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Everything posted by Fyras4

  1. Still, though...murdering Garon solves one part of the problem. Just because the King of Nohr is dead doesn't mean the war ends. There's still at least two known (and short) revolts going on, plus the ongoing war with Hoshido. I agree with you on the fact that Corrin should have stood up to the King of Nohr more but didn't at the end but just 'killing Garon' wouldn't have solved the war quicker. Something might have happened or not during development, though, and that's why the plot is what it is. It could have been better, but well...at least the game play makes up for it.
  2. 1) Other than the part where Leo disobeys his Father in the Opera House to save the singers/dancers/whatever because of Azura (real smart, girly), this...this doesn't happen again. They say and say that they can't go against their Father...and its understandable...the first time. It just bothers me that they arent a little more rebellious when Garon isn't around. 2) Yeah...that was odd...Corrin just ends the plot and then...nothing. Its like they forgot about it after it happened and Garon decided to move on. As for rushing to end the war, well...Corrin and Azura (to an extent) have a point...ending the war as fast as possible ends the most bloodshed...in a way, nothing to say about revolts and protests or whatever following after...they clearly didn't plan beyond the whole 'sit on the throne and save the world plot'...which in in a way hurts the story more. Perhaps, if they had kept the whole Garon thing a secret, it would have been a little more...I dunno, interesting and unexpected until it happened. The Conquest story line is like pieces of a puzzle, all scrambled about and not knowing where they fit. Sometimes the story makes sense and other times it...just doesn't.
  3. I'll say its an okay game...not perfect in the story department as many people like to point out but it is an enjoyable game. Since Conquest is still my only experience with Fates, I say it gets a passing grade from me...better than Blazing Sword and Sword of Seals in the case of game play and some story elements. One thing that really, really bugs me about Fates is how some characters just...react to things; the attack on the plaza in the Mother Chapter and the appearances of the Invaders or something (forgot what they're called) and dragon Corrin and it just...I can totally understand the whole "Nohr is basically knocking on their door" and they don't question it, but after the whole "hey guys, Corrin's gonna betray us!" scene they just drop out existence until we run into Gunther and Azura gets her crystal ball to begin the seance and find out about Garon's real form. That part was really the most disappointing part...at least from a story perspective...not game play, the game play is enjoyable and I have more fun (and suffering) playing Conquest, even if its harder than hard on some occasions. The other part in the story department is how Corrin is portrayed in Conquest; Corrin still thinking as Garon as their Father is understandable is some sense. They spent like what...a week in Hoshido and suddenly betraying them to the people, not country, the people that love him/her makes sense...at first. Its selfish, yes, but not everything clings on that single decision and the game just...explodes because of it. Takumi gets possessed by a freaking purple Lakitu cloud and everyone goes crazy here and there. I would have enjoyed more decisions in the games like the part with Shura...as someone suggested in a post (not sure if it was in this thread or another), to decide the fates of your siblings when defeated. And a more antagonistic Corrin...less 'Dad' and more "King Garon", less letting Hanz get away with his crap and more "I will actually kill you if you raise that axe, you berserking jerk!" kind of attitude. Corrin was almost killed by the King, not once, but twice and the writers couldn't even make them go like: "Maybe this man inst as trustworthy as he seems and I'm tired of the ********!" And the possession part...it just...bugs me. If I already didn't like Takumi before due to his attitude when we first met in the game (understandable, but come on, dude, hold the hate for a second) getting him possessed was just like kicking a freaking puppy for the sake of creating 'emotion' and 'feeling sorry' for Takumi because he couldn't let go of his hate but I mean, come on...the guy suffers a little more than necessary in the game...why? I sympathized with him the first fight...the second time, not so much, mostly because I was more interested in Scarlet's part of the story and we all know how that went and after that is just a freaking revenge quest, like, I get it...he doesn't like me game, I get it. (On a side note, I really don't hate Takumi...I