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Everything posted by Tuvillo

  1. Mhmm... There's a few stages I'll never manage to forget, for good or for bad. Battle Before Dawn is one of the largest battles in FE7 and quite a hard fight when it's your first Fire Emblem game. FE7 Endgame as well, since it's such a simple layout with a bunch of feels. I also really like FE10 Part 3-Endgame, where everything just accumulates into one giant explosive finale.
  2. The only issue there is that people don't update, really. I'm still trying to get the update-detection working, but nothing. The last change I made was 2 days or so ago though. I'll add the Orb button, I guess. Sounds reasonable. Edit: Orb button added, auto-update detection should be functional, and gonna get started on the guide in the first post. Edit2: I'm actually seeing the Support Button recorded in the log, actually. To be honest, I also thought it didn't show up in the log.
  3. If only there were an easy way to mess around with the game and reading all the cards as you go along :3
  4. Tharja4 ruins the entire Tharja line for me, sigh.
  5. Correct, but I main a Henry deck, and I feel like disrespecting in a situation where the opponent cannot dodge.
  6. His CCS says he cannot critical. His non-CCS is doubling his Attack. That means he can go to x4 if his CCS is inactive.
  7. Just to check, can a non-Classchanged Owain get his Attack up to x4?
  8. Kid Icarus Uprising booster packs.
  9. The cost is to tap him, then destroy him. For the MC, you tap him and take an Orb. (It would be really silly if he didn't need to be tapped)
  10. I've been testing Lissa, which is working great. Her 3-cost card is really good, but is too easy to clear off the board, so I figured it's worth trying as MC. Maribelle gives her 80 ATK during your own turn, which is really really good. My favorite one so far has been Henry. He sports an impressive 50 Attack, Range 2, and forces both players to discard 1 card whenever you Class Change someone, but that's obviously not where it's at. At the cost of tapping Henry and flipping 1 Bond, you make a +3! You add one of your Orbs to your hand AND the enemy discards 2 cards. This interaction seems enough of a reason to try this out, really. What else has everyone been trying to get to work?
  11. I intend to make a small compilation of things needed to play the game, as well as tips to help smooth out gameplay. Will edit into original post later today.
  12. Amiami does trial deck and booster box delivery. Boxes are pretty cheap, delivery is not.
  13. I'm pretty sure they'll be aware of export numbers and foreign interest as well. As far as I'm concerned, this game is 90% likely to release at least the first set/decks alongside the western release of Fates.
  14. I used Ogma as my MC when I mixed my two Starter Decks, playing pretty much every mage in the two decks with the Fighters and Cavaliers, to reasonable results. For me, the only reason to play Ogma at all is that his level 1 is really good as an MC, creating heavy pressure on the enemy early.
  15. I sorta want an image of the Red Lord Token xD
  16. Teaching several people the game on Lackey at the moment.
  17. Marth level 1 Promo seems to be weird. The card image is for an ACT effect and an offensive Support, but the Rapier skill is classified on Wikia as a continuous. Edit: Nevermind, looking at the wrong Marth promo. Edit2: I'd like to see a list sorted by rarity of the set. It's helpful for people buying boosters.
  18. `Does Tiki 5 add the Support to the Bond zone if the Support fails? (Milled a Tiki)
  19. Does that mean you can't promote Lucina into Lucina because she's permanently a Marth? I'd say you can since the printed name is still Lucina, I guess.
  20. Good point. Fixed images for Tiki, and updated card texts for Draug. Added Robin M with bad image, for now. Edit: Replaced all effect type symbols with words, fixed " in card texts as two out of the three types used on Wiki aren't supported by Lackey. xD
  21. Does he count as the same character as the current Robins? Edit: Is the skill name too unclear to read?
  22. Play/Learn/Spectate on Lackey :3
  23. By the way, can you control Lucina 1 and a Marth? (And can Lucina 1 Support with Marth?) The card text seems to be absolute, which is implies that she's always treated as Marth at all times, which is not the case.
  24. Would the attack of an Archer continue, as during the attack, they leave his range? (I want to say yes because Supports already happened and everything)
  25. Set 3 is 9/10, right? I wonder if they'll make FE9 and 10 different colors. (Maybe split by game, maybe split by allegiance)
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