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Everything posted by Shephen

  1. Falcon Knight is his best class. Or have him marry for Basara.
  2. There isn't any large enough statistical difference between the two of them early on in LTC. Steel Lances don't get used till chapter 11, where they face WTD and don't get weapon rank bonuses. The Bolt Naginata isn't used for a whole lot of orkoing until chapter 19 against the 0 res enemies. Until then it is just some nice chip and potentially finishing off enemies. Subaki saves a turn in chapter 7 and technically 1x if done before Hinoka's recruitment. If done afterwards, then one or the other would get deployed and do the same thing of helping Saizo rout the top portion. Both have to used in 8, 9, 10, 11 for routing purposes. They have to hit the same offensive bench-marks for 11 both needing 27 Atk and 17 Spd. Guard Stance bonuses, tonics and forges(Even if you didn't get the lance gem starting off) make it really easy to hit those marks. One of them has to be promoted for the 1 turn of 12 and the rescue skip of 14. The other has to build up their bulk to survive the Merchant in 19. Both can help with the 2-turn of 17, the 1-turn of 20, and both are needed to 1 turn 21. Both are needed to help with routing 22 for the 2/3 turn. Which ever one built up their bulk is needed to rescue Scarlett for the 3/4 turn of 23 and the other is need to help route the right side. Either one is needed to rescue skip 24 for the 1 turn and to take part of the 1 turn of 27. Also one of them needs to Rally Speed Ryoma in E. Both do pretty much the same things until one of them has to promote in 12 and the other has to build up bulk and take the Spirit Dust dump. Either one can do it easily. If using LTC to tier, then Subaki is better than Hinoka since he saves turns before she joins and both do the same things and are interchangeable. But in everything non-LTC Subaki is worse than Hinoka in like everything. All of it is done reliably. Rinka gets Shove in 14. Hinata gets it in 19. Saizo could get Vantage from 17/18 after using an Arms Scroll as a Master Ninja for both weapon ranks.
  3. I don't think the lists should be based off LTC since then in Birthright you end up with Subaki > Hinoka since he joins first and they are interchangeable everywhere else. We can even get Saizo to replicate all of Ryoma's feats in the late game so Ryoma technically doesn't save any turns. Granted it takes a lot planning, but it can be done(I guess also Kaze to an extent). Also ends up with Hinata/Rinka/Oboro being better than like half the cast just because of Shove/Swap which saves turns and rescue uses. Then again, the hardest part of tier lists is always the criteria by which we are judging units by.
  4. Corrin doesn't even need to be adjacent or near Silas for Vow of Friendship to proc either which gives some more flexibility. Also stacks with Corrin's personal. So you could just have Corrin injure themselves and then have Silas Shelter them for the EP. Not anything ground breaking in terms of usefulness, but can have its moments.
  5. Nothing is stopping us from using both Camilla and Paladin!Jakob. If Jakob can do most of the same things as Camilla aside from flight then that is fantastic since Camilla is amazing. Paladin!Jakob can still do stuff in the late game since he still has 8 move, high Str and access to effective weaponry. If nothing else he can set up double refreshes. And given how amazing his early-mid game is, a lack-luster late game isn't much of a reason to not use him(aside from if you go Male Corrin).
  6. A number of the pots heal and vulneraries are a thing. 12 isn't that hard since Camilla/Paladin Jakob rolls over everything except the Apothecaries which you don't even need to fight.
  7. Corrin as Nohr prince(ss) is really meh when they can go to Cavalier or Ninja immediately after getting Dragon Fang. Jakob also doesn't really have a reason to stick around as a Butler since he gets to be really ridiculous when reclassed to a Paladin and can just roll over all of the early games. Mozu really is the worst unit in Birthright. Useless at base and only has mediocre payoffs later on. If she reclasses to Archer then she ends in the same situation as Takumi being irrelevant for the entire mid-game. You could make her a Dread-fighter or Dark-Falcon, but there are way better candidates for those classes.
  8. Generals and Great Knights are constantly in the way and he can bop them pretty easily. It is appreciated since effective weaponry is limited a bit and the only easy/reliable 1-turn on Lunatic is 24 and E. He still helps out in 24 clearing the way to the 10k Sorcerer while most of the other units focus on getting to the boss.
  9. Takumi is interesting since he is really good in the early game(10-13) and the late game(23-E) but doesn't really do anything of much importance during the mid-game unless he goes Kinshi Knight where he is mostly just a ferry for people. He is still good, but nowhere near an S-tier, and even A-tier is too good for him imo.
  10. Kaden does have really good base stats. With tonics he can orko most of the unpromoted enemies in the upcoming chapters. Beastbane, his personal heal, less movement penalties, and existing outside of the WT are also pretty good pluses in his favor. But he is in the same boat as Hinata and Oboro where they aren't very notable in the late-game aside from effective damage. At least he doesn't have to share the effective weapons with anyone like those two do.
  11. Pretty sure the only thing that really changed is Saizo is in the same tier as the other ninjas. Still no reason for him to be behind Kagero though. Oboro, Takumi and Kaden are still really overrated. Reina, Hinata and Subaki are underrated. Azura and Hinoka are easily S. And Mozu still does absolutely nothing. Also Silas and Kaze are pretty easily A, not B+.