just dislike his attitude...his personal issues don't give him an excuse to act like a jerk most of the time.) A choice to let him live or die would have soften things a little better than the whole possession business. And those are my major complaints about Conquest, in general, but an overall better experience than the last threw games (Blazing Sword, Sacred Stones and Awakening) I have played. I had fun in the My Castle business...at first, building and organizing stuff, unlocking upgrades and statues and breaking my head wondering where to put this Camilla or Niles statue I just unlocked. The whole petting business and inviting people to the tree house...meh, stopped doing it after like five or ten times but that's because I wanted to marry Silas and unlock Sophie's paralogue to level up my units. I guess I think it tops over the three I have played, in terms of game play, anyway ( I don't count Shadow Dragon...I'm still stuck on it, but I don't enjoy it as much as the GBA games); enjoy the gameplay, and I tolerate the story. Not the worst story I have read, its certainly has its strong parts...very few times, but its better than a few others. I can think of a game that is actually worse, but this is not the place for it. But yeah, Fates: Conquest would rank a second in my book, after Sacred Stones (that game holds a special place in my heart...and a painful reminder of the days were many resets were made...in Chapter Five). Would probably play Revelations next...not Birthright though...unless there's a sale.
  4. ...Neat...the dragon form has a mouth! At last! On another note, I find it rather cute the conversation between Kana and her dad (and making fun of going to the hot springs at the wrong time) and Kiragi was adorable.
  5. It's really interesting, though...how the writing just goes one way but it feels like the characters want to pull the other way; at least in the case of what Corrin and Azura were planning about the whole Garon and the throne business and suddenly u-turns and decided to go on errands for Garon, instead of doing anything about the whole thing..and that's not the fault of the characters, its how the story is written. With Micaiah, its less of a push and pull kind of situation: the plot follows different characters, different view points and different conflicts unlike Corrin in Conquest, so in a way, she has the advantage on how people react to her actions as a whole. In Conquest, Corrin is painted as a hero, to one side (no matter the stupid decisions, mind you) but Micaiah is both depending on which side you're on. Corrin would have benefited more with a similar situation to Micaiah's...at least, that's what I think anyway.
  6. Funny...don't recall reading that...but oh, well. At least when it comes to Corrin, his/her part is easy to explain but not much to work with. Micaiah, from what I've read, is a bit more complicated, considering the whole business with laguz and beorc; Corrin's part just dealt with the nasty humans that come to skin the foxes for their pelt, pretty tamed compared to what happen in RD and PoR but then again...
  7. On another note, did the whole Corrin vs Micaiah just get buried in the whole 'what Micaiah and Daine did wrong/didn't do' discussion...frankly, I think the topic needs a name change at the point its going. Not that I mind...I'm enjoying the discussion and the history lessons that come with it.
  8. Why am I not surprised at Male Corrin's way of making choices? Kinda fits with his naive nature. And alas, poor Female Corrin. I know your pain. Thanks for the translation, Kirokan, like always.
  9. It seems more of a point of view problem though...unless he was laughing like an evil maniac when he did it then it will be understandable...although I will concede that the OP had a point about Ryoma 'sacrificing' men and women if his only goal was to capture Kamui/Corrin at the time (unless stated otherwise somewhere else). I get the feeling the scene would have played differently if Ryoma had not been involved at all...maybe a Hoshidan general that was a bit more antagonistic would have worked but that's just me.
  10. I never said she was (and if I did I might have worded it wrong). Besides, doesn't she confront Corrin like...twice in the game? (Just like Camilla) Except she's not actively seeking him/her out, she's defending places.
  11. Considering how I've spoiled myself so far to the story, I'll say both girls have their ups and downs; sure, Camilla is bloodthirsty but I chalk it up to her background more than anything else. As for Hinoka, she's just being as forceful as Camilla in wanting Corrin back (but I could be wrong) except unlike the Birthright Camilla, she's not out to kill everyone out of jealousy (or maybe desperation)...I guess both sisters are just inconsiderate of Corrin's feelings as a whole...
