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Moblin Major General

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Everything posted by Moblin Major General

  1. "Who are you? I know your names, and I know you're vampires, now, but who are you? Firstly, I need to apologize to Mira, had I any idea that you were vampires, I wouldn't have called you bears with human intelligence. I've never actually seen vampires until now, and the fact that not all of them were trying to kill us means that you're not the animals I was told you were. These men were highly skilled. Who were they?" Glendwr felt bad. He said many disparaging things about these two, and didn't even know it. Whatever urgency was there before is now even more dire, as these weren't vampire rabble, and he knew it. The fact he took on one was astonishing enough, killing another moreso, surviving an attack even more than that, and killing such strong ones the best part of it. Still, even if his shallow questions could be answered, the other, deeper ones could not, especially so late. "You don't have to answer. I'm only a mercenary, not a soldier, so you need not heed my inquiry if it doesn't serve you."
  2. "Arggh, damn it!" The wound wasn't anything too severe, but it had been enough to break his concentration. He was concerned at the lieutenant behind his attacker, but the lady in the tavern, who he now saw was probably another vampire, dealt with him. Now that they held the initiative, Glendwr backed up and pointed his revolver at his attacker. "You'll feel this one." Glendwr backs up to 7,9 and fires again.
  3. Simón Simon instantly recognized the angry woman. "Nobody do anything! This is Saint Joan of Arc! She is a saint in service of the great God!" Simon was quick to bow before a living saint. Whether the others followed didn't matter to him, just that he knew the respect the young woman carried.
  4. Given that I learned of the lifespan of gorillas from Game Theory of all things, I figured she probably didn't have much left in her. I thought she might've died years ago, but I guess not.
  5. Glendwr had taken dishonest jobs before, and usually kept to them even when the deception had inevitably revealed itself. This time, he probably would do no different, but this was probably the most harrowing fight he's had in years. Still, he couldn't let Mira get kidnapped by the bloodsuckers. Glendwr moves to 7,10 and fires off a shot with his Revolver
  6. Glendwr sees a sizeable group approach from the South. Too well armed for bandits, too few for mercenaries. Then he saw the skin and the teeth. It was vampires, all right. These weren't like any group of vampires he would've ever thought he'd encounter, especially not in these numbers. They had an agenda, and it seemed it involved Mira. Why would a human lord like Mira's father hire vampires to do a mercenary's job, unless-" he cut his thought process short to prepare for what was sure to be a long fight. He quickly loaded his revolver full of bullets and drew his sword. "This is a bad day to be you, bastard! My blood isn't spilling today!" He looked at one of his coat pockets. If those bullets aren't silver, I'm getting my money back if I live through this. If I don't, then I won't have to worry about it for very long, at least.
  7. "This fire is perfect. Had we not already eaten at the tavern, I would suggest finding something to cook on it. Lots of rabbits live around here, so much so that many lords don't care how many you take. Would I hunt right now, though? No, I wouldn't, because it's too dark. Maybe tomorrow, when it's easier to see. I can fight at night no problem, but I've never hunted at night, and rabbits are very small, and anything bigger would see me in front of a magistrate. Anyway, let me take my seat." Glendwr sat facing southward, something his father trained him to do. Oftentimes, the South lay at the rear or on a flank, perfect places for an ambush. The sound of owls and cicadas made the night full of ambience, and eased any feelings of tension that were there earlier. He never liked the quiet, silence made things feel dead. Taverns, his father's men, and nature all had their own sound, and all of them brought comfort to him. Silence was, to him, the absence of life. There was silence before the shot, and before the raid, and he feared what would happen if it fell silent while he was escorting Mira.
  8. "Is that what it sounds like? I assure you, it's not. Vampires keep us in check. If Silnynon had control over the whole continent, who's to say we wouldn't attempt to invade Reman or somewhere else? Threat or no, Gorletsia and Silnynon need each other. Also, the fear of vampires, unfounded or not, keeps the nights relatively peaceful, as no one would want to be sucked dry in the dead of night, even in cities. How they are useful is unfortunately linked to what makes them so feared, however they are useful, and that is enough. Also, if we somehow could be friends with them, they could do things like bloodletting, and do them much better than leeches, anyhow. Nasty things, glad I've never needed to have that done." Glendwr grimaced at the thought of a leech on his skin.
  9. "Hate them? No, I can't say I do. Fear them? Absolutely. They are every bit as strong and fearsome and bears, and as cunning and intelligent as we are, some would say even more so. They might keep to themselves, but just as a bear wanders into a village looking for food, so to will vampires, sometimes. When the bear comes, one of two things must happen. Either the bear is driven away by fear, or it is slain, with either outcome possibly ending in one or more human deaths, and the same can be said of a vampire. We aren't yet rid of the bear, and neither are we rid of the vampire. So caution is paramount while we are close to their lands, lest one either deem us a threat, or a meal." Glendwr looked around, then looked down again. "I don't see any right now, but this time of night, you never know."
