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James Bond

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Status Updates posted by James Bond

  1. thank you for the add btw...

  2. is very sad about today

  3. Ah ok, because he kinda looks like someone else...

  4. who is that in your avy really?

  5. happy birthday!!!

  6. Do a barrel roll!

  7. Who are you rooting for in this World Cup?

  8. is Happy about Yesterday's Results

  9. I sincerely apologize, I am ashamed, I just couldn't resist...

  10. Happy Birthday!

  11. thank you,I see you still in top shape posting in the forum :P

  12. Soul 8] nice avy by the way...

  13. Yes I heard about it...this is quite a lot of trouble I guess

  14. Happy that the conservatives are winning, aren't we? :P

  15. oops!!! I missed your birthday... :(

    Happy Birthday even though so late...

  16. Happy Birthday!!!

  17. nice name change...

  18. Happy birthday!!!

  19. keep going you are doing pretty well...

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