  12. Hoshido gives tons of frontline units. There is Corrin, first joining Jakob, Subaki, Silas, Saizo, Hinoka, Oboro, Hinata, Kaden, Scarlett and Ryoma. All of these units don't have to deal with staff lock and E-ranks and are immediate combat units. And if hp is your concern you can just give them tonics since they are basically nothing in Birthright. Also Rinka gives a good chunck of def with Guard Stance in addition to her Str bonuses.
  13. Some riffs I have with the Birthright list aside from Takumi being S. Coming from Lunatic experience. Saizo really shouldn't be a tier below the other ninjas. He is the most durable out of them and joins really early. If anything Kagero should be a tier or two below Kaze and Saizo since she has the worst durability and orkoing the enemies isn't that hard for the Ninjas. Hinata and Oboro should be the same tier. They have similar offensive parameters in the beginning with Hinata having the edge thanks to there being more fighters and wyverns early on. Hinata also has the advantage there being Kodachis that can be forged and used while Oboro has to share the Javelin or take a spirit dust dump to use the Bolt Naginata. In the late game both are foot-locked units who only do really well when given the effective weaponry. Kaden is in the same vein as them and should go down a bit. Baki is basically Hinoka-lite, just needs tonics and a guard stance buddy. He is one of the few mounted units early on and flight is useful for a lot of the maps. Mozu needs to be lower. She is really the only unit in Birthright truly useless at base and for the early game. Rinka has chapter 4 to gain some exp and can tank some physical attacks while dishing out decent damage with her personal. Hayato hits Res and his personal lets him deal respectable damage. Mozu can't do anything at base. Even going long-term only thing Mozu has is Kinshi Knight and she is still hindered a bit here. Rinka and Hayato will both hit 1-2 range with magic and both can shove for what its worth.
  14. Mitama is bad because she comes from Azama, who isn't that good himself. Class line isn't that good either. She is great in min/max pvp type stuff, but for main game she is pretty bad.
  15. Both Laslow and Peri are fine when given a starting speed boost from Guard Stance. Peri grows out of it eventually thanks to her growths and she is a pretty good unit from there. Laslow never really grows out of it unfortunately, but he does pretty well with an early promotion(I did a lvl 15). Ninja Las is a thing, but the slog from E-C is terrible for him. Both are pretty redundant and don't really add anything though. At least Peri has a horse.
  16. For main game Hinata is better than Hana pretty easily. Hinata is able to orko a lot of stuff at base with tonics and Setsuna/Oboro, has really good bulk, and doesn't eat up some of the early exp that units need.
  17. Most of those are fine, though Leo x Effie, Baki x Selena, and Keaton x Nyx are some of their worst pairing options both in terms of parents helping each other and the resulting kids.
  18. Midori is pretty slow however and would like a fast mom and fast class. Setsuna gives both of those. But yeah it doesn't do much for Kaze or Setsuna
  19. Forged Steel is where most of my damage comes from. Needing +8 Speed may sound like a lot at first, but when you have things like Speed Tonics, Guard Stance boosts and potentially Rally Speed it is fairly easy to hit those doubling marks on the general enemies unless it is a speed specialist like a Elite Ninja or Sword Master. And for Hidden Weapon users they really need to be using Steel or Silver to be doing respectable damage to non-mages since HW are just really weak.
  20. Both her and Laslow join sorta late in Nohr and don't really stand out. Silas has already been around forever and Xander join in just a bit so she finds herself as the awkward middle cav. She does have more going for her than Laslow though who is really just there. Then we are essentially paying 4K for 1 skill since she would need to reclass back to Paladin anyways. She has Weapon Triangle control anyways so it isn't really needed for her. Not really sure why we are talking about Dark Mage though since most of the units in Nohr are physical. Most of them would benefit from the cavalier line.
  21. Both help Hisame and he will turn out fairly nice. Peri makes ones of the best ones though.
  22. It is pretty good, though I've seen some instances of them running Raven Strike so they are still pretty deadly, but way easier to bop on your turn though. Peri. Lets him grab Open Assault real quick to patch up the low mt of the quickdraw katana. Selena also works sorta well if Hinata goes Master of Arms since Selena gives a lot of spd.
  23. Who ever marries Corrin will always get Corrin's secondary class unless they already have it in their class set. So if you take Ninja as a secondary class then Jakob will always get Ninja from S-ranking her, doesn't matter what class Corrin is currently in.
  24. Shameless plug, but over on Reddit I did a series that covered main game pairings for everyone. Didn't talk about Corrin or PvP in any of them though. As for your Corrin and Jakob situation. It would probably be better for you to take Ninja as a Secondary class if you want to end as a maid. You get Maid from marrying Jakob and he would like something out of the marriage. +Str/-Luck would probably be the best for that scenario. In terms of just general PvP things, you should almost always deploy Azura since refreshing is too good. Falcon Knight is also the ultimate support class with its high move, flight and Stave usage. Paladin, Wyvern Lord and Golden Kite Warrior(can't remember what it has been localized to) are some the better classes to be in thanks to their high move. Berserker and SwordMaster are also pretty good thanks to their overkill offense. In terms of general skills, everyone should have a -faire. The Strike skills(ie Raven Strike, Ogre Strike and the like) are also some pretty good skills. There is some other stuff as well that I can't think of at the moment.
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