  10. "I would be content never witnessing a spell in my life. The only things I have ever needed to know about magic is that it's dangerous and that I can't even pull off the tricks of a circus charlatan, let alone do any of what Seph and Mina can do." Glendwr pulled his hat down. "Luckily, they can't do it, either. Isn't that a scary thought, vampires doing magic. That's a comfort many take for granted, especially around here. If they could do magic, here or somewhere nearby would be the first to know, and it would be slaughter." He moved around to the back of the wagon and leaned on it. "They can do a lot of frightening and unnatural things, but magic, fortunately, isn't one of them. That honor goes mainly to Remans, although humans from anywhere can do it theoretically." Glendwr crossed his arms and looked down at the ground.
  11. We get 3, right? Edit: I thought we had a total of 5 characters.
  12. Glendwr was tentative about just grabbing the first shiny thing he saw, but he did pick up a pistol and a vulnerary and put them in his large overcoat. He then eyed the gleam of a blade similar to the one his father had. His scabbard was a perfect fit for this blade. He slid it into the scabbard and waited for the others to get what they wanted, all the while not realizing his scabbard had been empty before he put the new sword in it, when it held his old sword only minutes earlier.
  13. As he exited, Glendwr looked around. Vampires. Great. I've gone against some real monstrous men, but actual monsters? I have silver bullets, and we won't be on the border for long, but I can't help but be on edge if we run into one bent on drawing innocent blood. It's clear that everyone here is out for themselves, except for Mira and Misea, it seems. I don't know these people, and I probably shouldn't try to get to, especially when Seph isn't so keen on getting to know me, either. He carried a sword at his waist and a rifle at his back, but the rifle wasn't for skirmishes: he wasn't anywhere near confident enough to try using it for that. That is what a pistol would be for, once he got one, at least. He kept behind the rest, but still well within sight of them. Luckily, taking up the rear means I will always be the first to know if we're being followed.
  14. Astaroth decisively moves to 3,7 and swings his sword at the Pirate, riding away to 5,3.
  15. Glendwr heard a light thud on the wall outside the bar. "I thought that was something that happened later at night. Oh well, I'm not gonna say anything." The local schoolteacher entered the tavern, face bright red and tilted away. As she went over to the other hands and the client, he heard her mention the missing woman's flier. "Still looking for your friend? I looked right and left in these woods, and I still don't know where she could've wandered off to. Once I return from Hrolt, I'll look for her again if she does not return." He comes behind the scarfed man and puts his hand on his shoulder. "Don't we all. Say, what's with the-" He was interrupted by the young lady's question. "Glendwr." He already explained himself to the retainer, so he thought it best to keep it short.
  16. The elf in front of them didn't look too dissimilar to Legolas, but it wasn't Legolas or any other elf he'd seen before. "I doubt whatever elvish I know can help, as he may be from elsewhere and I may offend him." Gimli wrote down the phrase "who are you" in Elven, just to make sure the elf wasn't one of Middle Earth at all.
  17. The lightly armored young woman decided to join in the escort. Glendwr was optimistic about this girl, probably because he knew another like her from when his father still lived. If she has kept her wits about her thus far, she ought to do well. He looked as the door opened and another walked in. The woman asked after the story, apparently intrigued. "What's so wrong about running out on a sudden arrangement? It doesn't sound to me like she was ever promised to her fiance from birth. What's it to you, anyway? I don't think that's any of your business. Unless you want to help, that is." The strange woman seemed interested in the pair of women. For what reason, Glendwr didn't know, and he probably didn't want to. He just sat back, chugging away the last of his tankard of mead. Done for the evening, he returned the tankards he drank to the barkeep and sat back down where he was before. "Any other takers? We haven't got all night, after all."
  18. Has Trump committed Murder or Treason (the American definition)? No, he hasn't. Therefore, under the laws of the US, he cannot be sentenced to death. What is it with people forgetting about things like Amendment 8? The Death Penalty is much too harsh, even for the travesties he has inflicted. What I can hope for is that if removed and imprisoned, he either be sent to ADX or Ft. Leavenworth so that he won't be able to ever touch his money ever again. Not death. Not at all.
  19. "The distance and the days can be two very different things. I would say they probably intend to make for the capital, which from here is long and perilous. If they were dishonest about the money, they would not venture here. Tarask has coin aplenty for the seedier people, if they know where to look, but the Warm Nights does not." Glendwr took a drink of mead before continuing. "That doesn't mean they want for well-kept secrets, of course, but if there's anything I've learned in my 10 years of mercenary work, is that there comes a point where the right amount of money ensures sealed lips on the part of a worker." He gets up and crosses the room to the cloaked woman. "And my lips are sealed." He extended his hand to shake on the deal with the woman. "I am Glendwr Silver-Steel. I am a swordman, and I know my way in dark and fog, more than many humans, and by some accounts as well as the average vampire." He chuckles and then clears his throat. "People say strange things, don't they? Anyway, expect me to join you whenever you intend to depart, to wherever you are bound." Glendwr goes back to where he was sitting, sits again, and motions to the barkeep to bring him another tankard of mead.