  12. I have a question about Kaze and Saizo...I saw a few pictures showing the two interact during their fight...did that also happen in the Japanese version?
  13. Since I haven't played either game yet, I can't make a proper critique about the story but from what I spoiled myself about the story, the whole Birthright idea can only work because of how its executed. Think about it: In Birthright, Corrin has all this allies/loyal soldiers/siblings on his side, he just doesn't go all hardcore all of the sudden and tramples the Nohr soldier resistance he faces by his own (unless we are playing with stats because then I stand corrected). While in Nohr, the only ones that are loyal to Corrin and Corrin only (his siblings not withstanding/not including Marx) are Joker, Felicia (and perhaps Flora), Kaze, Gunther, Aqua, Mozume and Shura, while the others are loyal soldiers/mercenaries/etc. of Nohr: I get the feeling that if the siblings (especially Marx) found out about him/her wanting to assassinate the King, they'll probably oppose them; if that happens, Corrin already loses a lot of soldiers and support to carry out plan B in the 'Grand Plan to Kill King Garon-dorf'. Taking the whole 'the Crystal Ball told Aqua, who told Corrin, who told Joker' business out of the equation, the siblings would have no reason to see anything 'right' about Corrin coming to kill their Father; they'll probably do anything in their power to stop Corrin; the worst they could do is put him/her down or capture them while his allies are executed. But that's just my idea though...I'll probably get a better idea of the circumstances once I actually play the game.
  14. But they are complete games. Sure they have their ups and downs but they are complete games not fragments of one; they just tell different stories that is all. And while I can agree that they could have included everything in one game...they didn't.
  15. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CbHfo_xUAAA1w_g.jpg:large Sakura also wishes us a happy valentines day, it seems.
  16. I think its fair and they probably should have done this in the Japanese version as well...but then again, that's just me.
  17. Probably because there wouldn't be a game in the first place. Maybe they had planned to use Kamui in some way...but they needed to know if he/she had dragon powers...or something like that.
  18. Maybe I worded it wrong... What I meant was that...considering that the assassins in Chapter 5 already had weapons, the guy in charge of them not having Ganglari would not have stopped them. Considering that at this point they were aiming to 'apparently' kill Kamui once they turned into a dragon...unless Ganglari had a special property other than 'fireworks explosion' and it was required that the sword reach Hoshido.
  19. Isn't Selkie the nickname of Starfire's slug like thing from Teen Titans...? Or am I remembering wrong?
  20. I think at that point it didn't really matter if Kamui was killed or not. If what happens during Chapter 5 is any indication, Kamui and the Queen were the main targets...at least, that's my understanding. Wish I could tell you about the spoiler thing...though. Edit: Nevermind!
  21. Why make it easy at all...? Although I can see the reasoning behind Garon's planning; if the idea was always to get Kamui possessed/in Hoshido, then he could achieve it either way...one plan required that he/she be in the Chasm and the other required him/her to be captured. Whatever happens first would benefit him either way. Although the way it plays out then the idea was to get rid of both of them when Kamui was captured; get rid of the Queen, get rid of her kid and as a bonus get rid of the shield on the Hoshido capital (or something...I keep forgetting).
  22. ...I guess 'be a little bit more mature' didn't ring a bell when they translated that part, huh?
  23. Well...I wasn't expecting too much complexity, to be honest. Although if that's all there is to it, well...nah, I'll just enjoy the game for what it is, not for what is trying to be. I thought they were using the old tale of the Little Mermaid, though...when she turns into bubbles (or was it foam) when she can't make the prince fall in love with her.
  24. I'm going with the assumption that war was started beyond the normal 'somethingsomething' did it. As for the curse thing...well...going to play the game first before I make a judgement on it.
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