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Everything posted by Tuvillo

  1. Will the next set also have decks or just the booster set?
  2. I wonder if an activated 1-turn Longbow effect is ever going to be a thing.
  3. After you update, it should download images as needed. Hover over the cards and it should load them. Yes, it was my intention to use Skype to set this up as well. Amazingly, Lackey can automatically connect to your Skype and use internal voice-conferencing. As for why it doesn't work, I don't know. Are you filling it into the automatic updater in the program?
  4. By the way, does anyone know what tournament format is played in Japan? Single games or matches? (I want to see a metagame where Lord decision works like a Side deck)
  5. They're Knights, I assume Kellam is the correct one.
  6. 3) Well, there's Stahl/Sully/Cain/Abel that basically make your backline useless, giving you the option to keep them useless or give them a chance to be useful. 4) Every unit with a Staff icon cannot initiate an attack. My question, about Draug: “Armor Expertise” / CONT / Except against Tome affinity units, when this unit attacks it’s attack is increased by 20. Does the phrase "attacks" mean any battle, or only when it initiates? Because that seems like the opposite of Kellam.
  7. I think the easiest way to play is to keep your Orbs in the Orb tab so they don't clutter the field, and keep your Bonds in either the Bond tab or on the bottom left of the table. You can click the "Support" button to instantly drop the top card of your deck on the table, but it randomly pops up next to your guys. The only things you need to really keep on the table are your fighting units, everything else could be kept in the tabs. Edit: Fixed Robin, Minerva and Miriel cards. I took the card texts from wikia before they were updated xD (and forgot Minerva's Support skill)
  8. Updated! With the Automatic Download Link entered into Lackey's plugin downloader, you can now get everything, including all the images! Open LackeyCCG, go to the "Plugin" tab at the top, and fill in this link in the "Install or Update from URL" bar: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/1le8h7cu7nn584o/updatelist.txt Now I still need to get over how bad I am at actually playing this game.
  9. Sweet, those card images for the promos are good. I'll add the card with both basic and Promo art. EDIT: Just played our first game and it plays quite well. There's several gameplay decisions you can make: You can choose to permanently obscure your card images with the card text, but you can also hold the ~ button to spawn temporary card text on your mouse. You can choose to keep Bonds and Orbs on the field as usual, but I also created Bonds and Orbs tabs so you don't need to if you want to keep the table neat.
  10. Yeah I'm currently using the Tharja card sleeve image for it. For a card database, they need to all be the same size, so I'll see what I can do. At the moment, I'm working on adding the images to the auto-updater as well.
  11. There's currently nothing that flips a Bond face-up.
  12. Ok, makeshift solution for now. In LackeyCCG's plugin updater, fill in this link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/1le8h7cu7nn584o/updatelist.txt It'll download everything except card images, which are glitched at the moment, so... Take the following folder and place it in LackeyCCG/Plugins as well, fusing and overwriting any files it asks. This should result in a fully complete and functional game! https://www.dropbox.com/sh/a2b5fmhqqiyza14/AABHrBJxCViR2PZgGRqNFCgka
  13. A lot of cards use text versions of card effect types, while others use the symbols. Aside from deciding which one is better, shouldn't those be eventually normalized to either one of the two? Also, Miriel's Support skill isn't listed as what type of Support it is.
  14. I'm done! (There's 114 cards, right?) The only flaws atm are the card sizes for Promo Cards and Structure Deck Exclusives for now. Also I haven't added the card back yet, but that's customizable anyway. Currently the files are slightly too large to easily host someone, so I'm working on creating one simple link to have the program itself download everything you need. We'll be able to play online before the end of the day!
  15. For Henry, would you need a card in your hand to make "both players discard 1"?
  16. I added you. For people without cards, as well as everyone else, we can probably start playing this game online before tomorrow. xD
  17. Is there a function for (for example) Frederick's Promotion Cost, other than to indicate that he's a Promoted unit?
  18. This is great! They're all the same size too, so I can just leave out the images for the ones not on here at the moment.
  19. Is there some collection of all the card images used on the forum on one page? That'd be really great for adding the images to the online cardgame rather than needing to manually save each image on each character's page xD
  20. Attached the folder for a quick prototype. Place the folder in LackeyCCG/plugins, and you should be able to load it from the menu. The files in there should give an idea of how it works, and I have a surprisingly small amount of things left to do: 1. Adding the rest of the cards and images. 2. Normalizing card size to a reasonable size. 3. Adding card data to the game. (Text and traits, etc) Fire Emblem Cipher.zip
  21. I think I figured this out. It's all fairly simple HTML-style coding. On that note, does anyone have a clear image I can use for the card backs? EDIT: And of the two Lord tokens too, if possible.
  22. I asked around Lackey forum for help on getting started. I think I can quite easily convert the Yugioh plugin's formatting to a more fitting one. The part that'll take the longest is making the Card Data textfiles, but the Translation Topic on this forum is going to be a great help there. (It's formatted similarly)
  23. That mechanic is more interesting offensively. Can you move the enemy solo frontliner to the backline, forcing the entire team to the front? Also doesn't a Forced March tap your units?
  24. There's a computer program called LackeyCCG that holds a template for playing cardgames, that is available for people to put their cardgames on. Using this it's relatively easy to play games on their server. http://lackeyccg.com/ Summary of everything: http://serenesforest.net/wiki/index.php/Lackey_CCG To play Fire Emblem Cipher online with this program, all you need to do is open the program and go to the "Plugins" tab at the top. There is a bar there that says "Paste Autoupdate Url" and "Install or Update from URL" In the space, paste the following link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/rfwoc5jcgpcidxc/updatelist.txt Then click "Update From URL" and it should be done! Images will automatically download as they try to load. For any questions or bug/error reports, you can post in this topic or PM me. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Tips for ease of use Video Tutorial by Shadowdrifter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liJ6SV_I6V8 You can load a deck by rightclicking the player's name you want to load the deck to. In the plugin, I included decklists for the starter decks! Generally, if you're looking to do things with Deck/Retreat, rightclick that tab and look for the function there. 1. You can pop up card text by holding the ~ button on your keyboard. (Left of 1) 2. The Support button automatically sends the top card of your deck to the field. 3. The Add Orb button sends the top card of your deck to your Orbs 4. You can use the Bonds tab to store Bonds, but you can also keep them on the field. Using "Mark as Bond" on them prevents Bonds from being untapped when you click Untap All. (Note for using Bonds tab: Flipping Bonds in that zone is only visible to you, so communicate which Bonds you're flipping) 5. If there's ever any errors with seeing incorrect cards, it means you're using different versions. This should not happen for a while since it only happens when new cards get added! 6. You can use the "Blue Lord" and "Red Lord" buttons to mark your MC, but you can also type "/Spawn Blue Token" to spawn the Blue MC Token. 7. You can type "/d6" to draw 6 cards. 8. Doubleclicking taps a card, Ctrl+Click flips a card. ________________________________ Finding people to play with is hard, so why not join the FE Cipher Discord Group? We talk about the game, a bunch of other stuff, and fight on LackeyCCG! https://discord.gg/XBbg5TG
  25. I want in on this. Got my starter decks today, booster boxes should be here as soon as my friends get back from Tokyo. The Lord-choice seems like a really good game dynamic.
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