  20. Simón Simón slides off of the back of a young man with a rather large sword. "Lo siento, señor. I apologize for being a burden for you to carry during mi muerte. I am Simón, and I am glad you didn't bury me." Simón felt something awaken inside of him, like he had awakened God's holy power. Simón has unlocked the Paragon Skill. He now will gain more EXP for healing. Raven "You are very civil, like any priest should be. Anyway, our little group has expanded considerably since your untimely demise. The short one over there is Gimli." "Like from Lord of the Rings?" said Simón. "I wouldn't know, I've never heard of such a tale. We should move on." Raven and the priest found Jake and Gimli standing next to one another. Gimli "So, it seems you woke up all good, am I right? Me name's Gimli, and I do wonder what happened to you." Simón didn't feel comfortable talking about it, especially to someone he thought only existed in British Literature... or American movies. He did look at Jake, however. "Where is everyone else? I don't see Chuks or the girls anywhere. I don't even see Anna." He looked down at the ground. " I'm not going to like what I hear, am I? "
  21. Alright, send me the DM. Guess I'm not sleeping tonight.
  22. What do you know, 10 minutes to 1:00 and I got it up. Going to sleep, I'm super tired now.
  23. Name: Glendwr Silver-Steel Race: Silnynon Human Sex: Male Age: 21 Blood Type: O- Backstory: Experience is hardly the first word that comes to mind when talking about vampire hunters. Many die before they ever successfully slay one, and most of the rest are slain after only a few weeks, mostly from the angry families of their quarry. Glendwr Silver-Steel isn't any regular vampire hunter. Experience in killing the more disreputable of humanity in his time as a mercenary honed his skill in fighting at night and in the fog, a formidable skill to have, and one he had since he was young. At the age many children became a page for their lieges, bandits attacked the caravan Glendwr was attached to. After a short standoff, many of the wagons burned, and both merchant and marauder lie dead. One remained on either side, one bandit, and Glendwr. The fire upon one of the wagons illuminated the area, when with a stray wagon spoke and the element of surprise, Glendwr slew the last bandit by jamming the spoke through the bandit's eye. Upon the rooster's crow, a mercenary band led by legendary captain Alfrond Silver-Steel came upon the grief-stricken Glendwr. Upon learning of the boy's ruthless killing of one of the bandit's, Alfrond took the boy as his own son, giving him his last name, and promising that the child's legacy could outlast his own if he lived to be his age. That day, he gave the child a sword, and began teaching him the way of the sword. All good things must come to an end, however. 10 years and almost to the day his foster father found him crying over his old family, he watched his father look down the barrel of a new rifled musket as it fired. Alfrond still lived as Glendwr plunged his sword through the back of his foster father's murderer, but when it was clear Alfrond was beyond healing, the man asked only that the weapon that killed him be put to use by his son. He then died, and Glendwr was again abandoned. The weapon, as gleaming as the silver in his name, and carved from the wood of the forest, was easy to learn to use, but not an easy one to master. At first using it to hunt game, and then to hunt unsuspecting bandits, he mastered it enough to seek bounties on vampires. Though the money itself was a reward for many vampire hunters, Glendwr saw it as an opportunity to look into the inner workings of Gorletsia and vampires, things that may not be widely known or once forgotten by man. He wasn't sure if he wanted to associate with the seedier hunters, given that many were zealots, but he knew that some of what they said held weight. With his craft honed as much as it could be in such a short time, he set out to see if fortune did, in fact, favor the bold, and if he could deliver on his foster father's expectations. Appearance: a brown, broad-brimmed sun hat, a black coat covering him from the collar to the knee, with dark brown hair, green eyes, with a rough but clean shaven face, with bright red pants and black, leathery boots. Stands at a substantial 6'2", with a muscular build. Stats: HP: 26(+4)(+2HP race boost) (80%) Str: 5(+5) (50%) Mag: 0(0%) Skl:10 (+5) (40%) Spd: 5(+5) (50%) Lck: 8(+2) (30%) Def: 3 (+2)(+1 race Def boost) (15%) Res: 1 (+2) (-1 race Res debuff) (10%) Skills: +20 to gun hit chance on Player Phase, Thief Vision Weapon Ranks: D Swords, D Guns
  24. Can I reserve? I'm drafting, but it's late at night for me. I probably won't be able to type it out until in the morning.
  25. Raven moves to C17 to attack the Archer at point blank Gimli moves to T14 to attack the Soldier
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