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Everything posted by Kakeyo

  1. She choose smash. I jest - you injected the scene from the game with the gravity it deserved. It did leave me wanting to know the choice at the end though... >.>
  2. I actually laughed at this exchange: Chrom: There are better places to take a nap than on the ground, you know. Maribelle: By the gods, Chrom! Do you have to introduce yourself like this to EVERYONE!? This seemed more like a light-hearted comedy piece and I enjoy a good laugh every now and again. :3
  3. Best line in the whole story: "Ike and the Greil Mercenaries looked out of the helicopter gunship at the city of Moscow." I never thought I would read anything like it. xD
  4. Kakeyo

    Rebirth VI

    A grim but interesting story. I'm glad in my game I was victorious. >.>
  5. I think it's definitely meant to be more like a poem. It felt like an artistic interpretation of a brief scene.
  6. Kakeyo


    A nice slice-of-life tale. Really liked this phrase: "... such a thing would be fervently denied until the end of time, if not longer." Made me chuckle. :3
  7. If I were caught in Corrin's predicament I would side with Nohr every time. It's obvious the Nohr siblings care for Corrin and vice vera. They look after you and even defy Garon when you're upset with his orders (sparing Kaze and Rinkah). Clearly they have your back and to turn on them because someone offers you something better seems... cold-hearted, in my opinion. Additionally, I'm not the type of person who thinks "if we're blood related we'll always stick together!". In real life I don't speak to half my family (because they're white-trash drug addicts) and if someone was like "you should go live with them because they're family!" I'd punch them in the face. But then again, maybe I'm thinking too much. :P
  8. I've never played Persona Q, I just thought it was a nice turn of phrase. It's easy to look at a painting/drawing and compliment the use of color or composition, but writing has its own unique challenges - writing a coherent story and narrative is difficult, and make eloquent sentences for that story is just another component of the art. I figured I should strive to see the artistry in the written works just as much as the drawings, so I commented on your intriguing expression. :3
  9. Oh good - then I have plenty of time to look over the entries again! :3 I looked at all the art and miscellaneous sections (including to listening to all the music), but I definitely want to go back through and give it another look-see. So many stories! I love reading - I'll totally read every single one of them, but I'm glad I don't have to do it all in a day or two. I got through a handful of them already (and I need to go to bed soon) but I'll probably also give them all a second glance through before the 5th. Unlimited votes in the first round is a good idea! Will there be a poll or will people be messaging you with their "ballots"?
  10. Really liked this line: "For now, it was a labyrinth of life" (And the song lyrics) And the "Marx" name reference was amusing. :3
  11. I found it interesting that this read like a biological study. Would be interesting to see all sort of Fire Emblem creatures explained this way. :3
  12. You humming the theme made this video. xD
  13. D'aww! That's adorable. >.>
  14. This started and I was like "What's going on? >.>" Then I got it and it was hilarious. We need more humor entries. :3
  15. Love it! It looks rockin'! :3
  16. (Again with the same joke) Where are the tiny paper versions of Chrom and Robin on its back? :p But I totally love it. Grima was awesome in the game and I would love something like your creation in my room. >.>
  17. Wow, really blown away by the different kinds of creativity. Game ideas - never thought I'd see that! Was very interesting to read. c:
  18. All you need is tiny figurines of Chrom, Robin and the gang on the back. ;3 I jest. This is pretty darn awesome. Again, I'm surprised by what some people did for this contest! Sculptures are wicked awesome.
  19. Listened to it twice - I just wish there were more of it. :3
  20. All you need is a "I fight for my friends!" shirt. :3 But seriously - super impressed with people's imagination in this contest. I would have never thought about t-shirts. They look awesome.
  21. I had no idea people would cosplay for this! Great job! I'm sure you'll be the star at any convention! Just remember to ask everyone for gold. :p
  22. Wow - I really like this piece. The color effects, composition and expression are spot-on. Immediate attention grabber!
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