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Everything posted by Tuvillo

  1. Elincia4 and Shade3 are really, really good.
  2. I do hope they switch back to the promoted versions for their sleeves and card markers.
  3. It's pretty good. It completely fits the function of Felicia currently, where it's basically a normal unit that happens to be able to heal. Note that Mist heals in Deploy Phase like Lena, which is really really good. Also, someone remind me later to figure out if Class Changes are levelups. So far, it's looking like Soren doesn't trigger off CC and Mozume can't class change with her own effect. (Probably making her limited to levelling up to another level 1 Mozume, which so far is useless)
  4. I dislike Mia. There's something with her neck/face/head.
  5. Lissa is the only Cipher deck that pretends it's playing Yugioh. (It's also by far the only Cipher deck that takes real PLAYING skill rather than just deckbuilding skill)
  6. BIG update again. I replaced pretty much all set 1 and 2 images with non-SAMPLE larger images. If you Auto-update, it should remove all your old images and replace them. TO DO: -There's a few cards I still need to replace or up-size. (Some tokens, some promos) -I do want to implement some sort of Cipher playmat, but I'll need to acquire Photoshop talent first. -Wait for set 3 cards and add them. (Sadly I think the database images need to blown up a bit) and then get the non-SAMPLE images ASAP.
  7. Yeah, her effect is basically that she costs 1 mana less, but has to have enough males to function. (The Severa decks often still play a few women) Also she doesn't get Gerome'd like Inigo.
  8. The niche for Severa is that she's 70 on turn 2. And by now, a full male deck is FAR better than Inigo's full female deck.
  9. Severa has actually had two or three. They were all in quick succession, and enough to surprise everyone near the start of set 2.
  10. Oh, so Soren4 is likely to be in the set itself after all.
  11. Oh right, I remember that Grey and Setsuna were targets and the deck was only using one of the two. xD
  12. I wish there was a better answer, but she's also a flier. He even gives Ryoma1 +40, and sets up with Setsuna for ridicculous archer turns.
  13. I did recently add a Chrom deck to the list with that strategy. As for decks with multiple threats- Pretty much every deck plays Nowi3, a lot of decks play Kanna3, and most blue decks play Gerome4. Also a lot of 60s nowadays with a reasonable chance to get over 70.
  14. Well yeah but Ophelia is an exception because it sets the baseline for the entire game. It can never reach 100, and therefore loses battles an equal fraction to the fraction of flyers in the enemy deck. Every other deck has a chance to WIN (on offense) equal to the fraction of flyers in their OWN deck. (Assuming 70 vs 70) The dynamic for stuff that isn't 70 gets a bit harder. In that case your attack success rate is a combination of your number of archers in the deck and the number of non-flyers in your opponent's
  15. Well, set 2 gimmick might get in the way. Elincia1 20/30 Heal Lvs2: This unit gains 10 attack and can attack? That'd be pretty funny. Anyway, lets go back to our base disagreement: What happens if you add only fliers? Roughly speaking, that means your lord is "soloing" at ~100% 100 power, right? That means you'll basically never lose on offense and lose on defence whenever the enemy hits 100. I'm not so sure it's a good thing to have a one-threat deck. I've played tons and tons of games against my friend's Ryoma, which has various build paths as well- Mostly the ones where Ryoma is accompanied by a bunch of cards at 50 attack. Once you realize Ryoma is the only threat, the deck suddenly doesn't feel so broken anymore.
  16. Cost 1 fliers have some value. Notice that black mixed decks rarely play Camilla because she's terrible. I acknowledge that flier inflation is a thing but I don't see it as a problem. On another note, I've never really thought about how other units rarely hit 100. I've literally played over a hundred games by now and I've never had problems with killing things. I assume this is the case because your stuff hits 80 or 90, and the enemy lord is not guaranteed to hit a flier. Now take a look at decks with the highest possible number of fliers, Marth and Inigo. Those decks are not actually a thing anymore. A deck with 1 threat is not good enough. (Ryoma decks tend to play other threats at 60 base) Level 1 fliers are just dead cards lategame that are almost -1s just by drawing into them, and the other fliers do their thing (hopefully) and then die because the enemy doesn't have a hard time killing them. In summary, I am of opinion that there is a balance to how many fliers you play to optimize your deck and that your power falls off after a certain number, whereas you are of opinion that your deck improves with each flier you add.
  17. It's cost and effect. Several decks have topped using Navarre4 or Gaius3 because they do what they do. You play various cards for various reasons, and each has costs and benefits. You play fliers for offensive and defensive support values, but are weaker than an average other card when you draw into it. You play everything else for offensive value (Cards that actually have base attack and useful effects) but lower your deck's average support value. (MC cards follow a similar line of logic) As I said, 100 is the magic number for what your MC needs to hit because that's the highest number a random deck is going to get. (70+30) Optimization leads to the need to maximize on fliers, but keep it low enough so your deck actually still does things. As long as fliers remain -10 base power, they will be relatively balanced gameplay wise. Do you call it imbalanced that every deck needs healers and a fairly large number of MC cards to stand a chance over a large number of games? Do you call it imbalanced that every deck needs ranged characters or a way to move enemies? As soon as we stop seeing the flaw in it and rather see it as an aspect of the game's optimization, you'll notice that there's a billion fliers to play, and each of the combinations of fliers changes the deck more than you think.
  18. Fliers are generally weak units and you cannot win a game with them as your primary combat force. This causes the balance of 12~16 fliers in a deck. Decks basically do not play 10-support units except for the MC promotions sometimes.
  19. Always max out on your intended promotion. (The one you will be playing for the majority of the game) And optionally play 1 or 2 conditional higher levels of Marth, Chrom, Corrin, etc that you want to tech. As for the level 1 version, this has undergone major inflation over time. Set 1 metagame was 100% 2/4 for Marth and Inigo decks with 6 total, but this has increased to 8 (9~10 when possible) of the main character in pretty much every deck. For characters like Tharja who have two unpromoted and one promoted version, you max out on the level 1 before the level 2. (Because the level 1 and 2 both have no function, but one has a support skill) To get a rough overview, you can check the Tournament Decklist topic.
  20. Well, all the Lords so far are 20. Fliers are 30, Everyone with range is 20, fighter types are 10. Fliers compensate by always having -10 attack over the base value, and everyone with range also has -10. (Kite Warriors have -20) Base values: level 1 40, level 2 50, level 3 60, level 4 and 5 have 70. Cards with negative effects usually have +10, but there's a few with +20. (Navarre and Ogma) Conditional effects allow cards to gain attack, more conditional means more attack usually. As long as they follow this format, the game should stay balanced in its current state.
  21. Compare Ophelia to a random deck listed here. Ophelia has 90 attack after supports as long as the support succeeds. You still lose to a deck that frequently hits 100, no matter what character it is. As long as your opponent hits enough fliers, it means you also need to hit your fliers to stand a chance. It's inflation while still trying to maintain your deck's power.
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