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Everything posted by Ebony

  1. There's not over 200 combined incest pairings. Worst Fire Emblem. 1/10.
  2. Actually, who should I pair up with Noire then? Should I use Donnel on -anybody-?
  3. Well on the brightside, like Hell Genealogy/Thracia are getting remade.
  4. Thank you. So then it looks like Chrom x Sumia MaMu x Lissa Frederick x Olivia Lon'qu x Cordelia Henry x Cherche Gregor x Miriel And the rest... are honestly up for debate...
  5. This. Personally this bothered me a lot and not just because its clear fanservice, but because in general I hate feeling like I'm put on a pedestal and told I'm the best around. It makes me uncomfortable and uneasy, and it's something I never enjoy, even in a video game.
  6. The problem is that it isn't just a character that's a Mary Sue, it's you as one. It's wish fulfillment and while I don't mind it sometimes (I enjoyed Robin) Kamui is overblown, overdone, and boring. And those
  7. Actually I am curious, you seem to act like Sumia x Chrom is the pairing. Can I know the reasons why?
  8. I don't care for Kamui. They remind me of those old fanfics with the self insert Mary Sues based off of the author tbh.
  9. So since I'm obviously shitty and the game won't let me lesbian marry Lissa I'm going to redo a MaMU run with a marriage that'll look something like: Chrom x Olivia (sorry, I got too attached to this pairing, though I admit I'd give it up if needed) MaMu x Lissa Cordelia x Lon'qu Due to... reasons... Gregor x Miriel Sumia x Henry Donnel x Sully (I know said above Kjelle can "upgrade" but I honestly prefer Donnel on her... aesthetically as shallow as that is, and I typically make her a Hero anyway) ... and the rest are open. Sumia is the one I'm most open to compromising with.
  10. Lissa huh? Honestly, I've always been a big fan of her too. I thought she was precious and always my second go to girl. +Speed for a good mod or would there be a better one?
  11. Well damn, apparently I have a shit tier waifu.
  12. Its alright laddies. You can have your cute pega-ponies and we girls can get your murder axes.
  13. Oh gawds. How would you rank Cherche or Nowi then? Now I'm kind of curious...
  14. Yeah though as far as hair colors go, I think Donnel has the best hair color. No matter the mods, all the kids tend to look good in it.
  15. .... ahhh I've honestly seen worse? As far as kids go I think she takes it better then some others.
  16. Well, he said on "aesthetics" runs. Which I kind of want to do now.
  17. Are you perhaps referring to the love of my life Ehh, is that a decent pairing? It seems redundant at one point but...
  18. Yeah I had a feeling he'd be good at either one. Considering his good magic and strength grows, I just thought of it.
  19. slams into wall at light speed actually how does saizou do as a dark flier or grandmaster?
  20. Well seeing as I got #rekt earlier I probably am not the best to give this advice, but I'd feel like Virion!Inigo is better.
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