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Everything posted by Avestus

  1. Does anyone know a chapter with maximum amount of 35+ armored foes?
  2. Let me guess - you merged that Hawkeye with another Hawkeye, right? It seems to me that when you merge units into some other unit, you lower costs for their upgrade by the amount of feathers you would've gained by sending the consumed unit home.
  3. As a rule of thumb, it's easy to get you characters to somwhere a bit higher than 20 lvl and way harder from that point. 5* characters progress nicely, though. The rest fall behind. Lunatic maps and quests made me think on my team setup and movement quite a lot even with two 5* units in the party. Of course the problem mainly was getting kills with other units (for quests), but some teams on 8th stratum gave me hell even when trying just to defeat them.
  4. Well, i play with animations off but what you say is pretty strange, since critical hit mechanics isn't mentioned anywhere. Btw, not all skills should necessarily be purplish. There are some nasty passive skills or weapons that can give some damage boost and stuff. Do you remember which units pulled of this "critical attacks"?
  5. Hmmm... what do you mean by critical? I've played 13 games on advanced and never noticed anything other than opponents just using their skills. As far as I know, there is no "critical" mechanics in the game. It's just that some skills have low countdowns and each action (hitting something or being hit) is one tick. So if someone attacks you with brave axe, gets return fire and then doubles you - he will most likely activate his skill in single attack. And there can be other similar cases. Or did you mean something else? Btw, overall for arena team setup offense >>> defense, since you can effectively rally your units and bait enemy with cannon fodder when absolutely needed. Though in most cases just carefully moving your units is enough to deal with enemy team one by one.
  6. First, there are tiers (marked by the colour of stars) for each of the stratums of Tower. A 2star team is a pushover. Its "top" point is second stratum, whose units are beatable with lvl 1 bronze/silver team. Especially if you took some rally bots with you. For bronze tier - everything stays rougly the same. Against silver and higher i try not to make the difference more than 5 levels. And that was when i still had silver units + bronze ones + rally bot Sharena. Now while clearing 8th Stratum with (at the most screwed random deviation) 40 lvl enemies i coped when using 33,31 gold 23 ; 23 bronze and 22 silver units which means that gold units can safely go for at least 7 lvls of difference. It all boils down to using effectively buffs/debuffs, making an approprtiate team setup and, well, tactics.
  7. Oh, then HP could really be the factor. Hm. I should pay closer attention to this in my next games.
  8. I'm not sure since i had smth like three games in a row giving me the same points. I doubt i've lost the same amount of hp in each (and AFAIR i've lost some). BTW, it would mean that using light blessing gives you more points... though probably nintendo could've made it this way, i really hope they didn't. The thing about lvl is probably true since i noticed a slight change in my gains with the same party after some ventures into the Tower. Since you battle against AI it's enough to have 1-2 heavy hitters, using the rest of the team as buffers and decoys. That's how i guarnateed 2000 feathers already and i'll probably get another 2500 if my rank doesn't drop further (and I haven't invested into the game, I didn't even reroll, though i was later blessed by golden Tharja and Takumi)
  9. For lower tiers tower stratums you can go with lvl 1 units against lvl 10 (second stratum) and it's fine since enemies are shit-tier. You also gain a level for each kill which is nice. On the medium levels i still tend to challenge enemies at least 5 lvls ahead of my party. It's perfectly doable and nets you more exp. Now i'm doing lunatic quests vs 35+ lvl enemies with 33 and 31 golden units and ~23 silvers/bronze. It's hard to set up kills for lower-leveled guys, but still possible. Even so, the exp gain after lvl 20 is pretty slow. Before that - it's a breeze.
  10. Keep the 5* star camilla and use 4* to buff her. The difference in power between 4* and 5* is VERY significant, the latter also has acess to more skills and weapons. If you feed silver unit to the golden, you get only fixed amount of SP no matter the level. Even so, getting to lvl 20 is not a big deal and golden units are a must if you want to challenge lunatic stages. Currently there is no promotion in Heroes (other than from N stars to N+1 stars). Max lvl is 40. If you increase the rarity (which takes a lot of resorurces) you keep only the skills, the stats are reset. You can grind solely for skill points but honestly - it's not worth it. If you plan to advance unit in terms of stars - there is not point in going above lvl 20 with it.
  11. I'm fine with not seeing the map or unit types (since you know about the triangle, you should take that in mind and prepare fot the widest variety of teams possible), but not giving an option of postitioning before the battle is simply unfair. I'm also concerned about ridiculously high stamina costs at higher levels. Leveling my non-gold units is also an issue for me. Currently i hunt eight stratum (with levels ranging from 35 to 40) with 31 and 33 golden chars, 23 bronze and 22 silver. The latter are mostly used for bufffs/debuffs and scoring kills for the lunatic quests when possible. I have to say, it is quite interesting to manipulate enemies while trying both to win the game and set up kills for lower-leveled guys, but even so the experience gained by 22 lvl when killing 40 lvl is simply underwhelming. Honestly, in any "main" fe it's instant lvl up. Not quite the story here. I even start to wonder whether golden units gain exp faster. I only recently found out that you can upgrade the castle for permanent exp boost, but even with +40% it's still slow.
