings I have: MaMu x Lissa Chrom x Sumia Gregor x Miriel Henry x Cherche Gaius x Kjelle (no idea what the final class is gonna be, if it were Donnel I'd have Hero but...) Donnel x Nowi Lon'qu x Cordelia ... and so far that's all I have, unfortunately. Any ideas for anyone else? I still have Maribelle, Panne, and Tharja to think about.
  5. And due to ... This point, I have a feeling it'll be... ehhh... Regardless I went and cast my vote. Takumi and Hinoka today.
  6. Yeah but then who will the Tharja clones stalk?
  7. I feel like a hypocrite: I do like the Maid class and the Butler class. At least they aren't mutually gender exclusive though like Bride was...
  8. I always put Morgan and Nah together. This is fine.
  9. I think for my main file (probably Lunatic/Lunatic+) as a FemRobin (my normal) I am thinking of romancing Chrom!Inigo. Any other ideas though?
  10. If you mean pair ups and such, no. I'm afraid we won't get them either until it comes to the US and people start hacking.
  11. I also thought it was funny for manakete. "Do I look like my father in this?" ... I certainly hope not Morgan or we need a long talk about your pappy. Exactly! It would have been cute too.
  12. To bring this back to the main topic at least half way, I'll say this on the genderlocks: Fuck the Bride class. At least the Witch class doesn't feel as... "sexist" as a Bride class. Please don't pull stuff like that again IS. Also ^ yes. i need it. Takumi's already Eren. Rinkah's already Mikasa. We can do this. We can make the miracle happen.
  13. And also if i'm the reason why this topic is locked A) i'm sorry B) worth it
  14. i fucking regret everything Ahhh, it was a Fire Emblem Portrait generator. https://sf.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/3hsn7f/release_fire_emblem_if_text_simulator_v11/
  15. Yeah, honestly it was insanely hard to even come up with that. It isn't even "ugly" as much as... off putting, I'd guess.
  16. why do you hurt me this way why do you remind me this game exists DMC1... my first video game... Well, you aren't wrong. So I tried making the most unattractive Kamui I could. lemme stroke ur face
  17. Ophelia, Sakura, Elise, and Shara seem to be good. Especially a Nyx!Shara.
  18. Because it also has strong women that defy the gender stereotypes and aren't belittled and even strike back. Remember Ira? Tailto? Even when Tailto was beaten down, when little Teeny was threatened, she took the beatings for her. That's pretty damn heroic and awesome, despite how tragic it is. Fury? A pegasus knight, they're all awesome, and Fury ruled a kingdom by herself while her lord was out. The ladies give back what they receive.
  19. On not wifi. I have a desktop computer. i'm old.
  20. Do you remember that time Camilla's stomach grew due to the baby? Oh right it didn't, because waifus don't get pregnant normally. They grow babies. With sparkles and rainbows and panties.
  21. Eyup. I can't remember where, but I believe it's mentioned.
  22. I don't agree with the guy before you but wow, that's pretty damn rude. And a cheap shot. Congrats, you win nothing. Also @Geneology talk Yeah it was something like that. It's not everyone, but a few characters get reunited with their kids. Except Sigurd.
  23. I'm simply playing Lunatic/Lunatic+. Unfortunately where I live, I don't have any wifi, so this locks me out of any and all DLC. :T
  24. Yeah I was gonna say, Noire looks interesting. Plus... really... really precious with that purple hair... and if I do that, it'll be Donnel x Tharja and Gaius x Kjelle.
  25. Even makes a passing mention of it in the only lesbian support with Shara. Good job, IS. Some people who wanted to romance her may be creeped out by this and, thus, lose their only same-sex option.
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