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Everything posted by Tuvillo

  1. :3 It's up on Lackey Tomboy Samurai Hana (Kazahana) “Sakura's Retainer” / CONT / When this unit is supported by Sakura, it gains 20 attack. (Should be similarly named to the other retainers) “Fighter's Emblem” / ATK SUPP / Your attacking unit gains +20 power until the end of battle.
  2. Arthur/Harold, the Sunken Hero - Might of the Hero - +20 on own turn - Is this really the right place? - Comes into play tapped unless you control Elise or Lutz. Offensive Support Fighters Emblem
  3. Updated to contain all white and black cards known so far, up to and including Arthur/Corrin4s
  4. They're designed to be bridges to the level 5s, even though Corrin F is almost as good as Marth, and Corrin M is literally one you might want for the rest of the game. I guess they'll both be similar to Marth 4 where you only play Marth 5 to win.
  5. Face-Down Bonds are fully public knowledge. Also, those Corrin cards saved a looooot of things. (added to Lackey too)
  6. :3 I have autoupdate and official card back Edit: You were extremely by-the-book in making the plugin, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's userfriendly. (Also there's a few gameplay mechanics you should've added) Once you'd add the content and auto-update, yours would look much more clean and professional than mine. I basically created something that's not very clean, optimizing playability and convenience.
  7. Lemme know if you find any differences between our plugins that maybe I should get around to changing. The problem so far isn't having a functional plugin, it's finding a game. (Only reliable way is through our Skype chat atm)
  8. Felicia doesn't have her card name listed at the moment, and Xander doesn't have his correct second skill. (Unless that translation turned out to be inccorect)
  9. Reading the new Xander makes me believe it counts as a Class Change. Otherwise Xander level 5 wouldn't be able to activate if you placed it on a level 4, and that's just silly.
  10. The difference between this game and most other games it that there's no real difference between 100 ATK and 100000 ATK. (Except for Xander, I guess. But he'll still be limited by your Bond count)
  11. Currently hybrids are played because the most powerful cards are spread across both colors and there's not really a strategy yet. There's no reason to play Red/Black IF Red proves to be better, still. It all depends on niche theory. (Does adding black to red give the deck something worth having, and vice versa?)
  12. So far all the black cards would be bad if they were blue or red, so I don't see a reason yet to mix colors unless there's definite synergy.
  13. It was a ridiculous idea. Level 1 Ryouma is basically vanilla at the moment (or most of the time after the set releases, probably) and I didn't see that the 4 units need to be allied Hoshido. The only synergy between White and Red is now the Red units that say "When you play a cost 2 or lower unit" because the White cards are much better off being pure White. xD
  14. I declare a future Red/White swarm deck, possibly with Lord Ryoma. Even with the cards we have now, it's not a ridiculous idea. *Starts building*
  15. Placing level 5 Marth on level 4 Marth is Level Up, right? (You don't draw and pay 5?)
  16. Not sure I like the new way to list the Supports. It seems like a longer way to list basic game rules in every card text.
  17. I finished updating. - Added all known Black and White cards up to now. (Felicia currently without title) Promo Corrin cards now labelled as such Chosen to add the cards even though we barely have any because I spotted possibilities to already put the cards in functional decks.
  18. Good to get more people. Sadly as long as the numbers remain low, it's unreliable to find a match you didn't arrange through other channels. Tell as many people interested in FE or cardgames :3 Also, i'll stick to Shuriken. It's literally what the symbol is, after all.
  19. Quite happy with the slow stream of reveals, will add what we know when I get home Tuesday. Shall I put Shuriken in as 'Hidden Weapon'? It seems needlessly long.
  20. 'Less' is stated on all the cards so far to prevent exceeding 5.
  21. It was. Also i reaaaaally need some details on levelling down and re-promoting a unit to the same card.
  22. "Auto" means it's a trigger effect. If it was an activated ability with a condition it would be "ACT" (Or whatever the colors are on the cards)
  23. We didn't get any card effects during pre-release streams though, right? Only general gameplay and card arts.
  24. The only reason Yugioh has constant news is because sets are constantly releasing.
  25. If you preorder stuff that's out along with stuff that isn't out yet, is there an option for them to hold the order until it's all available? (Or will they instantly ship the stuff they already have?) Edit: On Amiami.
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