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James Bond

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Status Updates posted by James Bond

  1. Nah I just wondered because the other two were in Greek...

  2. I can't find the calendar in the pixiv site... =(

  3. You can now have your Vika badge

  4. We need the BBCode enabled for profile comments!

  5. Good for you then!

    brb bitching NTG about it...

  6. Great!

    just don't go on saying stuff about yuri and such like RFoF >_>

  7. So you are watching Madoka huh?

  8. Happy Birthday!!!

  9. is totally disappointed in Manchester United... >=(

    1. Show previous comments  47 more
    2. James Bond

      James Bond

      Wow that's pretty far!

    3. NTG


      Yup! Halfway across the world almost.

    4. James Bond
  10. Sounds awesome indeed, good for you!

  11. hope you had a good one

  12. Happy Birthday!

  13. It's a nice thing to be little...

  14. silly little person...

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