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James Bond

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Status Updates posted by James Bond

  1. Oh my god... :P

  2. If you really want to do something in your life then thiese countries you said are very good...in Greece you would have problems...but you could always come here for holidays :P...

  3. Good Luck too you then!!!

  4. you will exchange to Europe?

  5. Mr. Paul won't be making any more predictions in the future :'(

  6. My only advice for you is in my about me embedded video if you want to leave it is your choice...

  7. I will only tell you this: I don't hate you, but if others do, don't wonder why...

  8. I don't want to get in your way but the least thing you could do was to apologize, and you still have to do that...but don't believe things will be the same anymore...

  9. why you did that?

  10. Never lose your faith even the most stupid things can make you believe in something sometimes...:P

  11. True...there hasn't been even a single chance save the one from Sergio Ramos...:(

  12. Hahahaha! Of course I don't! :P

  13. Who will win today?

  14. can't understand why everything goes wrong:(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. James Bond

      James Bond

      And I am such a meanie to you at times T_T

    3. prompto


      Yes, you are.


      It makes me cryyy but I try to be nice. ;~;

    4. James Bond

      James Bond

      I promise I will be a good boi from now on T_T

  15. I really hope so...

  16. I don't actually know I just changed it because i wanted to...I think it has to do with someone in the thread though

  17. He is my hero too!

  18. I can't remember the last time I was so happy about a football result! :P

  19. exactly as you said...shitty...

  20. what the hell was that?

  21. 1) If Germany wins this World Cup will be too obvious

    2) I hate the fact that suddenly Germans are better at everything(nothing personal with German people just that)

    3) I hate german Football...

  22. Before I go I have to tell you your team is my last hope!!!:P Honestly

  23. that's nice of you...I'll take a look at the topic...

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