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Everything posted by Ebony

  1. Vaike/Gregor/Frederick/Stahl x Cherche are all good. But if you want hard stats- Frederick!Gerome: +6 Strength. +5 Defense. +2 Skill. +1 Luck. -1 Magic and Resistance. -2 Speed. Thanks gamefaqs! While this slows Gerome down, he gets a really tanky setup. Both PavGis, he gets Luna for damage, Dual Guard+ and Dual Support+, and Paladin. He can be a very helpful backup. A good pairing. Virion!Gerome: +4 Strength. +2 Skill and Speed. +1 Magic and Defense 0 Luck. -1 Resistance. Nothing. Gerome gets nothing out of this that he couldn't get from other fathers. Next. Vaike!Gerome +7 Strength. +3 Defense. +1 Skill and Speed. 0 Luck. -1 Magic. -3 Resistance. Oh my. That strength. It can be furthered due to him getting Berserker, and therefore Axefaire. Stahl!Gerome +6 Strength. +5 Defense. +1 Skill. 0 Speed and Magic. -1 Luck. -2 Resistance. A pretty good Gerome all things considered. Can get Swordfaire for Hero, gets Luna... and a bit more speed then usual, with Neutral mods. Kellam!Gerome +6 Defense. +5 Strength. +1 Magic and Skill. -1 Luck and Resistance. -2 Speed. Pretty tanky. Also allows him to pull some weird shit with that boosted magic growth since he gets no physical faires... Gregor!Gerome +6 Strength. +4 Defense. +2 Skill. 0 Magic, Speed and Luck. -3 Resistence. My personal favorite for Gerome (besides Henry being his dad but that is kind of a "meh" pairing). It gives him Armsthrift (!!!!), Axefaire AND Swordfaire, good mods all around (being only one off from the massive +7 which feels a tad bit overkill) and crap Res... but that's par for the course. Also gets him Astra and Vantage, similar to the Stahl pairing.
  2. Anger. Other Fire Emblems had a level of difficulty that was "fun." This wasnt' fun at all. This wa.s.. this was... rng cheating...
  3. Well... stat wise... Kellam turns Nah into an invincible (physically) truck-beast. Looking at my Kellam!Nah as a Manakete, these are her stats- Str: 43 + 11 (DS+) 8 (DS) Mag: 37 + 6 (DS+) 5 (DS) Skill: 36 + 5 (DS+) 3 (DS) Spd: 32 + 4 (DS+) 2 (DS) Lck: 45 Def: 47 +15 (DS+) 10 (DS) Res: 43 + 9 (DS+) 7 (DS)
  4. Not really. Thank you though~ I'll pass down Armsthrift.
  5. Well I was thinking of carrying Nah through Tactician/Grandmaster for stats/skills anyway.
  6. I can confirm this. I remember reading the Syalla support and it said he remembers watching her grow from being a baby.
  7. I do a lot of pairings, though this is a first. Robin x Nowi What should I give Nah and Morgan~?
  8. Actually I just had a thought... are they gonna do what they did with the other SMTS? By what I mean... Law Neutral Chaos Are they gonna be routes???
  9. Which is why I think it's bloody dumb its just Awakening and Akaneia. If it's "mostly" I'd be fine with it, because then they'd at least have a few that are from something other then those two. I'm just... so very, very tired of seeing them kind of steal the spotlight... Ike's one of the most popular characters from Fire Emblem and if they don't have him in there, that's kind of... telling, I guess.
  10. Well if I put Belka with Saizou, then who do I pair with Flannel and who do I put Orochi with~?
  11. Well my deal is I have Camilla with Ryouma, and then Flannel has no wife. I could put Belka with Saizou, but I have Orochi with him. And idk where to put Orochi. I already have Elise x Odin...
  12. Open to all ages! (I never thought of the Yuugiri one though...)
  13. Well yeah, I was tempted to do Belka x Flannel but... would that... cripple Velour??
  14. Honestly, right now I"m gonna pass on the game. I'm kind of tired of Marth's games and such revolving around them. I'd like some Jugdral, maybe an Ephriam, even a shout out to them possibly, but I don't think we'd be getting it. I'll just stick to watching others play it.
  15. I don't mind his name, just when I see it I instantly think of
  16. Avatar: Everyone Joker: Flora, Felicia, Azura Suzukaze: Felicia, Azura, Mozume Takumi: Oboro, Hana, Setsuna Tsubaki: Hinoka, Oboro/Sakura, Hana Ryouma: Crimson ( ;w; ), Kagerou, Rinkah Lazward: Luna, Camilla, Pieri Marxander: Charlotte, Effie, Pieri Not including the IK pairings, I think the two added ones should be in there too if it were limited. Five for everyone, basically.
  17. Eh I never meant to imply they're saintly, just that they attempted to at least do something to kind of get them "off their backs" like SEE WE HELPED
  18. Just curious but... what if Hoshido actually ended up sending out food shipments and such, but some extremists managed to block it at the last possible moment, making it so they never get in...? Jus' a thought.
  19. Also who's Belka a good mom for for the IK route? So far my pairings are: FKamui x Takumi Azura x Joker Marxander x Hinoka Ryouma x Camilla Leon x Sakura Odin x Elise Tsubaki x Luna Arthur/Harold x Kagerou Asama x Elfie Zero x Setsuna Lazward x Kazehana Nishiki x Charlotte Tsukuyomi x Nyx Benoit x Oboro Saizou x Orochi Hinata x Pieri I need other couples :T
  20. I would guess the caps aren't as fitting for her/go as high as they could.
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