  12. We have a problem here. My 1st level 3star Henry is slightly different from the one posted above upd: After inspecting a bit closer: the total sum of stat points is equal. So at least we can be sure about that. Name: Henry HP: 19 Atk: 10 Spd: 4 Def: 7 Res: 5 Weapon Skill: Ruin Assist Skill: Special Skill:
  13. I use Andy android emulator and while it sometimes pops some ads right after the start of emulation program, otherwise it works like a charm. Not sure if it's the best choice, i just grabbed the first thing i noticed.
  14. Probably Gunter because his silver version has crazy "hone cavalry" aura which gives +6 atk/spd to neighbouring cavalry units. I have silver Stahl and Perry, so the triangle is there. It still leaves in the open the 4th slot (and both of my golden units don't fit in there) but i want that KNIGHTY KNIGHTS MOWING DOWN THE PEASANTS IN THEIR WAY, ahem, well, you get the idea.
  15. You can get very few feathers from friends, a bit more from disbanding your units ("send home" option) and, quite a fair amount, at the end of arena season. The rewards are listed there. You get them for three separate things: 1) You best defense team perfomance (the leftmost team of your roster is put against other player ocassionally. If they lose to it - you get points here) 2) Your best sucessive offensive prefomance (winning a lot of games on arena sucessively helps. Pay attention to "recommended units" - they boost the points you get for each fight 3) Your place (like 1st or 568th) in the rankings based on sum of points for 1) and 2) The rewards are claimed at the end of the season. It's written there how much time left before that happens.
  16. Well, for me the hype completely won against common sense :) So far i like it.
  17. Same here, but i just downloaded an android emulator. Can't miss all that tactics and skill setups...
  18. Look at the Lyns above. the left one has -4 res and only +2 hp, the other stats are matched. So it's not balanced the way you suggested.
  19. Has anyone figured the exact formuals behind triangle advantage? Btw, does "effectiveness" works the same way as in some "main" fes (x3 weapon mt)? It seems it doesn't but i could've miscalculated. I also don't quite get arena rewards system. Do i get more bonuses if i use 2/3/4 "reccomended" characters? Do these bonuses apply to the defensive team?
  20. There's also a lunatic February quest that gives 5 orbs. For me it requires killing 15 armored foes, who's level is >=35
  21. Well, the answers above are pretty accurate. There's no point in levelling hero past 20 if you want just to uprage his stars. Units with more stars have more skills they can learn, better base stats and (probaly) better growth. If i got it right, they also gain SP faster.
  22. I have completed all "normal" and "hard" monthly quests so only lunatic ones are left for me with 26 days to go. I was too hyped to learn about reroll beforehand, but luckily I have gained golden Tharja and Takumi in the process, both lvl 30 now. I have a bunch of silver units somwhere around lvl 23 and those quests about hunting 35s.... well, just hunting is probably fine, but some of them go like "take 4 infantry units to Ryoma, survive with everyone". And there are ninjas there you know. The TC said here to save the orbs - but the thing is that if you save them too much, you can be left without firepower to complete lunatic quests in time... As of now i think that the best course of action is probably to use the discount on Training Tower and level up my golden and silver guys as much as possible to complete the Lunatic quests. Is it right direction? Should i save some stamina potions or is it better to burn through them while there's a discount on the tower? Silver units seem to be pretty okayish aside from the slower exp gains (when compared to golden ones) which effectively hinders them.
  23. Sharena seems the only unit worth advancing to more stars. She gains an aura plus to her rally attack which synergizes perfectly with Tharja's high-lvl weapon ability (every +1 to anything gives her additional +1 damage). Still, i switched her to silver Hana as she has the same rally attack. Hana still doesn't have any aura so overall Sharena should be a very good rally bot. I'll probably pour some resourses into her. But as of now, i have bronze Gunter with a very tasty silver skill (Hone cavalary), so i'm not sure, whom i'll boost first after i get my arena rewards.
  24. Done chapter 25 in no castle skills and no children run. the important point there is that if you look closely there are actually tiles, where ninjas attack ranges converge. So you can afford to use surikenbreaker unit (based Felicia with Corrin|wyern rider as her husband) and someone with damage addition (like Camilla)) standing on neighbouring tile. The rest of the guys can be fought pretty much separately. Against lunge guys - well, shelter+Azura -> now you're a king. That's also the trick for weakening some groups of enemies before wrecking the walls and rushing them down in single turn. I found this chapter quite interesting since while it's intimidating, after carefully looking thorugh all options one can find a solid non-rng-based and geometrically beautiful soultion - well, that's what i like about Conquest. And as it has already been stated - the chapter has effectively unlimited turns if you didn't mess up your Corrin.
  25. Since fates is way more player-phase oriented than awakening, you'd better not use more than 3-4 characters solely as pair up bots. Carefully planned offense solves a LOT of problems in this game. And for that you preferably need everyone to output some damage on their own.
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