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Everything posted by Ebony

  1. There are two characters I'm not big on: Shara and Camilla. For reasons...
  2. Just saw this. Eheh, really? Yeah, I felt the same. I still wanna play the game and I'll probably have files where I marry others, but I plan on him being my husband in the Invisible Kingdom too, so...
  3. People say he isn't Leo, but I can't unhear Leo as anyone else, actually.
  4. Neither can I, really. I'm super happy that archers are not only buffed, but that Takumi is overall a well written character, subtract a few supports. (I'm lookin' at you, Felicia.)
  5. Maybe because she's a small healer, and the little baby sister, so they give her really OP subordinates to help protect her?
  6. Which sucks, it could have a lot of potential for supports too. Especially since they're adopted... ugh... Nintendo plz. ; - ;
  7. Apparently so, if people who watch Twitch have confirmed it. Seriously, the boy is nuts. Not only if he a good archer, but a good unit.
  8. Oh, oops. Eheh... though I do suggest Ophelia. It's not like she's my favorite child character or anything. (She is, plus she has a naturally high skill, relatively good stats depending on who is her mommy... awesome character all around really.) Ohh, those are some nice options. Thank you a lot.
  9. I can just imagine it. "Alright, there's like... 500 solders out there. Kamui, what do you think we should do?" "Send out the big guns." "You... you don't mean." -Golden Kite Flyers airdrop Ballistician Takumi onto the field- ... let me dream.
  10. oh lord i hope you're playing japanese then Anyway there's only a few planned pairings that I'm 100% sure on Femui x Takumi (hehe) Ryoma x Kagerou Lazward x Camilla Marx x Charlotte
  11. Oooh, thank you. I was curious about those two. And I *do* have one more question... This could make or break the game for me. ... how's Harold? :3
  12. iirc he planned on marrying Matoi Also I'm thinking on my Kamui. Still gonna marry Takumi, but for second class, I'm still thinking Mercenary... or Wyvern Rider. Now I say Wyvern Rider simply because it's still one of my favorite classes, plus Revenant Knight looks awesome. I think Mercenary still has the edge, but what do you guys recommend?
  13. Gosh, really? I hope by then someone can make what the one person did on Tumblr... with the skinship hair options you can use. I'd love to see Kanna with Takumi's accurate hair for example.
  14. The siblings, but their genders flipped. Unfortunately I don't have a source, the only way I found it was /feg/ Edit: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=51453537And source. Thank you The Geek. <3
  15. I love this boy. I love him so much. I make it obvious that he' s probably who I'm gonna marry in Hoshido. A useful archer? Fuck yes. Awesome design? Also fuck yes. Great supports (barring a few)? Yep. Awesome voice actor? Yes yes yes.
  16. Honestly I can't unhear Leon as David Vincent, to be exact, his Jin Kisaragi voice. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqwEsRPHFHI Way too similar imo.
  17. Well I know I saw something about Leo x Sakura for 2.
  18. Oops! I mean Hana! Not Kaze... ugh...
  19. I've finally decided on these pairings for Hoshido run: FKamui x Takumi Ryoma x Kagerou Joker x Hinoka Saizou x Sakura Subaki x Oboro Asama x Setsuna Nishiki x Hana So all that's left are Kaze, Silas, Aqua, Tsukuyomi, and Hinata.
  20. Alright so Hinoka!Deere can get these abilities: Breaking Sky Swallow Strike Diamond Strike Mirror Strike Aegis Luna Battle Command Tome Breaker Servant's Joy Line of Death Astra Vantage Pretty damn good...
  21. Hehe yes, me too. Proximity Shot Takumi in general would be murder for... just about anything. Also just out of curiosity I looked up what Deere would get if Hinoka was his mom. And I can pass down something to him from Hinoka's lance fighter tree since I don't believe he'd get that. But the question is... Breaking Sky? Flamboyant?
  22. Nope. It's just I like planning things like this ahead of time to give me ideas. Also what's the deal with Proximity Shot? Is it an enemy only skill?
  23. It'll be until it releases in English, unfortunately. Getting them day one when they come out but still. And damn I wont lie, Hinoka!Hisame is really tempting. Because both of those sound interesting and I'm into useful, but semi-weird pairings. And that he looks really good with red hair too imo. Sophie is tempting though too. Because I don't have a parent for her.
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